@Frank Apisa,
I see a ton of OPs from 10 and more years ago reanimated from deep sleep by new accounts that toss out a couple of posts and disappear. I think one day we'll check in and the lights will be off.
But you're right: it's the same ten liberals and the same five nitwits. Repeating over and over the same things. No doubt, I am a major offender.
I hate to admit it. I don't come to be educated anymore - we've rehashed the same five topics over thousands of pages over hundreds of OPs. I come here to visit friends, read funny stuff not in a comic thread, make funny comments and that is it. The closest we come to making it interesting was the first six months of Ukraine and the first two years of Covid.
I think we come here to connect and yet there are five people I would vote off this island, realizing I'm on that that list, too, for a bunch of people I admire.
I'm very invested on another site. I moderate there, been there 10+ years. Izzy and glitter tried it out, but couldn't get into the swing.
When this place slips away. So does a lot of people I care about.