Oz Election Thread #4 - Gillard's Labor

Reply Sun 13 Feb, 2011 06:33 am
So what do you reckon are the chances of the Hun publishing that, hinge?
In the interests of "balance". Wink
Reply Sun 13 Feb, 2011 06:45 am
I don't know if you skimmed the comments, but it's clear they'd rather allow right wacko's than moderate lefties comment - talk about sniffing your own bum.
Sun 13 Feb 11 (04:50pm)
What’s the email address for Insiders? They were particularly disgusting today.

Andrew did his best but looked really disheartened. And excuse me but why do they have one Conservative commentaor and 3 sickening lefties?

Andrew Bolt you’re a champ. You’re decent and ethical and have the brains to match your high standards. I don’t know how you put up with them.

I think Barrie Cassidy has passed his use by date. The wrinkes on his face he can’t help but the wrinkles in his thinking are just appalling.

These ALP governments are an outstanding example of what happens to a country when its been dumbed down to
the level playing field of the bog standard of PC socialism/
Playing games is abouyt all they and their media acomplices
are good for as they twist, turn spin and obfuscate to avoid
all responsibility and blame for their idotic and very dangerous poor judgement decisions and policies.
The Insiders truly disgusted me this morning

Well said and it proves once again that the media is in the pocket of the left and maybe some other country , it really is a disgrace, but we can see why the distraction tactic was used.

Hmmm, yes, Rupert Murdoch is a noted commie who owns 80% of the Aus print media.

Reply Sun 13 Feb, 2011 07:00 am
Just found that segment of the Insiders, hinge.
I see what you mean about Bolt's performance.
What a beat up!
And watched the channel 7 interview (again) on the program.
Abbott appeared to be having some sort of melt-down.
Quite spooky to watch.
(He made John Clarke being Tony Abbott look pretty damn good! Smile )
But how crazy, to blame the media for Abbott's abysmal, out of it performance!

Media treatment of Abbott 'disgraceful'
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Broadcast: 13/02/2011

Barrie Cassidy and the panel discusses the media's treatment of Tony Abbott's comment in Afghanistan.

Reply Sun 13 Feb, 2011 07:12 am
Bolt is grasping onto the idea that 7 were focusing on the '**** happens' comment as dismissive of a soldiers' death - when I first saw it I could see Tony wasn't guilty of that, the scary bit was how he handled the interview after the initial questions, Bolt seems to barely grasp how concerning that is and laying the blame at the feet of Mark Riley and 7 - well sorry Andrew, I don't care if they accused him of raping three year olds, having an apoplexy-based paralysis is not the initial reaction I want to see from an elected official in any situation that doesn't directly involve him/herself or his immediate family.
Reply Sun 13 Feb, 2011 07:19 am
As for those comments, yes I looked.
They can't be for real, seriously.
They have to be Liberal-planted "readers' comments", a desperate effort to save face for Abbott. They are too similar in tone & content.

As for outrage at the Insiders: imagine if Cassidy, Maher & co had said what they really thought about Abbott's performance?
Annabel Crabbe even made excuses for him (which I found almost funny ... was she serious? Smile )
Nah, this is a concerted "save Abbott" campaign we're seeing. And he definitely needs saving after that.
(I wonder how many Hun readers would watch the Outsiders anyway?)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Feb, 2011 07:23 am
Bolt seems to barely grasp how concerning that is ...

It is very concerning.
I've never seen a political leader behave like that in an interview situation.
It doesn't even matter what the context of the interview was.
Something was very, very wrong.
I didn't get much joy from watching it ... didn't quite get that "gotcha!" feeling.
I was more alarmed, to tell the truth ...
Wondering what on earth was wrong with him?
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Reply Sun 13 Feb, 2011 08:29 am
Well, after all that...

Here's the latest Age/Nielsen poll.

Not looking good for Labor at all:

Coalition surges to decisive lead
Michelle Grattan
February 14, 2011

THE Coalition has opened an emphatic 54-46 per cent two-party lead in an Age/Nielsen poll that shows Labor's primary vote and the Prime Minister's popularity sliding.

This is the biggest lead the opposition has had over the Gillard government in Nielsen polls and - depending on preference allocation - probably its best result since early 2005. The Coalition's two-party vote is up 3 percentage points since November, with Labor's down 3 points.

On the positive side for the government, the Prime Minister's flood levy, introduced into Parliament last week, is backed by 52 per cent, while almost two-thirds approve of her response to the summer's natural disasters - despite criticism that she looked ''wooden''.

The results come as Julia Gillard last night won a deal with the states on her hospital plan - but only after she was forced to leave vague the detail of her proposed national pool into which federal and state governments will put funds.

The national poll, taken Thursday to Saturday, came at the end of a difficult week for Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, with leaks about a row with his deputy, Julie Bishop, and controversy over remarks he made in Afghanistan last year.

Yesterday opposition finance spokesman Andrew Robb was forced to reaffirm his support for shadow treasurer Joe Hockey and Ms Bishop, after a newspaper quoting him saying he had told Mr Hockey: ''I aspire to your job.'' Mr Robb said this had been a pre-election conversation, and accused the paper of stitching him up.

Labor's primary vote has fallen 3 points since November to 32 per cent; the Coalition is up 3 to 46 per cent, while the Greens are down a point to 12 per cent.

Ms Gillard's approval is down 2 points to 52 per cent; her disapproval has risen 4 points to 43 per cent. The rise in disapproval is statistically significant, but the movements in voting numbers are not. Ms Gillard is more popular with women than with men (55-48 per cent).

Mr Abbott's approval has fallen a point to 46 per cent; his disapproval is up a point to 49 per cent. He has narrowed the gap as preferred prime minister by 3 points. Ms Gillard leads him by 51 per cent (down 2) to 41 per cent (up 1).

Despite Mr Abbott's intense campaign against it, only a minority (44 per cent) oppose the flood levy, while 50 per cent back his response to the natural disasters.

Support and opposition on the levy followed party lines. Nearly three in four Labor voters back it, as do two-thirds of Green supporters. More than six in 10 Coalition voters oppose it, with 35 per cent in favour.

Independent Tony Windsor said yesterday he was ''probably leaning against'' the levy, which Ms Gillard needs to be supported by four of the six House of Representative crossbench members.

The poll shows the government making little progress with the carbon price. With a proposal for a July 2012 start to a price going to a cross-party committee this week, people remain split 46 per cent in favour and 44 per cent against, the same as last October.

The 54-46 per cent vote is based on preference flows at the election, giving the Coalition probably its best lead since 2005. If preferences are distributed by how people say they would allocate them, the result is 53-47 per cent, the best opposition lead since May.

Labor is doing better in Victoria, where it leads 51-49 per cent, and SA (where it trails 48-52 per cent), but is struggling in Queensland (39-61) and WA (44-56). It is also performing poorly in NSW (44-56).

Reply Mon 14 Feb, 2011 12:42 am
I checked, hinge.
Looks like no go.
Not that I'm at all surprised.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Feb, 2011 02:14 am
Still pre Tony mind meltdown/Julia health empress. Plenty of time.
Reply Mon 14 Feb, 2011 02:48 am
Speaking of time, what's your thinking about the Age poll results I posted last night, hinge?
A temporary state of affairs, or can Labor recover over the coming months?
It amazes me that Abbott can perform so poorly, yet apparently gain approval at the same time. Seems to be an anti-Gillard protest vote as much as anything ....
Too be honest, I think Julia has been considerably less than impressive at the helm, but Abbott, on the other hand, has been abysmal.
Reply Mon 14 Feb, 2011 04:52 am
Hi Olgs, my previous post was my take on the Age poll:
Still pre Tony mind meltdown/Julia health empress. Plenty of time.

Julia has said her govt will live or die on it's performance in it's current term. I agree. I think they can definitely turn it around, but they'll have to be a lot more effective than they have been in the three years previous - but the health agreement is a good start. I think she has turned a corner. I also think Tony's honeymoon period with the lib executive and mps may be fraying.

That said, I'm clearly not representative of the Australian electorate. That's just the way I feel.
Reply Mon 14 Feb, 2011 07:02 am
Oh sorry, hinge. I didn't realize that your comment was related to the poll & was interested in your opinion ....

Julia has said her govt will live or die on it's performance in it's current term. I agree. I think they can definitely turn it around, but they'll have to be a lot more effective than they have been in the three years previous - but the health agreement is a good start. I think she has turned a corner. I also think Tony's honeymoon period with the lib executive and mps may be fraying.

I agree with most of your assessment. And I'm not too clear about what the broad electorate would actually require to view her more favourably. (I don't think I'm representative of the Oz electorate, either.)
I think opinions are currently based very much on assessment of the two leaders, their personalities, etc, rather than on the performance of either party.
I acknowledge that in such a tight situation, and depending so much on the independents & Greens' support, that it is extremely difficult for Julia & the Labor party to "shine" in the current circumstances.
I also believe that Abbott was very much an unknown quantity (as a potential prime minister) & had a very easy time of it during the (very short) election campaign. Not too many challenges from the media at all at the time ... most of the focus & the criticism was directed at Labor (& Gillard) for dropping Rudd as leader, etc ... which worked in Abbott's favour at the time.
Now that we are able to scrutinize his leadership of the Liberal Party & get a better idea of him as a potential pm, he's not looking too impressive at all. To put it politely. I wouldn't be at all surprised if there's another Liberal leader before the next election. He appears to be out of his depth.
Reply Mon 14 Feb, 2011 04:17 pm
Yeah, I agree that the battle seems based more on the personalities of the leaders (advantage Gillard).

I'm just waiting for a Lib MP to answer a media question without preambling 'worst government ever'. Clearly their media advisers want them to stay on message across the board but saying it every time isn't going to make it true - and people are dumb but not that dumb, i think we're a gnat's dick from it being used regularly in comedy with 'great big tax'. It just makes the users look like robots - it's like the advertising on web sites - you know it's got nothing to do with the content so you just block it out.
Reply Mon 14 Feb, 2011 07:16 pm
Yes, yes!

I am so weary of 'worst government ever' & 'great big tax'!
And (fingers crossed) maybe the electorate is, too?
It rather backed-fired on Abbott's response to "flood tax", didn't it?
Maybe it's time to try to string a few more sentences together & actually say something that matters?
One can live in hope, anyway.

You might be interested in this, hinge.
Published today in the ABC's Drum/Unleashed section:

That philosopher to the common-folk, Tony Abbott, is this week dealing with his own slings and arrows as he enters the political twilight zone of disapproval from which some never return. ....

Memo Tony: ****’s happening:
Reply Mon 14 Feb, 2011 07:30 pm
Ooh cool - I'm getting a new sig.
Reply Mon 14 Feb, 2011 07:45 pm
I'll look forward to seeing that! Smile

But, talking of mindless political slogans ... I also found Labor's thoroughly done-to-death "working families" line extremely grating after about the first 1000 times I'd heard it.
I mean, it wasn't as if the whole family was slogging away at some workplace .. right down to the 3 year old. Wink
It was almost as if the word "workers" was unacceptable, that it might be too inflammatory for conservative voters.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Feb, 2011 10:21 pm
As I have stated before ... I never used to vote labor, Felt that the working class mentality and union power brokers mentality has and will do little to create jobs and are more intent on spending money for their own pet reasons. Not that the conservative voter and or the business orientated in the conservative party were any different, only that big businesses are the makers of jobs and realize that a balanced budget or better is most important.
I voted for Rudd in the last one election, as I was fooled by his expert expelling of wind, I now have little regard for him or the way he was thrown out. I think it has people like myself... thinking, that Tony the twit and the conservative party as a whole, woud have to be a last resort, plus, I'm fear full, of the one eyed greens and the flip flop independents because their power to disrupt any of the sensible decisions of either party. I am most likely completely wrong, and I hope to your favorite God I am.
Reply Mon 14 Feb, 2011 10:27 pm
I understand your consternation TF, it's not much fun voting the least worst option.

What have you thought about the performance of Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott? Maybe tracking down a local independent will renew your faith?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Feb, 2011 10:36 pm
I would never vote for a independent... Hate the thought that one person could have so much power against or for majority of the voters
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Feb, 2011 10:51 pm
I wouldn't be at all surprised if there's another Liberal leader before the next election. He appears to be out of his depth.

I would like that too. But the Libs still smart from the Howard/Peacock/Downer/Hewson infighting that led to the Hawke/Keating years lasting much longer than anyone expected - if they forget that lesson maybe they'll implode. Certainly there are signs of it with the Bishop shenanigans and Andrew Robb's hormone injection related behaviour. I look at their front bench and I don't see much that appeals. Hockey might get in on the GW Bush 'bloke-I'd-like-to -have-a-drink-with' vote. Robb only has a chance in his dreams. Neither Bishop will cut it. Dutton and Pyne are cut from the same irritating cloth, any National is a no go, really the only face that doesn't fill me with revulsion is Scott Morrison. Are there no new faces on that side of politics?

I guess Turnbull could get another shot - why not, Howard got three.

Take a look at the shadow cabinet and suddenly realise Tony isn't as job insecure as you'd like to think:

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