It does make me wonder why and how truth could be an embarrassment?
Surly the lie would be more embarrassing?
Is embarrassment an avoidance of truth then?
Is embarrassment a denial?
God could easily be the most embarrassing thing this universe has ever known.
It is something that wont let us prove It.
Embarrassment is also doubt.
But doubt is fear so same thing.
We are in constant fear even when not doubting or questioning God that His possible previous actions were not something that is easily seen as truthful for the sheer barbarity of the record.
So even if one does not question God's existence they still have to question God's credibility and or actions.
Making it often embarrassing to be associated to something that still wont confirm our truth.
Fear of a lost God.
This is where the bliss and peace of faith solves so very much of the confusion and embarrassment.
The state truly shows there is no need to feel embarrassed as long as you give your best and try to encourage the best from others.
Is embarrassment a marker for morality?
Is embarrassment an internal law?
Embarrassment is trying to tell me something.
Something is not right with me, there is an unbalance.
So you figure out the fear and face it and squash it.
I wonder how people can live with their embarrassment and still not face it.
Which of course is facing yourself.
Is embarrassment a selfish or selfless thing?
It could be telling you to do or be either.
Good to see you, still not secure enough to see what's in 'there', maybe better tomorrow, I will get round to it else I would then be embarrassed all over again.(sun smile)