Atheism, not religion, is the real force behind the mass murders of history

Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 07:18 pm
trapped.by.parties;15173 wrote:
i don't think they would have kept the same credibility. they were a stay the course kind of thinkers. It is much easier to threaton and kill than it is dissprove something.

But why would they build a whole myth around Peter? They would have to disprove nothing if they stuck to Magdalene and just claimed their power from her. It doesn't make sense and any serious scholar or historian would probably say the same thing.
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 08:09 pm
Hitler was not an ahtiest he was deeply into the occult....The crusades may have been iniated by aa Pope asking for help but kets be serious you don't start wirld wars to stop a few border raids you build forts and naval bases...there are always deeper reasons...I am not a big fan of mainstream religion but any reason for warfare that does not start and stop with huan psychology, and human choices is off the mark....Yes the battle for resources creates a reason, as does growing population, the hunger for power, the need for elbow room, but those are reasons not causes...in political science they are called security delimnas (damn spell checker) it is what the biligerent leaders use to manipulate already angry masses ...basic poly sci
Wars are made by humans for human reasons...Group psychology, individual psychology
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Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 08:17 pm
It was a lot more than a few border raids. Outside of Arabia, virtually all lands to the west that Muslims conquered were previously under the Byzantine Empire or Christian rule at least. As the Turkish advanced to Constantinople, it was necessary to seek outside help.
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Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 08:19 pm
Reagaknight;15174 wrote:
But why would they build a whole myth around Peter? They would have to disprove nothing if they stuck to Magdalene and just claimed their power from her. It doesn't make sense and any serious scholar or historian would probably say the same thing.

because it went against what they preached at the time. a woman had no place in the religious world or political world during those times. it would have been against thier whole basis. yes they could have started thier bases that she was the successer but it would have angered all of the men they were trying to convert. men believed they were the ultimate gender and that women had few if no rights. it's all over the bible.
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 08:25 pm
trapped.by.parties;15178 wrote:
because it went against what they preached at the time. a woman had no place in the religious world or political world during those times. it would have been against thier whole basis. yes they could have started thier bases that she was the successer but it would have angered all of the men they were trying to convert. men believed they were the ultimate gender and that women had few if no rights. it's all over the bible.

You said it yourself, it's all over the Bible. If the Apostle's letters were saying stuff like this, then it goes past the Popes, right? Jesus wouldn't have trusted the Apostles if he knew they'd betray Mary Magdalene and screw up the whole religion, would he? And what if the popes fabricated the letters by somehow going back in time and masquerading as the Apostles? Well, then, I suppose you've got me.
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 08:47 pm
Reagaknight;15179 wrote:
You said it yourself, it's all over the Bible. If the Apostle's letters were saying stuff like this, then it goes past the Popes, right? Jesus wouldn't have trusted the Apostles if he knew they'd betray Mary Magdalene and screw up the whole religion, would he? And what if the popes fabricated the letters by somehow going back in time and masquerading as the Apostles? Well, then, I suppose you've got me.

well jesus trusted judas knowing he would betray him. he still let it happen. i think if i am right, the reason would be so people would individualy find themselves and find the true meaning of his religion. the bible also says God wants you to work for everything. Or at least meet him halfway. He gave us logic and the ability to reason. Possibly towards the result of searching for the truth instead of just believing what you hear and read. It's always been a big issue with me. i don't think we will ever know the truth. But that shouldn't stop us from searching.
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Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 09:04 pm
This was part of Jesus' plan to die for our sins and Jesus knew who would betray him and had a test at the Last Supper to see who would. Only Judas did what Jesus said the betrayer would do.

And the Apostles were the people who were spreading Christianty, apparently a false religion even though they were the only ones spreading anything that could be called the message of Christ. Meanwhile I suppose Mary Magdalane was using a time machine similar to the aforementioned one used by the popes so they could pose as the Apostles and write sexist letters to early Christians? And with it, she wrote a Gospel that only Gnostic people believe in?

What you say sounds very nice, but IMO, it's just not how things work.
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 09:30 pm
Reagaknight;15188 wrote:
This was part of Jesus' plan to die for our sins and Jesus knew who would betray him and had a test at the Last Supper to see who would. Only Judas did what Jesus said the betrayer would do.

And the Apostles were the people who were spreading Christianty, apparently a false religion even though they were the only ones spreading anything that could be called the message of Christ. Meanwhile I suppose Mary Magdalane was using a time machine similar to the aforementioned one used by the popes so they could pose as the Apostles and write sexist letters to early Christians? And with it, she wrote a Gospel that only Gnostic people believe in?

What you say sounds very nice, but IMO, it's just not how things work.

it is very much how things work, poloticians have been doing it for years here in this country. much like Govenor Rick Perry using illegal imigration to be re-elected. Much like george jr using terrorism to start a war in Iraq.

He knew judas was going to betray him from the moment he met him if what the bible says is true. He knew he was going to die from the moment he was born, if what the bible says is true. It is ludicris to simply brush off what i say and not question it yourself. The bible is not god, it is a group of scriptures, books, poems, songs, gospels, and a prophecy on how the world will end...again. It sounds to me that you are commiting herecy against your own religion by worshiping the bible before God. Try talking to God yourself without reading what someone else wrote about something they saw one of the desciples do. try researching the lost scroll of Jesus Christ. Don't just simply tell meOf i'm wrong cuz there is no substantial proof that any of these things happened. other than the fact that there was a man named Jesus Christ who was crusified for saying he was the king of men. There are alot of ancient scrolls that say things people saw or experianced. there was a conflict about the history books we have in schools. some people have found that they have bad information in them but it would cost too much to have all of them reformed. You can stay in your little box of comfort, it's not my place to take you out of it. i believe i have stated my case and point, and now we are beating a dead horse. So with that said i am finished with this debate untill something more debatable is brought to the descusion. RESPECT!!:peace:
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 09:32 pm
Much like george jr using terrorism to start a war in Iraq.

What reason did George Sr. use? Did the UN have anything to say about us getting involved with Iraq?
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 09:42 pm
trapped.by.parties;15198 wrote:
it is very much how things work, poloticians have been doing it for years here in this country. much like Govenor Rick Perry using illegal imigration to be re-elected. Much like george jr using terrorism to start a war in Iraq.

He knew judas was going to betray him from the moment he met him if what the bible says is true. He knew he was going to die from the moment he was born, if what the bible says is true. It is ludicris to simply brush off what i say and not question it yourself. The bible is not god, it is a group of scriptures, books, poems, songs, gospels, and a prophecy on how the world will end...again. It sounds to me that you are commiting herecy against your own religion by worshiping the bible before God. Try talking to God yourself without reading what someone else wrote about something they saw one of the desciples do. try researching the lost scroll of Jesus Christ. Don't just simply tell meOf i'm wrong cuz there is no substantial proof that any of these things happened. other than the fact that there was a man named Jesus Christ who was crusified for saying he was the king of men. There are alot of ancient scrolls that say things people saw or experianced. there was a conflict about the history books we have in schools. some people have found that they have bad information in them but it would cost too much to have all of them reformed. You can stay in your little box of comfort, it's not my place to take you out of it. i believe i have stated my case and point, and now we are beating a dead horse. So with that said i am finished with this debate untill something more debatable is brought to the descusion. RESPECT!!:peace:

I meant all the independent thinking as a religion stuff.

LOL, didn't I just say the Bible is only part of the Chirch's teachings and there is a lot more about my religion? And IMO, all of the Gnostic Gospels are 100% pure, unrefined crap which were written by people who were dead at the time, according to them.
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 09:53 pm
Drnaline;15200 wrote:
What reason did George Sr. use? Did the UN have anything to say about us getting involved with Iraq?

yes they said not to at first, then we did it anyways(recent). george senior was "trying to take a dictator out of power".

wait what does this have to do with the subject at hand? i used this as an example of how political leaders for years have used diffrent things to proceed with an agenda. When people started realizing that a group of radical islam militants attacked us from afghanistan, he used wmds,the wmd's played out he used something diffrent, when that played out he used something diffrent. I know i don't share the same dream with billions of other people.
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 09:59 pm
Reagaknight;15204 wrote:
I meant all the independent thinking as a religion stuff.

LOL, didn't I just say the Bible is only part of the Chirch's teachings and there is a lot more about my religion? And IMO, all of the Gnostic Gospels are 100% pure, unrefined crap which were written by people who were dead at the time, according to them.

What do the gnostic scrolls have to do with anything? I'm not suporting the gnostic scrolls, The gospel acording to mary, and another revolations by one of the other apostles, not sure wich one, and Jesus' scroll. Those are the ones i said i was looking in to.

The bible is all of the church's teachings, they recite the bible and say this is how you should live your life, tooth and nail. By doing that they are worshiping the word of men, Not God.

there is no question of what if these men were simply writing what was wieghing on thier minds. i do it all the time, it doesn't mean my words were given to me by God. Dreams, i've had my fair share of odd dreams. That doesn't mean that people should worship who i say because "God" talked to me in my dreams. I've had a few reacuring dreams actually with what i thought was God in them. These people were living in the most abusive heat drinking unclean water from a river. Have you ever had an odd dream after you have eatn something that didn't agree with you? just a question.
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 10:17 pm
trapped.by.parties;15207 wrote:
yes they said not to at first, then we did it anyways(recent). george senior was "trying to take a dictator out of power".

wait what does this have to do with the subject at hand? i used this as an example of how political leaders for years have used diffrent things to proceed with an agenda. When people started realizing that a group of radical islam militants attacked us from afghanistan, he used wmds,the wmd's played out he used something diffrent, when that played out he used something diffrent. I know i don't share the same dream with billions of other people.
yes they said not to at first, then we did it anyways(recent).
How many UN resolutions did Hussein have on him?
george senior was "trying to take a dictator out of power".
Try again. George Sr. forcably removed him from Kuwait. And stopped short of removing him from power.
wait what does this have to do with the subject at hand?

Nothing, but your statement is incorrect. IMO as an example, it is not a good one. OUr Iraq conflict is a continuation of the last cease fire from George Sr. Remember Saddam not letting in the UN inspectors? Shoting at our planes in the nofly zone? All direct violations of the cease fire he signed when we allowed him to stay in power after he was beat back after invading Kuwait. He never intended to live up to his end of the bargin and was thus removed from power, can you prove anything otherwise? If you wanna use faulty reports of MWD's as justification, can you point me to a world intellegence service that said any thing different then our or the Brits reports? And before you say Joe Wilson, i suggest you read his congressional testimony before you say he is credible?
Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 10:42 pm
Drnaline;15212 wrote:
How many UN resolutions did Hussein have on him?
Try again. George Sr. forcably removed him from Kuwait. And stopped short of removing him from power.

Nothing, but your statement is incorrect. IMO as an example, it is not a good one. OUr Iraq conflict is a continuation of the last cease fire from George Sr. Remember Saddam not letting in the UN inspectors? Shoting at our planes in the nofly zone? All direct violations of the cease fire he signed when we allowed him to stay in power after he was beat back after invading Kuwait. He never intended to live up to his end of the bargin and was thus removed from power, can you prove anything otherwise? If you wanna use faulty reports of MWD's as justification, can you point me to a world intellegence service that said any thing different then our or the Brits reports? And before you say Joe Wilson, i suggest you read his congressional testimony before you say he is credible?

there were many inspectors and cia agents who said there were no wmd's, they sent a letter to the administration advising against using that as a means to declare war. But the administration went ahead with it and used reports from the previous war in iraq. They hand drew maps of where they were and what they looked like. wmds do not just dissapear overnight. None were found and none will be found. Answer that, where are they if they ever existed? If our planes were in the no fly zones, of course they are going to get shot at. That is us breaking the same treaty. It's called a no fly zone for a reason. regardless, the main primis of the iraq war was terrorism and wmd's from the terrorists. Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks on 911. But hell since we are already over seas lets over stretch our millitary and start a whole new campaign. even better now lets try to start a war with iran and korea. Better yet, lets just start another world war. we'll call it the war on everyone.
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 04:53 am
trapped.by.parties;15209 wrote:
What do the gnostic scrolls have to do with anything? I'm not suporting the gnostic scrolls, The gospel acording to mary, and another revolations by one of the other apostles, not sure wich one, and Jesus' scroll. Those are the ones i said i was looking in to.

The bible is all of the church's teachings, they recite the bible and say this is how you should live your life, tooth and nail. By doing that they are worshiping the word of men, Not God.

there is no question of what if these men were simply writing what was wieghing on thier minds. i do it all the time, it doesn't mean my words were given to me by God. Dreams, i've had my fair share of odd dreams. That doesn't mean that people should worship who i say because "God" talked to me in my dreams. I've had a few reacuring dreams actually with what i thought was God in them. These people were living in the most abusive heat drinking unclean water from a river. Have you ever had an odd dream after you have eatn something that didn't agree with you? just a question.

Gospel of Mary- Gnostic scroll that was wrtten in the late first to earl second century, concerned with Gnostic ideas only found in other Gnostic scripts, not the mainstream

all I could find for Jesus was something written in the 19th century .

And what about tradition in the teachings of the church?
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 08:07 am
trapped.by.parties;15214 wrote:
there were many inspectors and cia agents who said there were no wmd's, they sent a letter to the administration advising against using that as a means to declare war. But the administration went ahead with it and used reports from the previous war in iraq. They hand drew maps of where they were and what they looked like. wmds do not just dissapear overnight. None were found and none will be found. Answer that, where are they if they ever existed? If our planes were in the no fly zones, of course they are going to get shot at. That is us breaking the same treaty. It's called a no fly zone for a reason. regardless, the main primis of the iraq war was terrorism and wmd's from the terrorists. Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks on 911. But hell since we are already over seas lets over stretch our millitary and start a whole new campaign. even better now lets try to start a war with iran and korea. Better yet, lets just start another world war. we'll call it the war on everyone.
there were many inspectors and cia agents who said there were no wmd's, they sent a letter to the administration advising against using that as a means to declare war.
I said intellegence service reports, how many? I say again, Iraq was a continuation of the Kuwait conflict. War was not declared on Iraq.
But the administration went ahead with it and used reports from the previous war in iraq.
Not previous, it was the same war. Saddam invaded Kuwait, Bush 41 beat him back. Destoyed his army. Saddam surrendered and signed a ceasefire agreement. He signed to allow inspectors in and to observe the no flyzone. Both of which you know the outcome. Clinton bombed Iraq several times for disobeying the no flyzone.
It was therefor decided to have him removed from power.
They hand drew maps of where they were and what they looked like. wmds do not just dissapear overnight.
He had month's to prepare for what he new was eventually coming.
None were found and none will be found. Answer that, where are they if they ever existed?
WMD's were only one reason to go back in. Do you give the rest a pass? Gassing a few thousand Kurds is OK to you? Is sarin gas a weapon of mass destruction to you? He did have it, he did use it!
If our planes were in the no fly zones, of course they are going to get shot at.
Are planes were policing the area, do you know what that means? They were there to make sure Saddams planes stayed on the ground as per his agreement. Shoting sam missles is not a good way to stay in compliance.
That is us breaking the same treaty. It's called a no fly zone for a reason. regardless, the main primis of the iraq war was terrorism and wmd's from the terrorists. Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks on 911.
No it's not, we are the enforcer of the treaty. Of which he broke and paid the penalty. Read a history book, your version will not be there. If you can find a historic reaccounting of the Iraq war starting from Bush 41, let me know, i'd like to read it. Who cares if Iraq had nothing to do with 911, they were in direct violation of 18 UN resolutions. That is why he was removed from power.
Can i ask where you received your indoctrination? How many of you believe this story that you cannot back up historically? We as a country have been in a state of war with Iraq for over a decade, funny you would be oblivious to that?
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 08:47 am
Drnaline's right, but I would point out that we never declared war on Iraq formally in the first place, we haven't done so since WW II.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 12:57 pm
Reagaknight;15232 wrote:
Gospel of Mary- Gnostic scroll that was wrtten in the late first to earl second century, concerned with Gnostic ideas only found in other Gnostic scripts, not the mainstream

all I could find for Jesus was something written in the 19th century .

And what about tradition in the teachings of the church?

i read up on the gnostic scrolls, eh i'm not too sure about all of them. but i also found this Paula Fredriksen's From Jesus to Christ i found it intersting.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 01:10 pm
Drnaline;15247 wrote:
I said intellegence service reports, how many? I say again, Iraq was a continuation of the Kuwait conflict. War was not declared on Iraq.
Not previous, it was the same war. Saddam invaded Kuwait, Bush 41 beat him back. Destoyed his army. Saddam surrendered and signed a ceasefire agreement. He signed to allow inspectors in and to observe the no flyzone. Both of which you know the outcome. Clinton bombed Iraq several times for disobeying the no flyzone.
It was therefor decided to have him removed from power.
He had month's to prepare for what he new was eventually coming.
WMD's were only one reason to go back in. Do you give the rest a pass? Gassing a few thousand Kurds is OK to you? Is sarin gas a weapon of mass destruction to you? He did have it, he did use it!
Are planes were policing the area, do you know what that means? They were there to make sure Saddams planes stayed on the ground as per his agreement. Shoting sam missles is not a good way to stay in compliance.
No it's not, we are the enforcer of the treaty. Of which he broke and paid the penalty. Read a history book, your version will not be there. If you can find a historic reaccounting of the Iraq war starting from Bush 41, let me know, i'd like to read it. Who cares if Iraq had nothing to do with 911, they were in direct violation of 18 UN resolutions. That is why he was removed from power.
Can i ask where you received your indoctrination? How many of you believe this story that you cannot back up historically? We as a country have been in a state of war with Iraq for over a decade, funny you would be oblivious to that?

the example was to show HOW he got backing from the American people to keep them from questioning his motives, wether good or bad. He used terrorism and the safty of this country as a 'fear factor'. Ans it worked, it was blasted all over the news as 'War On Terror'. Leaders use and have used tactics such as these for years throughout history. Wether or not the war was justified, is not the question. Or in quesstion. and Acourding to every source The lazy american has ie. the telivision Media, This war is called the war in iraq. The general public will and can confuse this with War against Iraq. I don't understand why you would come into a religious debate and debate about our current polotics. Do you have nothing to add to the subject at hand?
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 01:11 pm
Sorry, but I really don't have time to read all of that, could you copy and paste the ideas you found most interesting?
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