Faulkner slams Labor's 'anaemic' culture
ABC online
Updated 7 hours 36 minutes ago
Senator Faulkner took aim at Labor's attitude to focus groups while delivering the Wran Lecture in Sydney. (file photo) (AAP: Alan Porritt)
Veteran Labor Senator John Faulkner has lashed out at his "anaemic" party, which he warns risks losing a generation of voters unless it overhauls its culture.
Senator Faulkner took aim at what he called the ALP's reliance on focus groups while delivering the Wran Lecture in Sydney on Thursday night.
"We commission focus groups to find out not just what people think of what we say, but all too often, what we should be saying at all," he said.
"The party has now become so reliant on focus groups that it listens more to those who don't belong to it than to those who do."
He said there was nothing wrong with using focus groups to test advertising strategies or explore understandings of policies.
"There is, however, something deeply wrong when we use polling to determine our party's policies, and even our values," he said.
"Labor must never forget that you do not earn the right to lead by perfecting the art of following."
Senator Faulkner warned the policy debate that was once the backbone of his party risks being "stifled" by "factional fixes, log-rolling and back-room deals".
"It has meant that our members feel the only roles for Labor's loyalists are as rubber stamps for decisions already made behind closed doors and as polling-booth fodder on election day," he said.
"In our desperation to avoid bad headlines, we have closed off the avenues for debate that are the lifeblood of our party.
"Our own members, our supporters and the broader community are blindsided when hotly-contested internal debates become public only after their resolution and when, apparently, there is unanimous agreement."
Citing activist organisation GetUp! as an example, Senator Faulkner said many Australians find political debate "richly rewarding".
But he said the Labor Party shies away from the unpredictable nature of community debate.
"I see it rather as a symptom of the anaemia that is draining the life from the Australian Labor Party - an apparent aversion to the unpredictability of democracy," he said.
"We have lost a generation of activists from Labor and, if we do not face the challenges and opportunities of reform in both structure and culture, we will risk losing a generation of voters as well."
He also criticised the party for giving power to a few people among Labor's factions.
"Those who believe in a policy not supported by the party's public voices quietly sit down to avoid causing embarrassment," he said.
Former prime minister Kevin Rudd said he agreed with Senator Faulkner's view.
"Fundamental reform is necessary for the Australian Labor Party as John has said quite rightly," he said.
"It's not just a question of Labor Party members being listened to, but Labor Party members being heard, and this is the beginning of the reforms which are necessary.
"And that I believe is the task that lies ahead for the National Party Conference of the party at the end of this year."
However, Mr Rudd's intervention sparked an angry response from AWU national secretary and Labor powerbroker Paul Howes.
"It's probably more of a case of 'Do as I say, not as I did'," Mr Howes said.
"Party members should be heard and should be taken into account. That hasn't happened, and it certainly didn't happen under his leadership."