Krumple wrote:
mark noble wrote:I NEVER SAID IT WAS! Quote me on it.....................please?
I don't think it was in this thread where you said it. I'll have to check.
mark noble wrote:
Don't judge my mentality on the basis of something I HAVE NEVER STATED.
Sometimes it is not about what you say, but what you imply as well. But if you really want to analyze it, there is absolutely no way for humans to live without causing some sort of impact on the planet. Even if we lived in small tribal communities, where we lived in bush shelters, we would still impact the environment heavily. It is impossible to have humans living without impacting something. So if we were to switch gears, what would you suggest we do, if you don't like these global environmental impacts?
Should we quit cutting down all trees?
Should we get rid of all our power plants and tear down all our buildings?
Should we dig up all the roads, highways and streets?
Get rid of automobiles and combustion engines?
Stop flying planes?
What exactly are you arguing when you make the claims about over population? Should we kill off some people? Place reproduction caps on couples? Only allow elite people able to procreate? Enforce it by making all new born sterile unless the parents pay some kind of reproduction fee? What exactly are you saying if there is a population problem?
Why complain about these things unless you pose some solution?
Hi Krumple,
Firstly - I have never stated that mankind is responsible for climate-change. Why would I, when I don't believe we are responsible for it? So good luck with finding that (NON) post of mine.
Secondly - To go directly to your final sentence (Why I am complaining about these things unless I pose some solution/) I'M NOT! WHEN HAVE I EVER COMPLAINED ABOUT THESE FACTORS? I started a thread asking others for their opinions and conclusions on this issue. What the blue blazes thread are you reading Krumple?
You're accusing me of complaining, sensationalism, narcissism, child mindsetedness (New word) and a host of other things. And now you wan't me to casually answer your questions on what I would do in regards to your above listed dilemmas.......And I am suddenly meant to somehow care about what should be done......But I don't care!
I'll play your little game Krumple. Why? because I sympathise with you.
!) Should we quit cutting down all trees? No.
2) power-plants and buildings - pull down? No.
3) Roads, highways, streets - dig up? No.
4) Cars and engines - get rid of? No.
5) Planes - ground? No.
6) Population? not arguing
7) Kill off people? No.
8) Cap couple reproduction? No.
9) Elite procreation? No.
10) sterilise newborn? No.
11) What am I saying if there is a population problem? That the population far exceeds the available resources and habitable landmass.
May I just add, in case you missed it - that I haven't complained about any of these factors.
I do have views on most of them, but I don't think anything mankind does, even if we were all on the same ship, can prevent the onset of calamity.