Hello again, Wendy
Thanks for responding to my question.
Quote:Frankly, I think more should be done and said by both sides on the flood issue.
The hold-up, of course, was disagreement between the government & the opposition on
where the funds for the flood reparations should come from. The government's position being that a (pretty small) levy be imposed on those who could pay, while Tony Abbott argued that the funds should come from "savings" to government's budget (as outlined in his pre-election statements), rather than any new taxes. A position which the government found unacceptable. So this impasse held things up for quite some time!
Following developments over the last couple of days, it sounds as though the government now has the necessary support in parliament (independents/Greens) for the flood levy. :
Could I ask (without being too nosy, I hope) if you've been affected by the hold-up? Don't respond to that question if you'd rather not, OK?
Quote:More particularly I think they i.e. the current Government in power, should have shone a spotlight on the insurance companies, who are dragging the chain, "inspecting" the relevant houses using someone commissioned by them.
I thought they actually had tried to do that, going by media reports. But it doesn't sound like they had all that much impact on the insurance companies.
They, of course aren't obliged to heed the government's advice.
But I agree with you on this, some of the reasons given by the insurance companies for the rejection of claims seemed pretty outrageous to me, too.
Quote:The Opposition is purely that, the opposition. They are at the mercy of the independents voting in a block with their party. So there's not much effectively they can do from where they sit.
Well, it was a pretty close election, Wendy.
Labor just got in by a nose ... with the support of the Greens & the independents.
So I'd say the Liberals were in a pretty good position to put up alternative policies & to promote an alternative "vision" to that of the Labor Party in the circumstances. I honestly haven't seen much of that, which I think is a squandered opportunity, one which they've failed to capitalize on ....up to this point, anyway.
From the Labor Party's point of view, with such a small minority government, they've hardly had the opportunity to shine, either. It sounds like Julia spends a heck of a lot of her time consulting the Greens & the independents, to persuade them to support government policies. She probably spends more time with them than anyone!
Quote:I think the current government has wasted heaps of money and money that is ours.
I agree with you about some of the wastage, but I think most of that stemmed from the
previous (Rudd) government's rush to inject money into the economy to keep it afloat during the recession. It was argued at the time that the money needed to be spent immediately to avert, or minimize, the damage to the economy. I understood that & also think that this strategy achieved the desired effect ... but, I was also very concerned about wastage of money at the time. (especially to schools. State schools will probably never again see such a huge injection of funds - or any time soon - and a lot of it was wasted, or the schools had little say in how it was spent. I recall (as a teacher) being very upset about this at the time. Still am, actually.)
Quote:I also think Gillard is a back stabber, I think she coerced, bribed and talked her way into government despite the stalled election result.
So you're not a fan of Julia's, then?
Amazing how much polarization of opinion there is about her & Tony Abbott, too.
People seem to either love em or hate em! Depending which side of the fence they're on.
I'd be interested to know if you'd feel differently about a Labor government today, Wendy, if Rudd was still prime minister?
Would that affect your vote in anyway?
As to the asylum seeker funeral's. You probably already know what my attitude to that is. We've talked about it for pages now.
How do you feel the government could have handled the funerals better?
I don't know that spending money to fly relatives could be avoided, if you accept that relatives have every right to attend the funerals of their loved ones. I think too, there would have been public outrage, if arrangements for them to attend weren't made.
But, on the "asylum seeker issue" my position is that I very disappointed with
both major parties policies during the last election campaign ... for entirely different reasons to yours, I'd say.
But I'll leave this here at this point ...
This post has gotten way too long already.
Please feel free to disagree with anything I've said, OK?
No problem.