Quote:I am currently fighting an interesting internal war which I find very illuminating but difficult.
I realised I am tending to view the new folk as "other"...and hence seeing examples of interactive styles I find intensely irritating as pertaining to PF folk generally, in a deep primitive way...while I know that's bullshit rationally.
I bet some of them are having the same experience.
I think it's a bit the result of seeing all the negatives about A2k expressed by so many of the PF people since they were dragged here. Of course, I consider that all part of a totally normal and reasonable process, ans completely understandable...but I must be getting bristly nonetheless. Which I consider a really dumb thing to so.
Must not bristle any more......
Interesting, Deb.
I'm wondering if, in part anyway, your reaction stems from personally having made so much effort to make the philosophers feel welcome here? I can see you put a heck a lot of time & energy into the merger.
Me, I'm viewing the little outbreaks of friction, on one thread or another, in an oddly detached way (for me, anyway).
I see it as phase # 2 of the the philosophers & the A2Kers "acclimatizing" to each other. We are now actively sussing each other out, not being quite so polite & formal in our interactions. Which I think is healthy, though a stressful or abrasive experience (for some). There are bound to be a few misunderstandings, a few outbreaks of anger, offense taken, as this occurs.
On one hand, I see some A2Kers becoming annoyed/peeved at the (fairly) constant flow of criticisms of the site & becoming less tolerant or obliging in our responses as a result. Understandable, I think. There have been a few suggestion that A2K is an inferior intellectual environment, when really, what we are is a very broad church. We're used to that & the philosophers aren't.
On the other hand, I see a number of the philosophers clinging onto their previous culture for dear life, almost. I can understand that, too. But the reality is that the philosophers threads here will never be
exactly the same as on their old (exclusively philosophy) forum, because (obviously) anyone can contribute to any thread here. There are no exclusive
anything threads. Anyone can contribute to any thread if they want to. Sometimes this can be a positive thing, at other times it can be downright maddening.
I think, too, we A2Kers are much more used to digressions from thread topics (though definitely not always welcome!) & also outbreaks of aggression, even, when contentious topics are discussed. The philosophers, by contrast, appear to me to be much more formal & polite in such circumstances.
Anyway, just my two bobs' worth at this stage ... I'm actually rather relieved that our dealings with each other feel more real & straightforward. It is much more interesting than the initial "love bombing" welcoming phase.

Well to me, anyway!
I'm thinking phase # 3 (when things have finally settled down & adjustments made) might be really good! Especially if a bit more cross-fertilization occurs.