Supporting the troops is something that neither the dems nor the republicans do - and don't believe anything different just because they say so - watch what they do and not what they say. To them and the other leaders of this country the troops are mere cannon fodder to them and this IS NOT SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS.
Supporting the troops don't mean, "Boy, we are going to send you over to fight an illegal, immorral and unwinnable war - based on a pack of lies"
Supporting the troops don't mean, "Boy, we are going to send you to fight a war understaffed, ill-equipped and untrained."
Supporting the troops don't mean, "Boy, when you get injured we are going to be putting your injured ass in a moldy, rat hole, with cochroaches and the crazies."
Supporting the troops don't mean, "Boy, we hope you like dumpster diving because that is what you will need to do to armour those humvees."
Supporting the troops don't mean, "Boy, your leaders are about as untrained as you are so watch out for friendly fire."
Supporting the troops don't mean, "Boy, we hope you like torturing people because that is what you will be doing and if you don't do it you will be in trouble and if you do do it and you get caught we will leave you holding the bag and call you the bad apple."
Supporting the troops don't mean, "Boy, We hope when you come home you don't need decent medical care - because you aint getting it."
Supporting the troops don't mean, Boy, when you make it home, if you make it home, we hope you aren't expecting financial assistance, job placement or psychological care because you aren't getting that either."
Supporting the troops don't mean, "Boy, we know that you only signed up for a certain amount of time - and we know you already been to Iraq a few times but you are going again - like it or not - and if you don't we will put you in jail - "
Supporting the troops don't mean "Boy, we can't get you those bullet proof vests because we gotta pay our buddies the racketeering contractors who don't do crap for you or the reconstruction efforts - we will spend your parents tax dollars and every other american tax dollars the way we want not the way that is best for you."
Supporting the troops don't mean, "Boy, we don't want to be unsupportive of you and leave you high and dry so we are going to give the GOP another blank check so you can still kill or be killed - because we still all have money to make"
No NO NO people supporting the troops is something that neither party does - and making money off of our soldiers dead backs and spilt blood along with the blood of the iraqi people is WRONG - it's not something I consider supportive at all and you look for yourselves - it's something that almost aLL leaders from both sides of the fence is doing - and I AM NOT HAPPY!
Whose doing what in Iraq - watching the castle while halliburton gets their billion dollar embassy contract done on time and within budget for the first time ever in Iraq on any reconstruction effort the entire time we have been there - they are protecting the contractors - Then there is those pipe lines -the oil companies are making record breaking profits in the all time history - of not just the oil industry but of any industry in the entire history of the united states and we are all paying record breaking gas prices - and our soldiers continue dieing - no one wins but the leaders - Something is wrong with this picture.