@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;59458 wrote:Yeh but did you want them to get the vote,have a say in the way the country is governed,did they meet your conservative values,all those rednckes in the 60s claimed to be "good christian people" yet to great offence to a blackperson getting to "uppity" keep them in their place !
I guess you think of me as a redneck but I also lived in Southern Cal for a good time and never considered the fact that blacks shouldn't be treated any differently than myself.
One of the women I most admire is Condi Rice. I would have loved for her to run for president. I would have campaigned to the max for her!
Oh, Martin Luther King was making his way in the world when I was having babies, washing clothes in a wringer washer, using cloth diapers, baking bread, helping with our dairy herd and farming and we didn't have a tv and so I wasn't too interested in the world of politics at the time. I admire him because he didn't think people should expect handouts either.
I love Bill Cosby, Tiger Woods, Yo Murphy, Kobe Bryant, Michael Steele, Will Smith.... and many others that just happen to be "black". Color of skin has never been a concern for me. Obama just happens to be black and is headed in the wrong way to suit me.