Alito. By most accounts a Conservative. Seems to be a very intelligent man, who has a calm demeanor. He answered all the questions in what seemed as matter-of-factly as possible, but didn't give many clues concerning which way he would rule on any of the issues he might have to rule on.
His wife seemed emotional and upset by the questioning, which was a low point of the hearings. How many of us, the public, take our families to job interviews.:confused: I think that was a media stunt myself, but I felt bad for her just the same.
I didn't learn much about Alito, the judge. Most of his rulings are not really controversial . By listening to law professors doing interviews on their take of the hearings, they claimed the Democrats didn't ask the right questions to drill him on abortion, presidential power, etc.
Alito came along back in the Reagan era. They promoted Conservative judges with a theory that by loading up the courts with judges like Alito, and Roberts, they could curb the more liberal views of the court. They thought Americans were getting too many civil liberties, like abortion. The minute we heard the name Alito, we heard Roe v. Wade. Reagan would be loving this.
He should make a good Supreme Court Justice.