Atheism, not religion, is the real force behind the mass murders of history

Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 05:18 pm
Communism murdered hundreds of millions of totally innocent people. Lord, how I loathe Marxism. :headbang:
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 05:21 pm
Reagaknight;14767 wrote:
You assume I look at it all wrapped up in one package, in which case it would have been a grammatical error. However, I'm talking about the specific area of getting people to join the Crusades vs. the reasons they were started, so it isn't.

we are getting away from the base of the argument, the point here was to establish the religion has killed more people then Atheism, and I think I proved that

Hitler thought he was doing god's will as well
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 05:26 pm
Pinochet73;14786 wrote:
Communism murdered hundreds of millions of totally innocent people. Lord, how I loathe Marxism. :headbang:

and communism sucks to

Church lead Europe, Communism, radical Islam. All proof the less civil freedom a society has the more senseless genocide occurs.

It isn't that this activity is the fault of religion per say, it's that when these periods of tyranny most often occurred it was lead by a religion. Doesn't matter which. Look at feudal Japan, a bunch of Buddhists slaughtering each other... quite the paradox
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 07:06 pm
Look at feudal Japan, a bunch of Buddhists slaughtering each other...

Can you tell me more about this? I didn't know of any buddhist incited violence.
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 07:09 pm
Hitler was crazy. He had the Germans worship him. If that's what you wanna call religion, whatever. I think that in most cases, except radical Islam, that it's more accurate to say people died because of politics and power-hungriness. These were barbarian ideas that couldn't be wiped out, so in the end, religion had to accept it. However, these most often conflicted with that religion's teachings, like Buddhism/Christianity (not all Japanese of the time were Buddhists, not sure but I'm pretty sure a lot or eve most were Shinto), but the religion could not do anything about it.

Even if religion had killed more than atheism (I'm not saying it did), think of how many religious nations there were throughout history. Think about the number of atheist nations. We've said that atheists killed a hell of a lot of people and there were only a few states they controlled, and probaby that if religion killed more people, it was pretty close and not at all in the way atheists killed them (the mass murders of history, what this is about, not other explainable incidents.) So, atheists are relatively worse than religion in accordance with numbers, especially considering the definittion we seem to be using for religion is very broad and the one for atheism is strict.

Atheism has not existed in the public sqaure acceptably for long. Religion has since the beginning of time. It would be ludicrous to say that religion killed less people. Religion is varied and may even advocate killing people. However, when atheism has had a chance to prove itself in the same way, it came out a whole lot worse.
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 07:24 pm
Reagaknight;14751 wrote:
There was no cause to create an empire.

hmmmmm, The roman empire wasn't an empire? The same Roman empire that created the Roman Catholic religion? Hmmmmmmmm? The same Roman empire that is famous for taking over countries and persicuting them if they didn't live how they said they should? Wasn't it the Roman empire that tried Jesus Christ and then crucified him to later use his beliefs to control his followers? And yes i realize that the Jews actually voted for him to be killed. Based on the laws of the Romans who were occupying thier country.Just one mans outlook tho. In my opinion The Roman catholics were brutal and created the crudades to keep controll of isreal!
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 07:34 pm
trapped.by.parties;14809 wrote:
hmmmmm, The roman empire wasn't an empire? The same Roman empire that created the Roman Catholic religion? Hmmmmmmmm? The same Roman empire that is famous for taking over countries and persicuting them if they didn't live how they said they should? Wasn't it the Roman empire that tried Jesus Christ and then crucified him to later use his beliefs to control his followers? And yes i realize that the Jews actually voted for him to be killed. Based on the laws of the Romans who were occupying thier country.Just one mans outlook tho. In my opinion The Roman catholics were brutal and created the crudades to keep controll of isreal!

You seem to not have even the most basic knowledge of history. The Roman Empire and the R.C. Church are not connected (in that way, anyway). For whatever reason, you seem to think the Church is a continuation of the Roman Empire. This is completely false. The Roman empire as you describe it was pagan. The Church was not even known as Roman Catholic until the great schism, it is the universal Church, not a product of Rome. The popes are not heirs of Ceasar, butr of Peter.

Your opinion counts for nothing in history. I could be of the opinion that Hitler was the Easter bunny and was simply trying to prevent Jews from stealing his eggs. Doesn't make it true.
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 08:00 pm
Reagaknight;14811 wrote:
You seem to not have even the most basic knowledge of history. The Roman Empire and the R.C. Church are not connected (in that way, anyway). For whatever reason, you seem to think the Church is a continuation of the Roman Empire. This is completely false. The Roman empire as you describe it was pagan. The Church was not even known as Roman Catholic until the great schism, it is the universal Church, not a product of Rome. The popes are not heirs of Ceasar, butr of Peter.

Your opinion counts for nothing in history. I could be of the opinion that Hitler was the Easter bunny and was simply trying to prevent Jews from stealing his eggs. Doesn't make it true.

the Holy Roman Empire

The Holy Roman Empire (official name: sacrum romanum imperium, 1254; more details below) designates a political entity that covered a large portion of Europe, centered on Germany, from 962 to 1806.

Origin and Evolution
The Holy Roman Empire originates in the eastern half of Charlemagne's empire, divided after his death. In 800, Charlemagne had received from the pope the title of Emperor (Imperator Augustus), reminiscent of the title held by Roman emperors, both in the Rome of old and in the Byzantium of the time. By 911 eastern and western Franconia, as the area was known, had completely separated, the latter continuing as the kingdom of the Franks, or France; the former continuing as the kingdom of Germany. In 962 Otto I the Great reclaimed the imperial dignity which had lost all prestige and was conferred by popes on bit players in Italian politics. This is usually taken to be the founding date of the Holy Roman Empire.
The Holy Roman Empire (HRE) never achieved the political unification that France did; a prolonged attempt at centralizing authority starting with Maximilian I (1493-1519) was wrecked by the Reformation and the ensuing wars, culminating with the Thirty Years War (1618-48) and the Treaty of Westphalia (1648). The latter formalized the relationship between the Emperor and his vassals, who thereby achieved all but complete sovereignty. As a result, the HRE was still composed at the end of the 18th century of around 360 distinct entities, differing widely in size, rank and power. Some were kings and princes, other were counts; some were clerics, other were secular rulers.

what you fail to realize, is that the roman empire WAS pegan. That changed when one of the leaders of one of the seperated parts saw a sign in the clouds after being talked to by some christian figures who told him God would talk to him in this battle and that he would win. Then after that insatnce he changed his religious views and ulimately became the overall ruler of the roman empire. He changed his battle flag from the pegan sign to the christian sign at the time. I can't find anyhting on the subject at the time but if you would like i will be more than happy to continue searching for it. I learned of this about 6 or 7 months ago. The facts are there, you just refuse to accept them, and don't insult me out of desperation.
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 08:11 pm
ok found it......Emperor Constantine
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 08:13 pm
Reagaknight;14806 wrote:
However, when atheism has had a chance to prove itself in the same way, it came out a whole lot worse.

Sorry, but that is just....stupid. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot did not kill in the name of atheism, they didn't seek out none atheist and kill them, they killed in the name of communisum, and most of the people doing the killing were more than likely religious to some faith, I know lots of Nazis were catholic.

IMO Hitler was NOT an atheist, he was more an agnostic that used christianity to further propagate his cause.
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 08:19 pm
Reagaknight;14811 wrote:
You seem to not have even the most basic knowledge of history. The Roman Empire and the R.C. Church are not connected (in that way, anyway). For whatever reason, you seem to think the Church is a continuation of the Roman Empire. This is completely false. The Roman empire as you describe it was pagan. The Church was not even known as Roman Catholic until the great schism, it is the universal Church, not a product of Rome. The popes are not heirs of Ceasar, butr of Peter.

LMAO, dood come on, I'm really trying to be nice here

the first major country (or in that day empire) to accept Christianity WAS the Roman Empire

It was done around 360AD by Emperor Constantine, the council even took a vote to determine the divinity of Jesus, it passed by one vote. They are responsible for the spread of Christianity. Without them we would all probably me Muslim or Pagan today. But that IS history, debate is one thing, but don't misquote history.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 08:26 pm
markx15;14804 wrote:
Can you tell me more about this? I didn't know of any buddhist incited violence.

Amida Buddhism

this isn't all inclusive but Buddhism was the major religion of Japan during the feudal years which were violent. That's not to say that it's a true representation of Buddhism. Look at America, we are 70% Christian by self identification and yet we somehow find ourselves in a major war every 20 years, wasn't Jesus a pacifist?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 08:33 pm
Thanks, curious how it is very easy to stand up for our beliefs as individuals, but is a society we go deranged.
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 08:37 pm
sucks to be you reagannutt!!!:FU1:
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 08:49 pm
trapped.by.parties;14827 wrote:
sucks to be you reagannutt!!!:FU1:

Hi Five!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 08:52 pm
markx15;14825 wrote:
Thanks, curious how it is very easy to stand up for our beliefs as individuals, but is a society we go deranged.

i think it is more along the lines of when you take a private practice and make it organized and give it worldly leaders. The only person you have to answer to in your belief is your God. That is were i stand. Leaders use it as a pull for complete power. They use scare tactics to keep controll. They punish you for dissobeying, against the religion itself. As i said before you don't have to answer to anyone but your God. You have an ultimate judgement day(for christians) were God desides wether you go to heavon or hell based on your actions as a human.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 09:25 pm
Reagaknight;14764 wrote:
What does this have to do with anything?

Religion was a primary reason, I never said it wasn't, but this is because it was a good way to controll people. The Byzantine Empire had to be preserved from the European standpoint because it was the only thing standing between them and another front from which Muslims would try to conquer them.

The reasons for the later Crusades were to preserve the Christian establishments from the earlier ones (controll.)

rivised version!
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 05:11 am
trapped.by.parties;14817 wrote:
the Holy Roman Empire

The Holy Roman Empire (official name: sacrum romanum imperium, 1254; more details below) designates a political entity that covered a large portion of Europe, centered on Germany, from 962 to 1806.

Origin and Evolution
The Holy Roman Empire originates in the eastern half of Charlemagne's empire, divided after his death. In 800, Charlemagne had received from the pope the title of Emperor (Imperator Augustus), reminiscent of the title held by Roman emperors, both in the Rome of old and in the Byzantium of the time. By 911 eastern and western Franconia, as the area was known, had completely separated, the latter continuing as the kingdom of the Franks, or France; the former continuing as the kingdom of Germany. In 962 Otto I the Great reclaimed the imperial dignity which had lost all prestige and was conferred by popes on bit players in Italian politics. This is usually taken to be the founding date of the Holy Roman Empire.
The Holy Roman Empire (HRE) never achieved the political unification that France did; a prolonged attempt at centralizing authority starting with Maximilian I (1493-1519) was wrecked by the Reformation and the ensuing wars, culminating with the Thirty Years War (1618-48) and the Treaty of Westphalia (1648). The latter formalized the relationship between the Emperor and his vassals, who thereby achieved all but complete sovereignty. As a result, the HRE was still composed at the end of the 18th century of around 360 distinct entities, differing widely in size, rank and power. Some were kings and princes, other were counts; some were clerics, other were secular rulers.

what you fail to realize, is that the roman empire WAS pegan. That changed when one of the leaders of one of the seperated parts saw a sign in the clouds after being talked to by some christian figures who told him God would talk to him in this battle and that he would win. Then after that insatnce he changed his religious views and ulimately became the overall ruler of the roman empire. He changed his battle flag from the pegan sign to the christian sign at the time. I can't find anyhting on the subject at the time but if you would like i will be more than happy to continue searching for it. I learned of this about 6 or 7 months ago. The facts are there, you just refuse to accept them, and don't insult me out of desperation.

Surely you don't think I would say that you don't have the most basic grasp of history without knowing you might bring up Constantine and a bunch of freakin' Franks who wanted to be called the Roman Empire. They have no physical or historical connection to the Empire and it's not relevant.

The tidbit about Constantine might be relevant had I not said 'as you describe it'. And I was right. As you described it, it was pagan. They had no time to be merciless after Constantine becaust they were getting their asses kicked by barbarians. They didn't acccept Christianity until afyter this all happened (what you described in your post).

Insult you out of desperation? You gave a rambling conspiracy theory.
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 05:14 am
trapped.by.parties;14837 wrote:
rivised version!

What you added a word? Do you want a prize?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 05:15 am
"Church lead Europe, Communism, radical Islam. All proof the less civil freedom a society has the more senseless genocide occurs."

If you like Western Civilization and yet refue to give the Catholic Church credit for holding it together from AD 476 and the 11th Century, you are either ignorant or a nihilist. You remind me of someone who has been educated primarily by the television, which is a common curse upon many Americans.

Look at your representative icon here. You come across as a total relativist. Relativists aren't helping anybody. By trying to appease everyone, they appease no one. By trying to be all things to all people, they are nothing to anyone.

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