Oz Election Thread #4 - Gillard's Labor

Reply Tue 31 May, 2011 09:30 pm
Conspiracy theory.:

Would it be too far-fetched to suggest that the powers behind the conservatives had no intention of Abbottt ever leading a Lib/Nat government at all?
That he is simply being used as a shock trooper to undermine the Labor government in the crudest way possible & a time when Labor is looking vulnerable in government?
And now that he seems to have regained considerable ground for them in the polls by throwing around enough dirt, that the real reason for this Liberal "conflict" we keep hearing about is the struggle over who will be their leader at the next election?
It's not looking like he has caused the government enough instability for an early election to happen.
And I honestly cannot see him as a possible PM.
I doubt the Lib/Nats can either.

Reply Tue 31 May, 2011 09:38 pm
Reply Tue 31 May, 2011 11:12 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 May, 2011 11:20 pm
God help us, he's at it again! Rolling Eyes

So, it's OK for the mining companies making millions to be "political activists", but not the likes of Cate Blanchett? Confused


Tony Abbott presses mining companies to become political activists to fight carbon tax

The Australian
June 01, 2011 2:24PM

TONY Abbott has called on big miners to become political activists, urging a repeat of their minerals super profits tax campaign in order to scuttle the Gillard government's carbon tax.

Speaking at Minerals Week 2011 conference in Canberra, the Opposition Leader said the carbon tax was a “massive act of economic self-harm” that would damage the resources sector and the wider community.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I know none of you like being political activists,” he said.

“But I say to you that at this time, you need to become political activists - at least for a few months, at least for a couple of years - if are going to be able to continue to be the miners that you want to be and that Australia needs.”

The minerals sector would be a powerful ally if it agreed to Mr Abbott's plea.

Its $22 million, six-week campaign against Labor's minerals super profits tax was a key factor in the downfall of prime minister Kevin Rudd, and ultimately led to the softening of the tax under Julia Gillard.

Mr Abbott said he understood mining industry players were duty-bound to shareholders to get the best possible deal for their companies, “but don't accept that as in any way good for our country”.

“If you choose, as you should, to fight this tax, you will have support in this community,” he said.

“You will certainly have support from the Coalition parties which I lead.”

Earlier, Xtrata chief executive Mick Davis told the conference the carbon price debate presented an immediate and important public policy risk to mining companies.

He said the industry needed a stable investment climate and regulatory landscape, and the mining industry had a “legitimate and important role to play” in shaping climate policy.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 May, 2011 11:27 pm

It feels like Groundhog Day!

How to get out of here!
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Reply Tue 31 May, 2011 11:48 pm
I can't see them dumping Tony before the next election - particularly if it's early because of byelection or indepenent change of heart.
Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2011 01:36 am
I just posted this to the Live Sheep Trade thread & am posting it here, too, for your information:

I just became a signatory to GetUp's urgent Ban Live Export campaign.

My name has been added to many other Australians with the same view.

An email on my behalf will now to sent to the Prime Minister & also to my local members supporting the ban.

If you would like to do the same, please find the details here.:

0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2011 05:45 am
I can't see them dumping Tony before the next election - particularly if it's early because of byelection or indepenent change of heart.

I guess my problem is that I can't imagine anyone in their right mind would see him as prime ministerial material, hinge.
So keep looking for some other explanation for him being Liberal leader.
I thought that was quite a fine conspiracy theory, as conspiracy theories go! Wink
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2011 06:48 pm
Something that got up my nose while reading the AGE this morning.
Now I feel quite cranky. Wink
Quite a colourful discussion going on!

Viewers left fuming as Q&A divides and conquers its audience
Clem Bastow
June 3, 2011/the AGE

Comments 100

Tony Jones hosts the ABC's Q&A.

The TV show for the digital age appears to have passed its zenith.

THERE was a great statistic doing the rounds a few years ago - I read it in one of the more noted scientific journals, Cosmopolitan magazine - about how many people had become physically violent with their computers due to frustration (37 per cent was the magic number).

That statistic was at the forefront of my mind on Monday night, when I found myself standing in my living room, spittle flying, fingers jabbing the air, screaming at my television. How many do the same thing while watching ABC's Q&A? Perhaps those Cosmo statisticians should look into it.

It's true that - to borrow everyone's favourite diet ad disclaimer - individual results may vary while watching the show, but as Q&A has grown in stature, so too has its polarising effect on viewers. People either watch and scream bloody murder, or they don't watch at all: rare is the viewer who says: ''Oh yes, Q&A, I don't mind a bit of that of a Monday night.''

What is it, then, that the show is doing wrong? For a start, it's a one-way conversation. Q&A runs selected Twitter comments across the bottom of the screen like a CNN news ribbon, but any actual engagement is limited to the chosen (very) few. It's hard not to take host Tony Jones's regular trotting out of ''we'll take that as a comment'' as a cop-out.

In fact, the ''show'' that unfolds on Twitter as everyone plays the hashtag game is a separate show to the one the TV. It's become a Pavlovian response: if the panel members start yelling at each other while ignoring the issues at hand, retreat to Twitter.

Take last week, when Professor Gail Dines - on the panel for the Sydney Writers Festival edition - took to yelling down anyone who didn't agree with her with a terse ''Let me finish!'' (You know it's been a shouty episode when the ABC transcript reads ''Multiple speakers talk at once''.)

The problem is not specifically the shouting - after all, Parliament's question time is a very entertaining and enlightening shout-a-thon - but that too often the panel gets bogged down in the minutiae of policy and rhetoric rather than working through a broad range of issues.

It is not expressly a show about politics, yet Q&A is regularly stuck with politicking because the line-up is often weighed down by politicians.

On occasion, that has worked. The special editions, featuring Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard and John Howard, have been fascinating.

Also, much like the Gruen Transfer's election special, Gruen Nation, Q&A shone during the election. Stripped of the urgency of an election campaign, however, politicians' grandstanding does little to deepen anyone's grasp of the issues.

This week, for example, did we learn anything from George Brandis and Kate Lundy's bickering - ''That is nonsense.'' ''It was Scott Morrison and you know it, George.'' ''That's a very unworthy thing to say, Kate.'' - other than that the Liberal Party and Labor like to goad each other when given the chance?

Engagement with the discussion also relies upon engagement with the topic at hand. As a ''working single'' unlikely to have children, this Monday's talk of working families (a phrase issued by politicians so often that it should come with a trademark symbol) and their cost of living left me cold. Climate change, on the other hand, is very pertinent given that I'll get to live out my twilight years in a global warming wasteland.

A young audience member on Monday's show was concerned about the same issue and asked what the parties were doing ''to slow down or eliminate climate change'', only to be answered by more bickering from Lundy and Brandis. (Though Brandis was quick to assure him that ''we'll make sure you have jobs'', which must be comforting in the face of certain weather-based Armageddon.)

Perhaps that's the problem. The show's engagement with the ''audience's'' questions is so limited - there's definitely more ''A'' than ''Q'' - that if a particular panel doesn't cover whatever your burning issue is, you're left wanting.

Or maybe it's the sly fox himself. Jones has been careful, after a few early missteps, to cultivate his Q&A persona as one of inscrutable tour guide, and for the most part he pulls it off.

Unless, that is, he can't resist getting a word in edgeways, as he did on Monday when, in response to Lundy's glowing shopping list of Labor public policy that ''helps'' resettle refugees, he remarked, ''except the ones that you plan to send to Malaysia to an uncertain fate''.

It's tough to know where to go from here: should Jones just think ''damn it all to hell'' and start weighing in as well? Should the panellists all have a laptop at the desk so they can individually respond to Twitter questions? Or should we look past the social media buzz and accept that Q&A is ultimately just a non-interactive TV panel show, and keep shouting into the online drain without hope of our questions being answered?

The show's own assessment of itself is that ''it's about democracy in action - on Q&A the audience gets to ask the questions''. But when the pollies are too busy one-upping each other, they forget to answer.

Feel free to take it as a comment, Tony.

Clem Bastow is a freelance writer.

Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 08:09 pm
I haven't been following Canberra & federal politics very closely in the past week or so.
Any important new developments I've missed, anyone?

Just catching up on what our cartoonists have been saying over the past few days :


0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 08:11 pm
A reprieve for Australian cattle in Indonesia, but no compassion to asylum seekers who are to be sent to camps in Indonesia?

Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 08:13 pm
Leunig's response to more deaths of diggers in Afghanistan:

0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 08:17 pm
Julia & the first bloke contemplate a rise in interest rates & Labor's carbon policy:

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Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 08:19 pm
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Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 08:41 pm
Q&A was pretty average again this week. The tweets are more worthwhile it seems. Gutman was a bad choice of guest. Surely they could have found a pro-Israeli spokesperson who didn't have an inbuilt need to be the centre of attention. Tuesday Night Book Club much better.

Have been ignoring Canberra too. Though there's been footage of both Hunt and Abbott spruiking for a carbon tax (back before the current parliament).
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 08:43 pm
Thanks, hinge.
I feel very out of touch at the moment!
I must catch up with the latest Q&A
I've been timed out. Again. Smile
Thanks for posting a breaking the spell.
More cartoons to come!
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Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 08:46 pm
Haven't seen Nicholson for quite a while.
A few of his most recent ones from The Australian:

0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 08:47 pm

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Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 08:48 pm
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Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 08:51 pm
Tandberg again.
Live cattle trade + asylum seekers again.
I'll leave it here.
About to be time out again, any minute now! Smile

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