Arjuna wrote:
Massage therapy originally came to the US in the 20's from Europe, although it's an ancient aspect of medicine. It quickly split into Physical Therapy and Massage Therapy, the latter being a front for prostitution. This situation prevailed until the 60's when massage therapy was reborn in California as a fusion of science and spirituality. When I got my first massage therapy license, I was required to appear before a county government meeting to affirm that I'm not a prostitute. That sort of thing has since been superseded by state licensure. Americans continue to be very touchy about the issue of touch... which tends to make American massage therapy a psychic mine-field. I actually thought I was pretty good at navigating through it... humor is a mighty tool. That's why it caught me so off guard when the Preacher got me... I lost my objectivity... my eye-ball floating in the room that would allow me to otherwise lose myself. The eye-ball was intended to notify me that something was going on that I needed to consciously address. So the Preacher was like a blind-spot.
We must run with a different crowd of Americans.
I don't know anyone, ulta-religious or not, that thinks a
licensed massage therapist is really a prostitute.
It's understood this took training, licensure and is an important service providing pain relief, relaxation, a chance to relax not just the body, but the mind.
It's not hard to pick out the legitimate massage theripists from the prostitutes.
I think he was a nutcase, and/or wanted something illicit going on, and this was his way of absolving himself.
archetypes....I'd say the Victim.