Atheism, not religion, is the real force behind the mass murders of history

Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 08:15 pm
I'm not saying Hitler quoted Darwin. Heck no. What I meant was that he believed in a central Darwinist concept -- survival of the fittest. Not only did he believe in it, he acted most dramatically on such belief, as we all know. He considered mercy and compassion major violations of the laws of nature, and conscience, a Jewish invention, treasonous to Germany's destiny and will.
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 09:09 pm
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 10:34 pm
trapped.by.parties;15265 wrote:
the example was to show HOW he got backing from the American people to keep them from questioning his motives, wether good or bad. He used terrorism and the safty of this country as a 'fear factor'. Ans it worked, it was blasted all over the news as 'War On Terror'. Leaders use and have used tactics such as these for years throughout history. Wether or not the war was justified, is not the question. Or in quesstion. and Acourding to every source The lazy american has ie. the telivision Media, This war is called the war in iraq. The general public will and can confuse this with War against Iraq. I don't understand why you would come into a religious debate and debate about our current polotics. Do you have nothing to add to the subject at hand?
the example was to show HOW he got backing from the American people to keep them from questioning his motives, wether good or bad.
Whether good or bad, your example was incorrect.
He used terrorism and the safty of this country as a 'fear factor'.
Have we been attacked since?
Ans it worked, it was blasted all over the news as 'War On Terror'.
It worked for you.
Leaders use and have used tactics such as these for years throughout history.
So what were doin is nothing new?
Wether or not the war was justified, is not the question.
Your getting a little off track, wasn't it you that was just trying to justify it? Now it's not a priority?
Or in quesstion. and Acourding to every source The lazy american has ie. the telivision Media, This war is called the war in iraq. The general public will and can confuse this with War against Iraq.
"Will and can" just like you did, right?
I don't understand why you would come into a religious debate and debate about our current polotics.
If your got your politics wrong, what is to lead me to believe you got your religion right?
Do you have nothing to add to the subject at hand?
I got plenty as i'm sure you will find out.
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 10:46 pm
Drnaline;15302 wrote:

"Whether good or bad, your example was incorrect."
Not really i.e. It is what he told the American people.

"Have we been attacked since?"
no, and that is not in question here.

"It worked for you."
No it didn't

"So what were doin is nothing new"
no, wich explains my point.

"Your getting a little off track, wasn't it you that was just trying to justify it? Now it's not a priority?"
How was i justying the "war in Iraq"?

""Will and can" just like you did, right?"
I did nothing of the sort.

"If your got your politics wrong, what is to lead me to believe you got your religion right?"
religion is nothing more than an ideaology, the idea that there is a divine being that rules over you. There is no historical backing that can irrefutibly prove that there is a God. One has never shown. The human being Jesus, moses, paul, peter, ect. can be proven to have existed i.e. cesus and historical writtings. But that does not prove God exists.

"I got plenty as i'm sure you will find out."
well lets hear that then please. IF you want to argue polotics then please lets do so in the american polotics section. altho polotics are a huge part of religion also.

sorry i still don't know how to operate this site yet.
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 11:33 pm
" Much like george jr using terrorism to start a war in Iraq."

i stand corrected, but the intent was to say he used it to get support. I apologize.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 May, 2007 08:16 am
trapped.by.parties;15304 wrote:
sorry i still don't know how to operate this site yet.
No problem, it took me quite a while and i'm still learning.
Not really i.e. It is what he told the American people.
I think it is what some of the American public thought they heard, as we know words are subject to interpretation. That is where i think you got it wrong.
no, and that is not in question here.
Yes it is in question. You stated that Bush "used terrorism and the safty of this country as a 'fear factor'."
If he did do that then his plan worked right? We haven't been attack again!
No it didn't
It didn't huh? You, yourself said it worked, and i quote: "Ans it worked, it was blasted all over the news as 'War On Terror'. "
You resiting the lib party line tells me it did work for you. You fell for it hook, line and sinker. I'm just trying to explain to you how this story differs from what will actually be recorded in the history books.
no, wich explains my point.
It explains where your point has failed.
How was i justying the "war in Iraq"?
If justification for the war is not in question
"Wether or not the war was justified, is not the question. "

"the example was to show HOW he got backing from the American people to keep them from questioning his motives, wether good or bad."
Why are you asking Bush to justify his motives? Why is it not in question for every body else but it is for you? A little lopsided don't you think?
I did nothing of the sort.

That is your opinion.
There is no historical backing that can irrefutibly prove that there is a God.
There is no science backing to say there isn't?
well lets hear that then please. IF you want to argue polotics then please lets do so in the american polotics section. altho polotics are a huge part of religion also.
I don't think there is a thread here that doesn't have to do with politics in one way or another? If religion wasn't ment to have politics injected into it, why have a religion/philosophy section on the web site?
Reply Mon 7 May, 2007 09:22 am
If you give the catholic church the honour of holding western civilisation together. Surely Islam has done the same. What the catholics were guilty of 'was' make the world catholic. Anything else is heresy. Rome created the rules. No one else, no matter how near the truth, were listened to.
Rome decided what gospels became the new testament. Many, which could have been more factual were either destroyed or forgotten.

If there is/was a God, I think he has gone on a sojourn for a few millenia, hoping when he comes back. We will have sorted this bollocks out.
Or, like the Greek Gods, faded into nothingness.
Reply Mon 7 May, 2007 07:44 pm
Wow, dude. You're totally wrong. What have you read? :scratchchin:
Reply Mon 7 May, 2007 08:53 pm
The fact that you say it worked(using scare tacticts) backs my point even more. The point i was making is that it is possible that Roman catholic leaders used things such as scare tactics to get the backing of their people. A perfect example is the old fire and brimstone sermin. A sermin in wich the very purpose is to 'scare the hell out of you'(pun intended). i don't think it is too far fethced to believe that a church/organization that claims that anyone who does not believe exactly as they believe ie. is a catholic, is going to hell..to me a scare tactic in its own. Used scare tactics to keep controll of thier fallowers, mostly by fear. I mean the idea that recreating jesus' pain and lashing yourself to understand God and purify yourself kinda creaps me out as well. But that is niether here nor there.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 May, 2007 08:44 am
Pinochet73;15381 wrote:
Wow, dude. You're totally wrong. What have you read? :scratchchin:

I read a lot, and being English we get some great documentaries. That said it was not strictly Rome in the old sense, more Byzantine. Constantine thought 'I'm having some of this' called like minded bishops together, and basically set up the catholic church. Anything they did not like they threw out. Hence 'Magdelene the whore ,etc. As for the Bible, 'Whoa' talk about a lesson in contradiction! 'Keep stirring the pot, man.'
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 May, 2007 10:11 am
trapped.by.parties;15296 wrote:

Well, it hardly means we can speculate about everything in the Gospels and Gnostic gospels, some things are just proven.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 May, 2007 10:17 am
couchp;15323 wrote:
If you give the catholic church the honour of holding western civilisation together. Surely Islam has done the same. What the catholics were guilty of 'was' make the world catholic. Anything else is heresy. Rome created the rules. No one else, no matter how near the truth, were listened to.
Rome decided what gospels became the new testament. Many, which could have been more factual were either destroyed or forgotten.

If there is/was a God, I think he has gone on a sojourn for a few millenia, hoping when he comes back. We will have sorted this bollocks out.
Or, like the Greek Gods, faded into nothingness.

Yeah, so Rome decided what people who prescribed to the beliefs of Roman Christianity would believe. Why should anyone care, they were deciding what they believed? If not the leading theologians of the time, who would you say should separate truth from crap?
Reply Tue 8 May, 2007 11:52 am
Reagaknight;15454 wrote:
If not the leading theologians of the time, who would you say should separate truth from crap?

Kind of like the leading politicians dictating policy huh? They didn't want to stay true to the word of god, they wanted what their agenda and beliefs were to be the word of god. One reason why I'll never believe the bible, it is someone elses version of the original. How do I know what was really taken out? What was taken out might portray a completely contridictary story to what those that use it's persuasive power to control others want you to believe.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 May, 2007 01:55 pm
What? They compiled the Bible, at which point it became the collective word of God, based on common consensus among the Church leaders. Who would you have compile it? And there's hardly a lack of ludicrous Gnostic writings to read if you don't wat the Bible, just be aware that they were written around 30 years after their supposed authors died in many instances and there is no proof suggesting they are legitimate in just about every case.
Reply Tue 8 May, 2007 02:13 pm
Reagaknight;15468 wrote:
What? They compiled the Bible, at which point it became the collective word of God, based on common consensus among the Church leaders.

Compiled and editted as they saw fit, can you prove they didn't? Where is the proof that it is in it's pure form, how it was meant to be?

Who would you have compile it?


And there's hardly a lack of ludicrous Gnostic writings to read if you don't wat the Bible, just be aware that they were written around 30 years after their supposed authors died in many instances and there is no proof suggesting they are legitimate in just about every case.

Of course a guy splitting a sea, walking on water, changing water to wine, healing lepers, being hung on a cross dying and coming back to life is all perfectly logical...nothing ludicous there Rolling Eyes
Reply Tue 8 May, 2007 02:31 pm
Northernway.org;15470 wrote:
In AD 38, the Church of Antioch was founded by James, Peter and Thomas in Antioch, Asia Minor. In AD 64, Pistic Christianity began growing by leaps and bounds when Nero began throwing Christians to the lions in the arena. Roman courts offered Christians an out: they could denounce their religion and go free. The Pistics refused and died for it. The Gnostics were horrified. They were faced with a veritable Jonestown horror in their midst. Their friends and neighbors were committing suicide by walking willingly into the mouths of lions. While Gnostics respected honesty, they respected life more, and they knew that the man who would brandish a sword at them was not interested in honesty, but only in their obedience. They became hated and scorned by Pistics for refusing to die with them.

Better advertising could not have been bought. No faith, no commitment, could have been more impressive to the spectators. The arena made converts by the droves, and it was Pistic Christians that they sought out to learn more about this powerful religion.

In Ad 325, the Roman Catholic Church was created by a pagan emperor named Constantine. It was only superficially a Christian Church. The First Nicean Council was assembled to work out the details. While it was supposed to have been made up of Christian elders from five major Christian centers (Rome, Athens, Alexandria, Jerusalem and Antioch), it also included elders of all the major Pagan religions of Rome. Bishops from the cults of Mithras, Tammuz, Oannes (Dagon), Ceres, Janus, Bacchus, Apollo, Osiris, Jupiter, and Constantine's own religion: Sol Invictus, were invited. It was Constantine's wish that all of the Pagan religions, then at odds with each other, creating unnecessary conflicts, be unified into one "Catholic" church. "Catholic" means universal. The proceedings of that council were conducted by Constantine with an iron hand, and one of the positions which he insisted upon, and got, was to make Pistis a doctrine of the new church. Gnosticism could not be tolerated, because it encouraged its members to question authority. Pistis was thus politically expedient, because it forbade questioning.

and the traditions continue today. Modern Christanity both Catholic and Prodistant are littered with Pegan theology, imagry, even scripture




Hercules was also crucified on a mound, his last words? "It is finished"

remind you of anyone?


Here is Isis holding the dead God Horus, who was killed and resurrected, who was referred to as the "Lamb of God" by Egyptians



but I'm sure these are just coincidental...
Reply Tue 8 May, 2007 07:45 pm
Propaganda. If I catch you converting on your deathbed, I'll slap the teeth outta your gaping pie-hole.:headbang:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 May, 2007 07:55 pm
92b16vx;15470 wrote:
Compiled and editted as they saw fit, can you prove they didn't? Where is the proof that it is in it's pure form, how it was meant to be?


Of course a guy splitting a sea, walking on water, changing water to wine, healing lepers, being hung on a cross dying and coming back to life is all perfectly logical...nothing ludicous there Rolling Eyes

What do you mean, how it was meant to be? They made the Bible. There was no 'how it was meant to be', they chose the books that they would believe in, so now you criticize people for deciding what they believe?

Ludicrous as to claims of who wrote the Gospels. You seem to think it so ridiculous already, what do you care about it anyway?
Reply Tue 8 May, 2007 08:25 pm
Silverchild79;15472 wrote:
and the traditions continue today. Modern Christanity both Catholic and Prodistant are littered with Pegan theology, imagry, even scripture




Hercules was also crucified on a mound, his last words? "It is finished"

remind you of anyone?


Here is Isis holding the dead God Horus, who was killed and resurrected, who was referred to as the "Lamb of God" by Egyptians



but I'm sure these are just coincidental...

Well, I went to wikipedia and it mentioned several thousand bishops and priests from a lot more places than those five cities, but no pagans. Of course, wikipedia claims to have a neutral agenda while your site, obviously, doesn't.

I'm not entirely sure that Horus could have anything to do with Jesus, but all the same, resurection was prevelant in Egyptian and other pagan cultures, there are dozens of such figures, such as Osiris, Set cut him up and threw his body into a river but he was put back together by Isis.

It hardly matters. Mostly this is how it may have been seen by ancient pagans as well, even though the similarities were very limited. Through syncretism, pagans often adopted religions they found somewhat similar to their own. They could find that Christianity was similar to their religion and it had more advantages, so they adopted it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 May, 2007 08:49 pm
Constantine remained Pagan and ruled over the council, that should tell you exactly what was up. On his death bed, too week to move, a priest sprinkled water over his head and blessed him, that is the "conversion" that is spoken of...

It was the forceful installation of Pistic Christianity over the Roman empire to get everyone on the same page.

The Story of Jesus happens to be going on right at the point in history where Rome really starting to plug the world into each other and a meshing of religion occurred. There are Ancient accounts of "Zeus-Ammon" the hybrid overgod of both Greece and Egypt. Eventually this melting pot yielded a "super religion", and as you might have guessed it came from an area in the perfect middle of the ancient world. Look on a map, Rome, Greece, Egypt, & India all surround Israel.

This is why you have Buddha quoting Paul 500 years before Paul's birth

This is why Hercules's death Matches Jesus's to include the last words

This is why the 10 commandments can be found in the Egyptian book of the Dead (for shame Mosses)

Have you read about Krishna? A god on earth born of a virgin mother, who was hunted early in life by the king, who performed miracles (to include healing and walking on water) and murdered? Haven't heard that one before...

all of these predate Christianity by at least 500 years. Many predate the Exodus as well.

and Propaganda Pinochet? Really now? That is something generated to debunk something *after* it was made. The things I posted came well before Christianity. By definition is cannot be propaganda...

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