Health nut here...l have books and books...
the salt that is great for you is Cletic Sea Salt. You see it is the stuff that you can only find in the health food store and is about 5 or 6 bucks for a small bag.
It is naturally harvested and is not the nice white table salt, or the 'sea salt' we see in the grocery stores. It is the top salt that is left after nature evaporation and LOADED with vitamins and minerals.
The idea is to increase your water. The rule of thumb is you take your weight divide it in half and that is as many ounces as you need a day.
The change in drinking this much needs to be gradual and your total intake of salt is extremely small, compared to what you are used to using. The problem is that as we get older we loose our thirst sensitivity and usually when we think we are hungry we are actually thirsty.
The water can be herbal teas, white tea or green tea. And for every coffee you need additional water. You can find out more on the internet about drinking water for health and 'celtic sea salt'.
You might want to get yourself high qualtiy concentrated fish oil tablets to take on a daily basis, and keep positive, get funny movies and laugh, the positive attitude will help you heal.
After all, the neighbourhood will be dull without your daily comments...
glad you are on the mend!!!!