Philosophers think they know it all - they are never wrong.

cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 03:44 pm
Fido, Read manored's post about your inability to make sense. Maybe, that'll be a start.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 06:45 pm
Fido wrote:

It is wrong to conceive of morals as created by humans when we have as much been created by them... In gross, when we first began to think of good as an abstract objective good for the whole community we ceased being primates and became human... It is a digression to an animal state to think of good only for one's own self as Good...
We did create then, only not on purpose.

Fido wrote:

Some of the most moral societies have killed their own... Oedipus killing his father was not moral though it was accidental... Orestes killing his mother was entirely moral, and her killing of Agamenon were both entirely moral actions...
Whenever they were very moral societies or not is entirely subjective.

Fido wrote:

Among the American Indians, if one person killed another outside of their immediate family, and it was found that no blood money offered was worth the life of the victim, and so, the murderer must be executed, then no one but his own family would execute him, because that death, even if justified by all would demand blood vengeance... No one but Orestes could have killed his mother, and no city would allow a murderess or murderer to live within its wall... Ancients, the most moral of people, were very particular about their honor, and about no one killing one of theirs without revenge... In Anglo Saxon England, one who killed in self defense also need pay blood money... There was no way around it...If you killed some one you had to pay... We are paying it to families today for wrongful deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan...In Athens, in fact, no one but the family could bring charges for homicide. and no one could bring charges against a free man for the life of a slave...Slaves were thought of as not having family...Some one kills one of ours and we blow our noses and get on with our lives... It is because we are demoralized; but moral actions like defense and war do not make a people immoral, but prove morality, which once more for the thick brained among us, has to do with the relationship between and individual and his community...
Revenge is foolish, it harms both sides and gives room for the escalation of the said harm. I do not see why a society that does not avenge would be immoral.

Fido wrote:

There for, it is moral to kill one of your own, and honorable IF you find them preying upon your community... No one likes to comtemplate it, but the law make aiding and abeting a crime, even for a family member... Yes, we owe to our families our greatest loyalty, but the nation, being that group that sprang from a common mother, is also our family, and just as we should sacrifice ourselves for our nation, we may be called upon to sacrifice one of our own...Would you not kill one of yours if you found they were killing others of your neighbors??? If you say not; then where is your honor...
I dont get this, you seem to be imposing notions of an universal morality, such as that killers should be killed.

Fido wrote:

Honor meant something to Electra, and Orestes.. Cu'chulain killed for his honor at the drop of the first insult, and Achilles went and wept like a child by the boats, and then withheld his Myrmidons from the fight, and all for honor...If you have no honor worth defending it is because you have no idea what morality is... And you may be correct to say I do not understand human behavior... I don't, and I do not expect to since so much of it is governed by irrational motives...Morality is still a force in the world, and most of us transfere our feeling of family to the political nation... It is hard to draw a line between moral and healthy... It is usually quite easy to draw a line between legal and moral...
Honor is a foolish concept to me. Wanting to be respected beyond what is pratically necessary for the society is unproductive. If you are a capable enginner and someone says you are not, its fine to disagree, but if someone says you are a douche, why raise a voice against it? Its their opinion, if they had not said it, you do not know. To wish to punish someone for calling you a douche is to wish to regulate what people think about you. Regulating what people think about us is impossible and ultimately leads to your own harm: Not only we lead people to hate us even more, but we may also make then hide that hate and reduce our ability to understand how those around us see us.

Off course, raising a voice against someone who calls you a douche is perfectly understandeable and human. But there is a point where honor protection leaves the field of the understandeable.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 06:49 pm
Your patience is much admired, and I will nominate you for sainthood.
reasoning logic
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 06:55 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Yes and I second that nominate, not sarcasticly but well intended
Reply Tue 31 Aug, 2010 06:09 am
manored wrote:

Fido wrote:

It is wrong to conceive of morals as created by humans when we have as much been created by them... In gross, when we first began to think of good as an abstract objective good for the whole community we ceased being primates and became human... It is a digression to an animal state to think of good only for one's own self as Good...
We did create then, only not on purpose.
Did we create love and hate and virtue and vice because we named these qualities??? Humanity found it could not live without its morals, and before that point may not have given it much thought...But morals is found in the nat urial relationship between mother and child, the bonding, and this is transfered to ones nat ion...Natural relationships, as between family members are usually more moral..

Fido wrote:

Some of the most moral societies have killed their own... Oedipus killing his father was not moral though it was accidental... Orestes killing his mother was entirely moral, and her killing of Agamenon were both entirely moral actions...
Whenever they were very moral societies or not is entirely subjective.
Not so! Nor are morals relative because they tend to the absolute... Morals have to do with self perception and community self consciousness... When Native American allowed themselves to be burned, tortured, and cut up to the point of death, and then cut loose to give the kids a taste for killing, all the time giving encouragement to their captors and offering unburned flesh do you think they did so for some purely subjective gratification??? To appear less than strong, brave, and enduring would have been extending an open invitation to attack ones family, friends and nation... Courage, the highest moral and honorable attribute must some time be demonstrated to be proved... If such notions seem foreign to us do not expect that the message we give is lost on people harder and longer suffering than ourselves... When we show ourselves weak, and cruel as well we demand that our society be washed off the face of the earth...When we do as we did in Iraq and Afghanistan, we show our weakness to the world, and weaken ourselves further with the demonstration...It is a fool's game we play..

Fido wrote:

Among the American Indians, if one person killed another outside of their immediate family, and it was found that no blood money offered was worth the life of the victim, and so, the murderer must be executed, then no one but his own family would execute him, because that death, even if justified by all would demand blood vengeance... No one but Orestes could have killed his mother, and no city would allow a murderess or murderer to live within its wall... Ancients, the most moral of people, were very particular about their honor, and about no one killing one of theirs without revenge... In Anglo Saxon England, one who killed in self defense also need pay blood money... There was no way around it...If you killed some one you had to pay... We are paying it to families today for wrongful deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan...In Athens, in fact, no one but the family could bring charges for homicide. and no one could bring charges against a free man for the life of a slave...Slaves were thought of as not having family...Some one kills one of ours and we blow our noses and get on with our lives... It is because we are demoralized; but moral actions like defense and war do not make a people immoral, but prove morality, which once more for the thick brained among us, has to do with the relationship between and individual and his community...
Revenge is foolish, it harms both sides and gives room for the escalation of the said harm. I do not see why a society that does not avenge would be immoral.

Your not seeing is not my problem... Societies that practiced vengeance also practiced group responsibility and control... Just as with Orestes, each community was expected to police itself, and keep out the bad element, and we see that spirit in our most abused form of Comedy, the cop show, which would be, if it were turned around from the perspective of the criminal, -a tragedy...They did not only think they would be judged by other ethnic groups for harboring criminals, but by their God as well...That is why the Athenians used to take even the bodies of their condemned to the border, and throw them over... Those people considered themselves good, honorable, and worthy of honorable treatment from others... The line between humanity and animals was the city limits to many... We are the same... It is not wrong to kill ones enemies, and the way we have tilted the picture all of Islam is our enemy... We make the laws we expect the world to follow regardless of their laws which may be far older and more sacred... No one like feud justice, and most people,if given the opportunity gave up the right to immediate justice for the promise that the whole of society would make an issue of justice, and this is the social contract, the beginning of modern government... It is not as though no good came out of it... But no good has been for long forth coming because once there is law there will be people who turn law to their own benefit and care nothing for justice.

Fido wrote:

There for, it is moral to kill one of your own, and honorable IF you find them preying upon your community... No one likes to comtemplate it, but the law make aiding and abeting a crime, even for a family member... Yes, we owe to our families our greatest loyalty, but the nation, being that group that sprang from a common mother, is also our family, and just as we should sacrifice ourselves for our nation, we may be called upon to sacrifice one of our own...Would you not kill one of yours if you found they were killing others of your neighbors??? If you say not; then where is your honor...
I dont get this, you seem to be imposing notions of an universal morality, such as that killers should be killed.
Just as in Athenian homicide law, murders should be avenged, and to do less is to live dishonoably, and to live dishonorably is to invite extinction... But, Athenian homicide law did not extend protection to slaves, because slaves were cut off from their communities. and thought of as having no family... The object of the law was not justice for all, but justice for Athenians, because with justice ended the need for blood feud and feud is the worst disruption for a settled people...When people think of the law as serving an individual purpose, or in our case, serving the needs of the rich against the poor, it becomes an impediment to justice and makes it all the more certain that people will settle accounts on their own...And there goes your society.

Fido wrote:

Honor meant something to Electra, and Orestes.. Cu'chulain killed for his honor at the drop of the first insult, and Achilles went and wept like a child by the boats, and then withheld his Myrmidons from the fight, and all for honor...If you have no honor worth defending it is because you have no idea what morality is... And you may be correct to say I do not understand human behavior... I don't, and I do not expect to since so much of it is governed by irrational motives...Morality is still a force in the world, and most of us transfere our feeling of family to the political nation... It is hard to draw a line between moral and healthy... It is usually quite easy to draw a line between legal and moral...
Honor is a foolish concept to me. Wanting to be respected beyond what is pratically necessary for the society is unproductive. If you are a capable enginner and someone says you are not, its fine to disagree, but if someone says you are a douche, why raise a voice against it? Its their opinion, if they had not said it, you do not know. To wish to punish someone for calling you a douche is to wish to regulate what people think about you. Regulating what people think about us is impossible and ultimately leads to your own harm: Not only we lead people to hate us even more, but we may also make then hide that hate and reduce our ability to understand how those around us see us.

Off course, raising a voice against someone who calls you a douche is perfectly understandeable and human. But there is a point where honor protection leaves the field of the understandeable.

No primitive person would leave home without his honor...No one could live in their community without their honor... That is the meaning of our word: rehabilitate.... No one could be restored to their home, habitation, without their honor, so the word means: restored to honor... And we forget that in our treatment of prisoners and ex cons... We are too busy punishing them to bring them back into equality with us, so we pay a terrible price for our cruelty...
Honor, and morality come from a time without money and wealth as we know it... If a poor person has to leave home searching for food or wealth of any sort, he must leave women and children behind, and there the honor of ones neighbors and the high esteem they hold for you and yours is their sole protection... So how would such people view you if you let some one take your goods or kill your family with impunity??? That sort of action took the honor of a person as much a rape is thought to steal the honor of a woman even today... In the larger frame, individual honor translates into national honor, and in that sense, ethics resembles ethnic, for every community was judged by the quality of its individuals... We are moral as the price of membership in our communities... Try to join any club, or marry into any clan proclaming you will not be bound by any subjective morality, and expect to decide all your behavior for yourself based upon an individuals limited sight and knowledge... Societies Know more about what behavior is healthy, and what contributes to peace and the welbeing of society... Societies don't learn much, but they forget little...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Aug, 2010 06:19 am
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

Yes and I second that nominate, not sarcasticly but well intended

You clowns should join a circus and leave philosophy to the adults...
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 31 Aug, 2010 10:43 am
Which school did you learn "your" philosophy?
Reply Tue 31 Aug, 2010 11:21 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Which school did you learn "your" philosophy?

IN which school did I learn "MY" philosophy; perhaps???

I don't have a philosophy... And philosophy is not something I can say I know, but is something I do, as one uses a tool to achieve a desired result, since philosophy is not an end, but a means, much as logic is a method of reaching a rationally defensible result... What skill does it take to love, after all; and if one can be said to love a thing which will never love one back, then what skill must one know to love knowledge???

First, one must learn... Second one must observe...Third one must be cursed and blessed with insight and imagination... And more possible than the third is the desire to prove ones own existence by making a difference...And making a difference is easy enough... Spitting on the street makes a difference, but making a positive difference and knowing it, and knowing you know it as understanding is, takes knowledge, and effort since knowledge must be pursued at no greater rate than it can be digested...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Aug, 2010 01:47 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Your patience is much admired, and I will nominate you for sainthood.
Lol. Thank you, sir =)

We dont need more pseudo-gods, though.

Fido wrote:

Did we create love and hate and virtue and vice because we named these qualities??? Humanity found it could not live without its morals, and before that point may not have given it much thought...But morals is found in the nat urial relationship between mother and child, the bonding, and this is transfered to ones nat ion...Natural relationships, as between family members are usually more moral..
These qualities exist because humans do.

Fido wrote:

Whenever they were very moral societies or not is entirely subjective.
Not so! Nor are morals relative because they tend to the absolute... Morals have to do with self perception and community self consciousness... When Native American allowed themselves to be burned, tortured, and cut up to the point of death, and then cut loose to give the kids a taste for killing, all the time giving encouragement to their captors and offering unburned flesh do you think they did so for some purely subjective gratification??? To appear less than strong, brave, and enduring would have been extending an open invitation to attack ones family, friends and nation... Courage, the highest moral and honorable attribute must some time be demonstrated to be proved... If such notions seem foreign to us do not expect that the message we give is lost on people harder and longer suffering than ourselves... When we show ourselves weak, and cruel as well we demand that our society be washed off the face of the earth...When we do as we did in Iraq and Afghanistan, we show our weakness to the world, and weaken ourselves further with the demonstration...It is a fool's game we play..
The meaning you give to the word "moral" and its derivatives seens to be different from mine as well as most of society. There is no point in discussing the meaning of a word. There would be a point in discussing what meaning it should have though.

Fido wrote:

Your not seeing is not my problem... Societies that practiced vengeance also practiced group responsibility and control... Just as with Orestes, each community was expected to police itself, and keep out the bad element, and we see that spirit in our most abused form of Comedy, the cop show, which would be, if it were turned around from the perspective of the criminal, -a tragedy...They did not only think they would be judged by other ethnic groups for harboring criminals, but by their God as well...That is why the Athenians used to take even the bodies of their condemned to the border, and throw them over... Those people considered themselves good, honorable, and worthy of honorable treatment from others... The line between humanity and animals was the city limits to many... We are the same... It is not wrong to kill ones enemies, and the way we have tilted the picture all of Islam is our enemy... We make the laws we expect the world to follow regardless of their laws which may be far older and more sacred... No one like feud justice, and most people,if given the opportunity gave up the right to immediate justice for the promise that the whole of society would make an issue of justice, and this is the social contract, the beginning of modern government... It is not as though no good came out of it... But no good has been for long forth coming because once there is law there will be people who turn law to their own benefit and care nothing for justice.
There is a difference between self-regulation and revenge.

Fido wrote:

I dont get this, you seem to be imposing notions of an universal morality, such as that killers should be killed.
Just as in Athenian homicide law, murders should be avenged, and to do less is to live dishonoably, and to live dishonorably is to invite extinction... But, Athenian homicide law did not extend protection to slaves, because slaves were cut off from their communities. and thought of as having no family... The object of the law was not justice for all, but justice for Athenians, because with justice ended the need for blood feud and feud is the worst disruption for a settled people...When people think of the law as serving an individual purpose, or in our case, serving the needs of the rich against the poor, it becomes an impediment to justice and makes it all the more certain that people will settle accounts on their own...And there goes your society.
People should not seek justice, but survival, a situation all can accept and cope with. Perhaps the key problem is, ultimately, that people trully care only for themselves and their close ones, and not for all of society. They see society as a mere instrument for the protection of their own, and they give something back to society only as a way of securing that protection.

Why the upper classes turn the law against the lower classes? Because the upper classes care only for their closer ones, they do not trully care for those bellow, they merely reconize they are needed for their own survival. if all cared for all, that would not happen.

Off course its difficult for humans to care for those whom they are not really close to, but its something to aim for.

Fido wrote:

Honor is a foolish concept to me. Wanting to be respected beyond what is pratically necessary for the society is unproductive. If you are a capable enginner and someone says you are not, its fine to disagree, but if someone says you are a douche, why raise a voice against it? Its their opinion, if they had not said it, you do not know. To wish to punish someone for calling you a douche is to wish to regulate what people think about you. Regulating what people think about us is impossible and ultimately leads to your own harm: Not only we lead people to hate us even more, but we may also make then hide that hate and reduce our ability to understand how those around us see us.

Off course, raising a voice against someone who calls you a douche is perfectly understandeable and human. But there is a point where honor protection leaves the field of the understandeable.

No primitive person would leave home without his honor...No one could live in their community without their honor... That is the meaning of our word: rehabilitate.... No one could be restored to their home, habitation, without their honor, so the word means: restored to honor... And we forget that in our treatment of prisoners and ex cons... We are too busy punishing them to bring them back into equality with us, so we pay a terrible price for our cruelty...
Honor, and morality come from a time without money and wealth as we know it... If a poor person has to leave home searching for food or wealth of any sort, he must leave women and children behind, and there the honor of ones neighbors and the high esteem they hold for you and yours is their sole protection... So how would such people view you if you let some one take your goods or kill your family with impunity??? That sort of action took the honor of a person as much a rape is thought to steal the honor of a woman even today... In the larger frame, individual honor translates into national honor, and in that sense, ethics resembles ethnic, for every community was judged by the quality of its individuals... We are moral as the price of membership in our communities... Try to join any club, or marry into any clan proclaming you will not be bound by any subjective morality, and expect to decide all your behavior for yourself based upon an individuals limited sight and knowledge... Societies Know more about what behavior is healthy, and what contributes to peace and the welbeing of society... Societies don't learn much, but they forget little...
I suppose its better to not go down the meaning of honor as well. Then I think about it, there are so many meanings that I dont really know what it means, or is supposed to mean. Ultimately, its meaning doesnt really matters =)
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 31 Aug, 2010 07:12 pm
Wow you do seem very bright in my opinion but I do question why you see no value in honor.
Yor quote [I suppose its better to not go down the meaning of honor as well. Then I think about it, there are so many meanings that I dont really know what it means, or is supposed to mean. Ultimately, its meaning doesnt really matters]
I wonder if you should have replied to the last as you did the first and that is, Your quote [There would be a point in discussing what meaning it should have though.]

Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2010 08:42 am
My use of morals and moral reality is much like our use of morale which is used to express the spiritual health of a body, a corp of men; as opposed to the physic, or pysical health... Physical forms refer to the material world, the tangible world we can sense, and that is to an extent, finite... Moral forms are all infinites... There is no physical being to moral forms, so unlike physical forms which are the meaning of a certain being, moral forms are meaning only...There is another name for moral forms which you may like better, but which does not express so well the general idea, and that is emphatic form or emphatic reality...We may say of a form like honor, that it does not exist but for our emphatic insistence that the quality has meaning... In fact, it is out of such moral forms that we create our social forms like government, religion, law courts, and economies...And yet, because no moral form can be de fin ed because they are each in fin ite, we are constantly in a dispute over them as we are over no physical form... Moral forms are the cause and solution to all our problems... So whether we can define them or not we must still manage to talk about them because in our trying to define honor, and justice, and virtue and liberty we instead define ourselves... Like our emotions, which are moral forms, they exist because we exist, and they must contribute to our survival or else we are wasting our time with them..
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2010 09:24 am
You never seem to make any sense. Have you ever heard of ying and yang? The two items you list must necessarily exist together, because they are never separate. One without the other means you're dead.
Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2010 11:44 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

You never seem to make any sense. Have you ever heard of ying and yang? The two items you list must necessarily exist together, because they are never separate. One without the other means you're dead.

Sense is your problem competely... The more sense you have, the more the world makes sense...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2010 07:59 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

Wow you do seem very bright in my opinion but I do question why you see no value in honor.
Yor quote [I suppose its better to not go down the meaning of honor as well. Then I think about it, there are so many meanings that I dont really know what it means, or is supposed to mean. Ultimately, its meaning doesnt really matters]
I wonder if you should have replied to the last as you did the first and that is, Your quote [There would be a point in discussing what meaning it should have though.]

What part did you think was bright? =)

Im wondering if it was reconizing our differences in the meaning of morals. Because it seens to me a lot of useless discussions spawn from people discussing the meaning of words without realizing it.

I think "code of honor" and "honor" are a bit confused in my head. I have heard about a lot of foolish codes of honor and its carriers call it just "honor"... so it ends up "honor is foolish" =)

I think my head can settle down well with the following meaning: An honourable man is a man worth of trust, and honor is trustyworthness. That also seens to be quite close (if not the same) than the meaning accepted by dictionaries, so it seens like a fine meaning.

Fido wrote:

Like our emotions, which are moral forms, they exist because we exist, and they must contribute to our survival or else we are wasting our time with them..
I think I understand the meaning you give to the word now. Sadly that does not solve the problem of that it is very different from what is generally accepted, what makes discussion troublesome =) (As this long and quite flamey thread has show)

I dont quite agree with what is quoted above. From the special (as in species) point of view, it is certainly true, but from the point of view of an individual, happiness may be a more worthy pursuit than survival. Im talking about how, from a rational standpoint, there is no reason to survive or preserve the species. It feels as though that then we understand that, our desire to preserve the species takes a heavy hit as we realize its just instinct... albeit I still desire to preserve the species =)
Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2010 11:04 pm
I never said there was anything rational about morals or moral reality... As you seem to freely admit, reason is from the perspective of the individual, and morals are from the perspective of the group... If I were to give an example it would be of a family perishing together even when one or more could extricate themselves and survive... From the perspective of those who would survive, the have their lives without that which gives life meaning, and again; morals are meaning... And we can say that is a general sense morals help the whole society survive... Immorality from the perspective of the immoral helps them to survive as individuals, but their vision is flawed and limited, so while they often think they are acting in self interest, they are actually feeding a situation which makes survival more difficult for themselves and all... For example: There were many in Rome or Greece who justified the difference between rich and poor on fate, or intelligence; but the division they sowed was so destructive of their society that others came and took their wealth and often their lives and enslaved the poor no less than before and kept only the justification ready made for their wealth and the poverty of all... Immorality, which is always injustice, can be justified; that is: rationalized where morality and justice cannot be directly justified... But it is not individual people who will decide if a certain social system will survive, but cultures clashing and shouldering the weakest out of existence so the strong will survive..Our very nature is the judge of our morality, since what is good for a community is invariably good for the greatest number, and what is good only for a few individuals is no good at all... Poverty makes communities in the process of constantly teasting them... Wealth makes individuals by feeding them while it ruins the community...

I would be open to a word that better explains the situation we have of moral reality opposed to physical reality... I have looked, and tried to keep an open mind, but there seems to me no better word that morals and moral reality to express the quasi concepts we know only as meanings without being...
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2010 06:53 pm
You really have gave some good thoughts to be thought about fido over the long period of time that you have been giving them! Great work and research that you have done.
Some may come behind this post to share their ignorance as to how you have it all wrong, just ignore them as they are acting out emotional and they have a reason to. It may not be a rational reason but it is a reason non the less.
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 05:36 am
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

You really have gave some good thoughts to be thought about fido over the long period of time that you have been giving them! Great work and research that you have done.
Some may come behind this post to share their ignorance as to how you have it all wrong, just ignore them as they are acting out emotional and they have a reason to. It may not be a rational reason but it is a reason non the less.

Thanks; I guess!!!
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