Hypocrisies of the Left by Craig Chamberlain
Ever since Roe V. Wade made abortion legal in all 50 states the left has been bleating about the right to choose. Well, we have now seen what happens when a woman chooses against them and decides to have five children, one of which has Downs Syndrome. The anti human philosophy of the left really shows itself. Governor Palin is called a hypocrite for giving birth to a special needs child. So much for a womans right to choose.
Of course this is nothing new. The abortion movement, founded by Margaret Sanger, was founded to make sure that African Americans didn't have too many children. Then it moved onto eugenics, which it enthusiastically supported for decades. The left has always believed that some people are more equal than others. Defenseless children are to be discarded because the might inconvience the self absorbed, lazy, narcisstic, women who are so in favor of infanticide. Of course abortion is popular with young men as well, after all it lets them off the hook. No more responsibilities like marrying the mother of your children you can just bully her into having an abortion. Funny, I thought it was there right to choose. Oh... that's right there right to choose is respected only when they make the "right" choice.
Of course the misanthropic beliefs of the left don't stop with abortion, infanticide(what else would you call the oldpractice of chicago hospitals of taking abortion survivors to a utility room to leave them to die?)or eugenics. It extends into virtually every single thing they espouse and believe in. At the core of every leftist is a bitter, angry, misanthropic sociopath that wants to inflict as much suffering on humanity as they possibly can.
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