I don't want my tax dollars paying for boarder security. No security agents, predator drones, miltary, high tech cameras ect, ect. . .NONE OF IT!!!!
When you look at the world, the most secure boarder is obviously the one between N.Korea and S.Korea. Loaded with barbed wire and land mines galore, nobody dares enter the DMZ.
Thats what we need on our southern boarder! A fence or wall is useless. It can be climbed over and tunneled. If a wall or fence was the only deterant to keep inmates in Sing Sing or San Quinten there would be no inmates. Plus this solution is a pay for it once and thats it. . .it's not something that needs a yearly budget for salary, equipment, ect. ect.
Trust me, signs warning: LAND MINE FIELD! and IMMENENT DEATH SHOULD YOU ENTER! has a profound effect and concentrates the mind on the task of successfully navigating a mine field married with barbed wire!
Anyway thats my antidote for the boarder!