Hi RJB. You've mentioned your sydney scrabble lady before. She sounds politically clueless to me. It's like she's channelling the real Tony (who we haven't seen for ages).
We've been getting reports too about Ken Wyatt's hate mail. 'We wouldn't have voted for you if we knew you were indigenous' etc. Weird. In Australia there is no rule for 'indigenousness'. Basically if you 'identify' as indigenous then you are. There's no test. So I know quite a few blonde indigenes.
Mrs Hinge says she could understand people who voted for him being upset if he came out and said he was there to promote indigenous causes only after he was elected. It would be no different than voting for an Italian/Australian who once elected announced that he would devote his energies to the bettering of the Italian community. Nothing intrinsically wrong with it but if it's central to your platform you should mention it during your campaign. That said I'm not aware that Wyatt said anything of the sort, but I haven't been paying attention because Bob Katter delivered a speech in Yarrabah where he claimed he was indigenous, and he's been an MP since 1993.