Dmizer;25761 wrote:I understand the the idignation with Al Gore and his band of hypocrits. But the message is still about conservation. If we as a nation learn to use less energy in our daily routines, then we can decrease our dependence on foriegn energy. I see it as a way we can begin to take back what we have lost. It doesn't have to be a "liberal" agenda to make the environment cleaner and use less energy. It can only benefit us in the long run. I also see it as an avenue that America can once again become the world leader economically and technologically. If America were to embrace the "green" industry and become the world leader in that technology, we would create another sector in which millions of jobs, (high paying, non-out sourcing) could be created. It indeed could represent a brighter future for America, one in which we once again lead the way.
P.S. I do not subscribe to the alarmist scare tatics used by the Global warming crowd. Climate change is natural and inevitable. It is the normal flux that is our ever changing environment. Carbon Dioxide is a natural gas that is released by warming trends. It does not cause warming anywhere to the extent that we are lead to believe.
The point of that concert was simply the message, using an event that would lure people who otherwise wouldn't and don't pay attention one
way or the other, and exposing them to a celebrity talking about low wattage
bulbs while they wait for a Pussycat Dolls song. Sadly, the fact that a
celebrity told them it was cool probably prompted some of them to do
those things.
Humans are responsible only for 4% of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,
but that 4 percent is 4% more than nature needs to deal with. We
have the ability and the means to overwhelm nature, and are steady on that
course, and we have to learn just to compensate for that or cut back or just
think a little about what we do.
The artists who participated in that concert all pledged to make changes in
the way they do their live concerts and tours, using lighting that requires
less energy, using vehicles that use alternative fuel, etc.
The concert was about what happens from this point on.
I've long been trying to train my girlfriend to open the shades in the morning instead of turning on lights throughout the house, and open a
window to see if it's cool outside rather than automatically turning on the
a.c. Why? I like natural sunlight, it betters my mood and air conditioning
screws with my allergies and sinuses, but also I have a step dad who grew
up on a farm minus a lot of modern conveniences, and growing up around him
instilled the fact that they're not automatically needed.
In my opinion you're free to do whatever you want to, but it'd be nice if
you thought about what you did. Turning off an unneeded light might buy
a beer an hour.
Also, a rub since I'm in David Vitter territory... I think republicans are
obsessed with calling people hypocrits because they figure everyone is
just ike they are.