somebody tell me WHY is my typing is
coming out looking so weird???
I am totally mortified
"Special" K has come up with such a grand idea
I like it, I love it, I think I will go and look
around for where this is going on.
Thanks babsatamelia--though I hereby disclaim that I know, like, or have anything to do with my avatar! She has a life of her own, and sometimes I DO NOT approve!! (Especially that tongue!)
littlek: Ms. Jane Moody of NPR will be happy to accept any donations from us. Do you want to set up a separate thread for people to sign up, or how would you like to handle it?
"Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind."
-- Mary Ellen Chase
I got it all, thanks Santa! And, thanks Misti!
what i want for chrismas is a complete world wide ban on missionaries (of all kinds, christian or not)
What do I want for Christmas? What I want is for all my family and friends to have A HAPPY AND HEALTHY FUTURE.