Actually, i got those twinkies for eBeth as i was rushing to the airport to get the plane for Canada, so i bought them in Hilliard--i didn't have time to run by my neighborhood and get a true Mudsock twinkie for her . . .
Latest update from favorite M-I-L
Twinkie Twinkie little cake
How you make my stomach ache ...
I'll soon be on a sugar high
T'will send me soaring through the sky.
(Horrible rhyme.)
More and more twinkies ... from New York to replace the subway package and one from Eureka California also containing a very good chocolate bar.
I'm trying to catch up with some neighbors to find if they allow thier kid to eat the foul things.
Soooooo,,,,, What's the latest in the twinkie debacle?
My package hasn't been returned, just wondering if it made it?
Ta, Ceili
Yeah, alberta was mentioned... it musta gotten there.
An update: she has retaliated some. For my birthday she sent me a tin of Spotted Dick!
The First Gas Station off the South Portland,ME Exit, off I-95 sells Maple Twinkies. The Circleville Country Store in Circleville,Ohio, sells Pumpkin Twinkies. If you want Fried Twinkies, stick a Popsicle Stick in, dip them in Pancake Batter, and fry them in you Frying Pan.
I'm gonna have to look for the Maple Twinkies...
So, a few years later...
This is from my favorite Mother-in-law's memoirs. Names redacted.
The Twinkie Battles
As in any conflict or contest, the back ground for the Twinkie War took place long before the battles began. And as might also be the case, the battles related not at all to the origin of the story.
In the early 1980s, Mrs. SealPoet worked at Bank of Boston with a young foreign exchange trader who was, oh, so very, very proper. And he did not hesitate to let others know that their behavior was not up to his standards. This young man, Stuart, was a neighbor of mine, and I found him quite pleasant when he forgot to be stuffy. Alas, this seldom happened. As is often the rule is such circumstances, Stuart became a bit of a laughing stock among his co-workers. The hilarity peaked when it became known that Stuart, the ultimate snob, the authority on social mores, ate Twinkies.
We have not talked to, or even heard of Stuart for years and years. But the infamy of his Twinkie inclination lived on. Mrs. SealPoet and I often use the expression, "probably eats Twinkies," when we wish to indicate that someone might be a bit gauche or display what we consider poor taste in dress or furnishings.
In spring of 1999, Mrs. SealPoet along with N (her son; my grandson), her husband SealPoet and SealPoet's two sons, SealPup 1 and SealPup 2, visited me in Prescott, Arizona. Weeks, perhaps even months, after they left, what did I find on my top pantry shelf but a package of Twinkies! Only SealPoet could have put it there. When I accused him, his response was only that I obviously didn't clean up there very often. (Right!)
Now, Twinkies never get stale; they never mold; they just get drier and drier. So I kept them
and found a pretty little box that held them quite nicely. I sent them to SealPoet for Christmas.
I got them back in some form or other for my birthday. As yet, this was still the same package of Twinkies. However, Twinkies do crumble. So we branched out. We sent individual Twinkies, packs of two, and large economy size boxes. The disguises became more and more complex. Two years ago at Christmas time, SealPoet managed to have Twinkies mailed to me from all over the world. There were Twinkies from Canada, one from somewhere in Scandinavia, and a note from Australia declaring that it was a Twinkie-free zone. An apology came from New York
a Twinkie package had inadvertently been left on the stairs of a subway. I've wondered if that package triggered a security orange alert, and if it's being addressed to me has caused my phone and e-mail to be monitored. . My effort for that year, a green foil wrapped box tied with velvet and gold ribbon and containing many Twinkies filled with green, gooey, poisonous looking glop was pale by comparison. SealPoet having achieved the epitome of Twinkie-ism, sent no Twinkies last year. Instead, he passed the duty along to the next generation. I got them from both SealPup 1 and SealPup 2, my step-grandsons. But N, my grandson, had bought a pan at Williams-Sonoma, allegedly built for crème cakes
exactly the same size and shape as Twinkies. He had carefully inserted a Twinkie into each of its eight indentations. I have intended to use this pan, make some quite acceptable crème filled cakes, frost them nicely, but also frost some stale old Twinkies. I could ship the whole shebang to Boston when I knew they would all be together.
In the meantime, A has disposed of my stash of antique Twinkies. He though they might attract bugs. I did manage to rescue one. And I used it. On N's birthday in November, I hollowed out a book. You've heard of a gun being concealed in a book, but a Twinkie? I often give N good books that will be a part of his library for years to come. Mrs. SealPoet told me, as he began to leaf through this one, he did comment, "Why did Gramma give me THIS book. Then there was the Twinkie
and he knew.
That may have been my last Twinkie effort. We're into our eighth year of Twinkie battles. That's almost as long as Viet Nam. My creativity needs to take a different form. I think I've exhausted all possibilities; no difference what comes my way I'm ready to quit.
there's still the crème cakes
March 2006
Priceless. But, a pity, if the tradition ends.
I've still got some of those twinkies Set bought in the glove box of my new car. I transferred them from the old car to the new car. They seem to be indestructable.
Nobody told me Sealpoet was BACK!!!! Hurrah!
That Twinkie adventure was so much fun!
I was the one who left the box in the subway and then had to mail the second batch from Florida.
but nothing bad happened that I know of.

that is a great thread
a great story
and a fabulous battle..
I would send some Texas size Twinkies..
>yeah there is such a thing<
they are about the size of a dinner plate.
Hard to find .. but they are around here somewhere.
A bit late there, shewolfnm, but like they say, twinkies never get stale. Neither does fruitcake.
they've been in my car two years?
That's such a sweet story. Based on that, I am actually going to buy my first Twinkie ever. Unfortunately, in our house, sweets
don't see a second sunrise. So I will never know if Twinkies
indeed last that long.
I honestly do not think I have ever eaten a twinkie
maybe someone should send ME some.
Try one - you'll see why they last so long.
I'll buy two, shewolf. Should they be tasty, I'll tell you -
if they aren't, I'll send them too you.