@cicerone imposter,
Chimps have hands and brains as well; but they are lacking in the essential genes associated with speech... Still, they take certain situations as signs, so there may be no reason they could not learn to read or write... They have been around as long as we have, and they clearly have not got it on their own...
You may say that humanity advanced by stages, and that, in becoming animals of the savanna they also became hunters rather than hunted, but; even today travel is a challenge and an education... The greatest advance of humanity is language, and its child: culture... Culture is knowledge, and the ability to transmit knowledge from generation to generation is the beginning of science and technology... In a very real way, culture is also morality, and the nearer are people to nature the more their morality demands that they reject natural behavior, and actively do as no animal would do..
What you say of humans is simply not true... All other animals are more subjective than humans... They each experience a life unique to themselves without even the ability to share it through communication... To say we are the most subjective is to deny that we are the most objective, and that much at least is true... No other animal has any regard to objective, or universal truths, and the animals posing as human beings have no regard for objective or universal truth... They can treat other human beings as objects only because their experience of life is so isolated and subjective; but they are the exception...
What you say of no other living thing sending rockets or flying may well be true, but these activities so against nature, and causing nature so much damage are made possible by our objective sense of reality... The presumption that our environment is here and everywhere the same, is an objective conclusion making the search for universal laws possible... If we were even a fraction more subjective we would never even have determined the difference between objective and subjective reality... Even our conscious subjectivity, what most people would call individualism has its roots back in the breakdown of Roman/Greeks society when social happiness was thought impossible, and people grasped for the straw of self sufficiency, what to some groups, including the Christians came to be called ecstacy, though it has many synonyms... Subjectivity, like relativism is a condition that is forced upon people by the breakdown of forms...
None of us, even when determined to do so can have even the subjective experience of life as a mouse... That we should want it at all, and seek refuge in it is the greatest sign of social decadence... In a healthy form, people first seek to lose the individual for the group experience... Humans want to be outside themselves, and to be a part of something larger...Compare such people to the hypocondriacs and republicans of the world who can think of nothing else but themselves, and their own aches and pains... Such people are miserable and discouraging...