Wherever Communists have taken charge, millions have been murdered. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, the North Vietnamese, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, the Sandinistas, etc., etc., all embarked on campaigns of genocide to gain and retain power. The stats are staggering. Stalin slaughtered three million peasants to institute agricultural statism. Mao's Great Leap Forward caused 20 million Chinese to starve to death from 1958 to 1960. To preclude his subsequent fall from power, Mao then instituted the Cultural Revolution, which murdered tens of thousands of intellectuals and other 'enemies of the State'. And then there was Pol Pot, he who ordered the sadistic slaughter of two million Cambodians. North Korea has over 250 concentration camps on the order and scale of Nazi death camps. Down with Communism. May Karl Marx burn in Hell for all eternity.