@Brent cv,
Humankind is a death machine. That certain kinds of death are differentiated
gets kind of funny, in an insane way.
Hussein killed lots of Iraqis. Why? To hold power over the country. He gets hung
as a result.
It can be argued George W. Bush has killed lots of Iraqis. Why? In a way to
get power of the country in the hands of who he sees fit. A big difference?
Pure perspective.
There's always considerable outcry over abortion. Outcry over millions of
small children starving to death, or being blown to bits by whoever? Not
Lots of elderly people freeze to death each winter, or die as a result of being
neglected and not receiving proper care. I've never heard a political statement
about that, in this, a country that seems to view the elderly as parasites.
Bring up universal health care and get lambasted about "not paying to take
care of other people..."
Yet, a terminally ill person choosing to forgo suffering is a crime.
... and let's not even bring up the unfortunate case of Terri Schiavo, someone
who died and whose body was kept alive without a brain by medical means.
That's unethical to me.
As for abortion, as time goes on I can find fewer reasons to justify the
practice. Then again, I don't look upon women who become pregnant outside
of marriage as pariahs and I certainly don't mind paying taxes to support and
help the little buggers on the path to good lives.