Are Philosophers lost in the clouds?

mark noble
Reply Wed 4 Aug, 2010 06:53 am

A pyramid is a pyramid, defined by the pyramidic values. If lacking in said values, it is not a pyramid.

Kind regards!
Reply Wed 4 Aug, 2010 07:35 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Ah, but most humans react to what we see and perceive it to be. Out of the millions who visit the Gaza pyramids every year, how many do you think call it a triangle as its form?

We do not attempt to analyze its perfection; we all understand what it means when they tell us that the pyramids looks like a triangle. It's in the common understanding of language that is important; not how "perfect" it is.

The concept of a triangle could not be more simple or perfect, and yet in reality there is no such perfection found or created with the concept... What people think of the matter has nothing to do with the facts, which I do not know and do not pretend to know, but from insight say that the facts are that of reality falling short of concept in one sense and altogether surpassing concept in every other... Don't you believe as I, that to be a philosopher you must be willing to look beyond what others see??? The moment we generalize and classify any phenomena we are telling a great fib which is left for others to disprove...

There is no difference in kind of saying there is such a thing as a triangle or saying there is such a thing as a cat... Of course, there is such a thing as a concept of a cat, just as there is a concept of a triangle, and yet in both cases the concept defines only itself and not the reality... What is the essential element of a Cat??? It is its life, and yet life is a moral form and no true concept, so while we may conceive of a cat it is never a true cat, or rather, the concept is never true to the cat... And the concept of the triangle is never true to the reality, so it cannot define the reality and so, must only define itself...
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 4 Aug, 2010 07:39 pm
Fido, People do not live on facts; we live on our personal perceptions and emotion.
Reply Wed 4 Aug, 2010 07:52 pm
guigus wrote:

Fido wrote:
guigus wrote:
If reality cannot offer an example (a perfect one) of a triangle, then what do you mean by "triangles are not created except when built"? If you stop an instant to think about what you have just said, you will see that you have touched on the true nature of the problem: a triangle is both an ideal construct and a concrete object - it is a way of representing a concrete object in which we clearly see the features of the object (material, three-dimensional) as different from the features of its representation (immaterial, two-dimensional), as well as how each one of them cannot exist in the same way (a triangular object) without the other. The source of all confusion is that, in a certain way, they are indeed the same, despite remaining essentially different.
We always use our forms to recreate reality in a fashion we find more desireable or useful... Our forms are not perfect, and they do not reflect reality, and cannot be used to create perfection... Can we "make" a triangle? Certainly, but the lines will not be straight nor the points constant... It is only in the ideal that things do not change...

If we use our "forms" (I suspect you mean our concepts) to recreate reality, then who created it in the first place?

In what sense is a question of metaphysics enlightening in a question of epistimology??? It does not matter who created the stars, or those who see them... What is an essential quality of humanity is the ability to see patterns. It is we who draw the lines that triangulate the stars, which means we can see what is not there, and it is this seeing of what is not there that accounts for all our moral forms, God and life included... If we could not grasp life as a spiritual quality we would not be human, and would not exist... Conceptualization is the mark of intelligence, to see one form as distinct from another, and to see the form as general, as object, and thing in itself when it is not...

Forms tell us something about ourselves, and are a bit of information we hope is true in regard to the world, but it is our ability to classify them according to a value or meaning that makes mankind human because as with the stars when we can bind them with threads we have tied like to like, and seen an invisible connection between them that is at the root of knowledge, and knowledge is the beginning of creation because, when we can see the invisable we can do the impossible which we do only with a great attempt to overcome reality and the natural restraints of life... All we do is impossible, and our existence in every corner of this square earth is impossible... We have brought ourselves into this existence as form and concept...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Aug, 2010 07:55 pm
guigus wrote:

Fido wrote:
Pyramids are a five sided object with a square base and triangular sides, but squarish does not make square, and triangular does not make a triangle...

Conversely, without triangles nothing would be triangular, and without squares nothing would be squared.

In a sense, you are correct since without our concepts everything would be what it is, and yet, without concepts we would not be ourselves either... Humanity is its own creation...It does not matter what we started out as because as we have conceived, so we have become...
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 4 Aug, 2010 07:56 pm
...and as the old saying goes, never believe what you see, and only half of what you hear.
Reply Wed 4 Aug, 2010 08:02 pm
guigus wrote:

Fido wrote:
Do not forget that triangles do not exist in reality, and that for any given three points, like mountain peaks or stars that we provide the lines and angles, even the presumption of a point... It does not matter how much reason tries to polish reality to perfection because reality is always what it is, and never perfect...

The problem is that you consider as perfect a two-dimensional figure made of lines that are in turn made of points with no dimensions whatsoever, while considering as imperfect an object missing these properties, which only reveals a bias of yours (I would say a definitely idealistic one).

I have no bias... I prefer any imperfect reality with me in it to a perfect reality without me in it... And there my bias ends... You know, I am uneducated... I have read too much and suffered too much lonely thought... But, I really think there is more than one old timey philosopher who agrees with me, and with perhaps a better and more reasoned argument for it... So without wishing to defer to them completely since I like to think for myself because thinking with the knowledge others gave me makes it impossible to think for myself and yet that is the particular dead horse I like to try to flog, there fore I suggest you read more too...
Reply Wed 4 Aug, 2010 08:20 pm
@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:


A pyramid is a pyramid, defined by the pyramidic values. If lacking in said values, it is not a pyramid.

Kind regards!

Pyramid is a concept and pyamidal, or pyramoid, pyramidic or pyramid like is the reality made from the form... I am not saying the concept is not useful for being perfect while reality is not... I am saying that the tendency to identity the form with the reality is a mistake upon which rests suffering humanity... We cannot begin to define justice or liberty and yet we creat social forms to deliver the moral good we fail to conceive of, and when things do not work we confuse the perfection we conceive of with the reality we create and think we can do no better... It should be understood that our realities never reach the limits of our concepts, and our realities should be judged for themselves... When we look at our government we should look at the government and forget the ideals that gave birth to it, and judge it against the good people everywhere need... And when we look at our cars we should do the same thing... It does not matter what ideal was used to sell it; but does it run, and is it reliable... We have to learn to judge reality, though it is perceived through forms, and created with forms by its personal meaning to us... We have to learn to see ourselves as the essential quality to all meaning... Then it does not matter if the car or government works for others because the essential conception is our self conception... Who are we, and how do we know???...Ultimately it all gets down to the existential, phenomenological and ontological... And there I can only offer an opinion...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Aug, 2010 08:39 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Fido, People do not live on facts; we live on our personal perceptions and emotion.

Yes to the later and no to the former... WE have no personal perceptions except of our own emotions and even there we learn, and are taught how to perceive and how to think... Our forms preceed us and learn is in many instances the learning of forms, and by what logic is one thing classed as itself and not as some other thing... The sylogism which was the great lever of the middle ages philosopher, in my opinion, was little more than a great attempt at classification and definition... IN fact, every word we have is a concept, and we all learn to speak before we can begin to use logic so our modes of thought are impressed upon us long before we can ever get into a position to judge our thought.. The moment we call anything by its name we are offering a fact which is a judgement made by prior generations and given to us whole... No one; not even the most commited Dadist can escape the power of names over thoughts, and try to tear though all the preconceptions and you must still call a chair a chair, and a dog a dog, because if you would say anything meaningful you must speak in the terms people are used to, and those terms are facts... The connection has long been made between the concept and the object; but philosophers should still try to free themselves from the same preconceptions of reality as everyone else and see things with a fresh clear eye, and ask: Is it true??? Is a book a book, and a dog a dog, and a pyramid a pyramid??? Physical forms do not share their perfection with reality, so their acceptance as being as conceived rests upon agreement just as Love, or Justice, Or freedom depend upon agreement for their meaning, so all are moral forms... All forms of physical reality are also moral forms, accepted by common consent...It is our emotional need for life and company that keeps us so agreeable...Which you say...
Reply Wed 4 Aug, 2010 08:42 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

...and as the old saying goes, never believe what you see, and only half of what you hear.

Asking which half is easy... I only hear about half of what anyone says anyway... Too many years of an impact wrench pounding sense into my head the hard way...God was I tough...
mark noble
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2010 11:44 am
Hi Fido!

You do write with a lot of sense, but your usage of 'we' can be a little frustrating at times. You appear to assume that the way 'you' perceive is the way all humans perceive.

It isn't. But you are coming to me from a highly logical platform.

Thank you, and kind regards!
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2010 11:52 am
Not all of our actions are motivated by emotion. We sleep because it's necessary for our bi0logy, not because it's based on emotion.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2010 12:05 pm
@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:

Hi Fido!

You do write with a lot of sense, but your usage of 'we' can be a little frustrating at times. You appear to assume that the way 'you' perceive is the way all humans perceive.

It isn't. But you are coming to me from a highly logical platform.

Thank you, and kind regards!

I was thinking about an old girl friend I had years ago who liked to get tanked and argue about subjects she did not know much about... When the game was up and I had offered all the evidence I could find, she would say: Who's to say??? I'll say it... I will be the judge... I made a statement out of anatomy once that many women roll their hips forward...My idea of forward, to the front on top was her idea of backwards...I don't know...If you roll a ball does the top go in the direction you roll it in??? I even brought her to the library and showed her the book and the statement with illustrations to that effect... Who's to say, was her reply...

Clearly we all have and use concepts... How we perceive and rationalize our environments seems a well traveled path; but who's to sau???
mark noble
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2010 01:37 pm
Hi Fido!

Me! If anyone ever says that to you again say, "Mark Says, that's who."

Problem solved.
Have a glorious evening Fido!
0 Replies
mark noble
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2010 01:41 pm
As for the 'ball' thing - It all goes in the direction it is rolled, or you and the entire solar system may rush away from it? That'll depend on what you've been smoking, I guess....

Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2010 01:54 pm
@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:

As for the 'ball' thing - It all goes in the direction it is rolled, or you and the entire solar system may rush away from it? That'll depend on what you've been smoking, I guess....


I'd like to smoke, but I really want to run, and Asthma has shot my lungs so I have to watch every breath I take... The world is certainly a more interesting place with upstairs .. It may be an impossible quest; but rather than an escape from reality which we are all so obviously in pursuit of, I seek a reality I feel no desire to escape... Have not found it yet. But who's to say???
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2010 01:58 pm
Fido, Your choice to smoke is a subjective one; nobody forced you to start smoking. Even with the bad health consequences of smoking, you still choose to smoke.

Your qualifiers of reality and how we perceive our life belongs on the laffer curve.
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2010 07:31 pm
Fido wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:

Ah, but most humans react to what we see and perceive it to be. Out of the millions who visit the Gaza pyramids every year, how many do you think call it a triangle as its form?

We do not attempt to analyze its perfection; we all understand what it means when they tell us that the pyramids looks like a triangle. It's in the common understanding of language that is important; not how "perfect" it is.

The concept of a triangle could not be more simple or perfect, and yet in reality there is no such perfection found or created with the concept... What people think of the matter has nothing to do with the facts, which I do not know and do not pretend to know, but from insight say that the facts are that of reality falling short of concept in one sense and altogether surpassing concept in every other... Don't you believe as I, that to be a philosopher you must be willing to look beyond what others see??? The moment we generalize and classify any phenomena we are telling a great fib which is left for others to disprove...

There is no difference in kind of saying there is such a thing as a triangle or saying there is such a thing as a cat... Of course, there is such a thing as a concept of a cat, just as there is a concept of a triangle, and yet in both cases the concept defines only itself and not the reality... What is the essential element of a Cat??? It is its life, and yet life is a moral form and no true concept, so while we may conceive of a cat it is never a true cat, or rather, the concept is never true to the cat... And the concept of the triangle is never true to the reality, so it cannot define the reality and so, must only define itself...

Nothing has to be a perfect triangle to be triangular. And no triangle can exist without triangular objects. Neither the concept exists without referring to an object to which it applies nor an object to which it applies can exist without any concept referring to it. You usually favor this last aspect, hence your bias.
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2010 07:34 pm
Fido wrote:

guigus wrote:

Fido wrote:
Pyramids are a five sided object with a square base and triangular sides, but squarish does not make square, and triangular does not make a triangle...

Conversely, without triangles nothing would be triangular, and without squares nothing would be squared.

In a sense, you are correct since without our concepts everything would be what it is, and yet, without concepts we would not be ourselves either... Humanity is its own creation...It does not matter what we started out as because as we have conceived, so we have become...

Take care: we do not create ourselves just as we like. Concepts need objective reality as much as objective reality needs concepts.
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2010 07:41 pm
Fido wrote:

guigus wrote:

Fido wrote:
Do not forget that triangles do not exist in reality, and that for any given three points, like mountain peaks or stars that we provide the lines and angles, even the presumption of a point... It does not matter how much reason tries to polish reality to perfection because reality is always what it is, and never perfect...

The problem is that you consider as perfect a two-dimensional figure made of lines that are in turn made of points with no dimensions whatsoever, while considering as imperfect an object missing these properties, which only reveals a bias of yours (I would say a definitely idealistic one).

I have no bias... I prefer any imperfect reality with me in it to a perfect reality without me in it... And there my bias ends... You know, I am uneducated... I have read too much and suffered too much lonely thought... But, I really think there is more than one old timey philosopher who agrees with me, and with perhaps a better and more reasoned argument for it... So without wishing to defer to them completely since I like to think for myself because thinking with the knowledge others gave me makes it impossible to think for myself and yet that is the particular dead horse I like to try to flog, there fore I suggest you read more too...

You have just confirmed your bias: asserting you prefer an imperfect reality with you to a perfect one without you is just reinforcing the very concept of "perfection" that enslaves your thinking. Abstract forms are not perfection, they are just abstract, that's all. Do you really like to think? Then think.

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