@Brent cv,
Brent wrote:I used security because giving them operating control over our ports would open up a whole slew of security issues given their location and track record with terrorists. They may not be in control of it but when you manage the port it is a lot easier for the terrorists.
So what? I agree we have pourious borders but that does not excuse selling our port management to someone smack dab in the middle of a terrorist haven.
Except when was the last time a chinese man blew up 3 of our buildings? I don't like the Chinese part of it either. I am speaking out against UAE because this is something happening NOW.
Why have you assumed I like the idea of the chinese controlling our ports? We are not talking about China we are talking about UAE.
WHO CARES? Just because they let China do it does not mean we have to let the UAE do it. Stop the UAE from controlling our ports and then we can pressure the Senators on China? I do not understand this "Just because we let China do it we shouldn't stop UAE from doing it".
I do not want a company in the middle east touching our ports. Outsourcing whatever you want to call it is stupid. It is about time we control our own ports.
Quote:I used security because giving them operating control over our ports would open up a whole slew of security issues given their location and track record with terrorists. They may not be in control of it but when you manage the port it is a lot easier for the terrorists.
Given who's track record? The Emirite government or the port company? If you mean the government then you have an arguement, if you mean the company you have no legs. Either way it is easy right now to do some terrorist activity with or without the Dubai company. Security is our issue, some thing we will not be giving up whom ever is operating the port.
Quote:So what? I agree we have pourious borders but that does not excuse selling our port management to someone smack dab in the middle of a terrorist haven.
What you forget to include in your statement is Arab. Insert it in between "someone" and "smack". I chose to insert "chinese" in the same spot.
Quote:Except when was the last time a chinese man blew up 3 of our buildings?
They have done far worse, try starving millions, aiding North Korea in there atrosities, forcing Taiwan to submit. Much greater damage to mankind then three buildings.
Quote:I don't like the Chinese part of it either. I am speaking out against UAE because this is something happening NOW.
Something now or something we have been fighting for fifty plus years. The greater threat to me is them aiding everyone against us.
Quote:WHO CARES? Just because they let China do it does not mean we have to let the UAE do it. Stop the UAE from controlling our ports and then we can pressure the Senators on China? I do not understand this "Just because we let China do it we shouldn't stop UAE from doing it".
who cares is You. Your excuse is not good enough. We all live under our Constitution of which every one is created equal, it does not say except arabs. Or chinese or any one else for that matter. Next thing you'll say is it is ok for us to put arabs in camps maybe or deport arabs even though there citizens? You may not admit it but you are discrimination against them, some this that is against the constitution. Briton has terrorist, we have them, so does much of the rest of the world. But lets single the UAE out anyway, exspecailly an ally. We have to few these days but lets alienate them any way. Show them we don't mean what we say. Gives them alot to expect on how we deal with them.
Quote:I do not want a company in the middle east touching our ports. Outsourcing whatever you want to call it is stupid. It is about time we control our own ports.
When do you start your new job. Unloading cargo for a buck seventyfive an hour, no benefits. I know your answer, go take a hike of a short peer. You don't want them there but you like i would not want to do it either. So who is next? Sell it to the Mexicans? In other words no american company even bid on the port deal. Who wants to work for almost free?