Arjuna wrote:
I can get myself into some turmoil over the image of the Victim too. Putting the Victim on a pedastal... like being a victim makes a person virtuous, when it fundamentally means powerless.
I need to amend this.
I don't mean people are are legitimately victims. I'm not meaning someone who was in a natural disaster, or were robbed, beaten, raped etc. when they were in no position to have that happen to them.
Most definately I do not mean children who are victims of adults.
I'm talking about the, what I consider the professional victim, for whom that is a way of life. The person who let's everyone know how hard life treats them, when life is treating them the same way it's treating everyone else.
Here's the first example that pops into my mind, an actual event with someone I've known for years through work, but only see occassionally...
Victim: Is that a new (fill in the blank)
Me: Yeah, I really like it too.
Victim: sigh......I wish I could get something like that....I don't have that kind of money
Me: They're not expensive. (then saying the following, hoping it would stop the "poor me's") I know how much money you make, and it's a more than me. If I can afford it, so can you.
Vic: Oh....but I have bills, electric, ....I have a house you know, I have to pay a mortgage...
Me: I own a house too.
Vic: Oh....but you have a husband, I'm a single mother (son is over 18).
Me: My husband is on disability, he doesn't work.
Vic: Oh.....but......
and on and on.