"And incidentally, conservative-headed families make slightly less money."
That's a good bit of info to know... and consider.
Did they compare the cost of living and real estate/rent in San Francisco?
It is the highest in the country. I know single people who live in San Fran and work as engineers, architechs and doctors just starting out, and they eek by
despite the fact that they have what seem like large salaries. Did they check
the political affiliation of the people who didn't give, or their average income, or
religious affiliation?
It is illegal for homeless people to ask you for money in S.F. That might seem
extreme, but you have to consider that during the '60s S.F. became homeless
central... people moved there to be homeless.
I will agree that the people with less to give are the most generous, because
they have something lacking in a lot of successful people in America: empathy.
I will agree that religious people are often very generous, it is part of what
they're taught and one of the things I like about some organized religions.
WIll I agree with the article's assumption that both groups above are all made
up of "conservatives," which I guess means conservative republicans? No,
I see otherwise on a daily basis in a very Red state.
I like John Stousel sometimes, but this is one of his little stories that's lean on
fact and big on assumption.