Thu 20 Nov, 2003 12:35 pm
Storytelling Idol
Contestant Notes: (This will be an 6 contestant tourney so enter early)
Contestants will compete in an elimination style tournament with the winner of each match moving on the the next round to face the winner of another match.
Simply express that you would like to compete in this competition and you will be entered in a random draw to see who you will face off against in the first round.
Tournament Tree:
Contestant 1 vs. Contestant 2
Winner of round 1 vs. Contestant 3
Winner of round 2 vs. Contestant 4
Winner of round 3 vs. Contestant 5
Winner of round 4 vs. Contestant 6
Story Notes:
Stories length is the choice of the writer, the judges will choose who's story they feel is "better" the person with the majority of the votes from the 3 judges will move on to the next round. With the eventual winner being crowned Storytelling Idol
Joe Nation
When is a storytelling contest not a contest at all?
When Joe Nation is in :wink: !
My biggest fan
remember: the first liar ain't gotta chance.
uhm...the last story I wrote was in 4th grade...but I'd like to be in anyhow :-)
And of course, with the birth of the artist came the inevitable afterbirth - the critic.
i'm only posting so this can get back to the front page of the 'new topics' list. come on people..write !! write !!
I, too, refuse to compete against Joe Nation.
The man is a storytelling heavyweight.
ANY time Joe wants to tell a story, I'm listening. But he already knows that.
He is the best. Nobody I know can compete. How about we challenge him to finish stories we start? That could be fun for everyone, if Joe is game.
Eva's suggestion sounds good to me.
Joe how about opening a thread on storytelling, We start you finish?
Not that I'm trying to repay {(ahem) or bribe for more (double ahem)} you, Mr. Nation, but I am most certainly willing to take everything you've ever written to every publishing house and go into detailed pitches for each story, essay, book and (sigh) poem
I've got a whole file full of his writings, Suzette. I've kept 'em for years. Shall I use them to blackmail him into writing more for us? No, I don't think I'll do that. He's too good a friend.
Happy Thanksgiving, Joe!!!
You have a file full of Joe's writings?
Wow, need any filing done? Say, could you send me the file COD? Or, could I just send you the amount it costs to photocopy them and mail them + labor, of course.
Happy Thanksgiving, Eva!
Happy Thanksgiving, Joe and that lucky woman with you!!
Stop it
Don't StOP...o0oo... this feels so good..
Thank you all
I only speak my mind.....
what an odd little mind.
Joe Nation. Who the hell is Joe Nation? Never heard of the bastard. I reckon I can tell more stories before breakfast than he can after he sobers up enough to meet with all the hoitytoity wannabe publishers fawning over him.
Sign me up to participate in the writing. Joe Nation ain't nothing -realjohboy-
Damn, I had it made, ma, I was doing the awshucks and being shy thing, shuffling my feet and looking down to put some tears in my eyes for my acceptance speech then that realjohnboy shows up. Throws his great shadow upon the earth as papa would have said. Shucks, the guy's a walking story machine. Hell, he'll bring a tear to your eye or scare you to death, inspire you to climb a mountain or climb under a chair, make you perspire like you were rain itself and that's just when he says "Howdy'.
It's not like he's book-learned neither, he don't put on airs, but it's like he pulls the creatures of his mind, hell, he pulls the creatures out of your mind, as if out of the air and sets them down before you to marvel at or shudder and cry, weeping at the revealing of your soul.
I'm going in to my room now to sharpen some pencils, going to get some paper and write out some notes about what I'm going to say when realjohnboy whips my ass like a stepchild.
PS Don't tell papa.
i wanna read one....i clicked on your name but i probably didn't scroll down far enough - saw lots of accolades though...
can someone send me a story of his...Joe...can you send me to where you've got a PLETHERA of stories gathered in one place perhaps?
I wrote a story for this apparently non-existent contest already....not for the sake of winning, but to see how it would turn out. I write...but the writing is few and far betwixt *sigh*.
Well, I am no storyteller, but I do like a challenge. I'm in.
Well, it's been a long hard fight.
Congratulations on winning, Joe!
(don't worry, I'll never stop :wink:
I have never written stories, bar a couple on Jespah's creative writing threads.
But I cannot even dream of competeing with Joe !