OK ... more critically acclaimed movies I couldnt stomach myself ...
Wag the Dog
That was supposed to be a sharp, topical satire, right? I'd already heard about the story line before I went to see it - top Hollywood producer stages "war in Albania" to save president from sex scandal - and I thought it was clever and spot-on. Unfortunately, the movie itself had nothing to add to the clever concept. I was soooo bored! And I remember being so surprised, afterwards, at a satire that had me LOL all of *once* through the entire movie ... Anyone else had that?
Il Postino
Il Postino must have been in the moviehouses for like a *year* here. People *loved* it, lapped it up. So cute! So picturesque! So authentic! But it seemed just fake, oversweet sentimentalism to me.
Idioterne (the Idiots), Lars von Trier
The first Dogma movie that made it big. Was *the* talk of the town. I remember going there with a friend and we were actually angry when we came out! We felt so cheated. What a bullshit-movie - all pretense of innovation and message in its "shocking" style and subject matter - but the style's not all that new, really, and the subject mainly seemed to have been chosen for effect.
Nevertheless, it should be noted: after Idioterne came Festen (by a guy called Vinterberg), the next Dogma film that made it big. And Festen hit home, a breathless confronting gripping shocker of a movie. And before Dogma days von Trier himself made a beautiful movie too, "Europa".
Stealing Beauty and Antonioni & Wenders'
Par Dela les Nuages (Beyond the Clouds).
Those go together. Famous directors - and I'm a great fan of Wenders' work - who've become a bit older and are comfortably settled in their fame. Is that why these movies seemed so lazy?
Put a pretty girl (or different pretty women) in there and focus the camera a lot on that, add (Italian, Tuscan) settings that will strike the German/British/American snob viewers as classily exotic, have protagonists thoughtfully ponder some carefully dosed faux profundities, but don't actually touch anything seriously painful or confronting ... an easy score. Movies for middle-aged intellectuals. Will give them just enough fodder for both intellectual and actual masturbation the evening after ... and will reassure them that, you know, there's young beauties out there who'll consider them ever so interesting, when they stroke their chin and mutter about art, and life ...