Why People Seek Solace In Gods.

Sun 17 Jul, 2011 12:16 am
@cicerone imposter,
I am reposting this to you cic. personally, because of how sorry I am toward you for the mistake I made...so when you get your alert, it is not to disturb you again...but to truly show you I thank you, and look forward to talking with you soon again!

I just noticed what your talking about cic...and am so sorry...I am new here, and it was a mistake...I thank you for pointing out my mistake, and for the future, will respond to myself so that I learn from the mistake...and don't do it again...

0 Replies
Fri 22 Jul, 2011 03:56 am
@mark noble,
Hi Mark!

Have I sought God? Most definitely.
Why? I honestly don't know. Because I knew they existed and I wanted to know them better I suppose.
Did I find what I sought? I found my Goddess and God and even more, so I suppose I could say yes.
Am I still looking? Yes and no. I've found what I was originally looking for, so why would I keep looking? However, it has led me on to new searches.
Am I convinced there is a God? No, I'm convinced there is the God and the Goddess, and that they have many shapes forms and guises through which we worship them.
Do I follow my belief to the letter? Yup, every day.
Do you sin? This is the question I have the most difficulty with. Because, as many have stated, what constitutes sin? In the Christian sense? Yes, every damn day with pleasure. In my religious path's sense? Nope.
Do I believe in the afterlife? Yes, but I also believe in reincarnation. If that seems confusing let me know and I will explain.
Have I ever had an epiphany? Yup, lots of them too.
Did a traumatic experience flower my search? Nope.

I really appreciate your post here a lot. I also deeply appreciate your poetic use of the word "flower."
0 Replies
Smite Me
Sat 6 Aug, 2011 10:06 am
@mark noble,
1) Have you ever sought God?

2) Why?
Cause that's what I was told to do at church (but i think it was also because I really did love him)

3) Did you find what you sought?

4) Are you still looking?
I know better now

5) Are you convinced that there is a God?
Yes. His name's Richard Dawkins

6) Do you follow your faith to the LETTER?

7) Do you sin?
That's a weapon religion uses to stop us from being human

8) Do you believe in an afterlife?
Yes. It's called decomposition

9) Have you ever had an epiphany?
Yes. When I realized that every part of my body was once part of a star

!0) Did a traumatic experience flower your search?
Yes. It's called growing up. Got too old for bedtime stories.
Fri 12 Aug, 2011 09:44 am
@Smite Me,
1) Have you ever sought God?

2) Why?
Cause that's what I was told to do at church (but i think it was also because I really did love him)

if this is why you sought after God, I am not sure you ever were really looking for him to begin with...Cause that's what I was told to do at church (but i think it was also because I really did love him) and if you say you KNOW FOR A FACT YOU LOVED HIM...your journey would still be going with him...

3) Did you find what you sought?

simply put not hard to understand why you never found him....

4) Are you still looking?
I know better now

please explain what "better" is in your defintion?

6) Do you follow your faith to the LETTER?

please explain how this is N/A for you? unless someone believes they should do what THEY want WHENEVER they WANT...ALL the time...there is simply NO WAY of ever saying no to that question...

7) Do you sin?
That's a weapon religion uses to stop us from being human

I don't know you, but I am just gonna throw something out there...in your wisdom now as you claim, you think that you swearing, or getting angry, or maybe stealing if you did younger was a good thing? or where "they" (religious) at least shaping you for your journey now? showing, bad acts lead to bad things and good acts lead to good things...therefore, in NO WAY A WEAPON, but making people aware and subconcious....of there acts??

9) Have you ever had an epiphany?
Yes. When I realized that every part of my body was once part of a star

I don't know if you are serious, or joking, if your serious...I am interested in hearing this theory of yours if you would like to share it with me? thank you...

Sat 22 Oct, 2011 07:46 pm
@mark noble,
1) Have you ever sought God?
God has always been in my life.
2) Why?
See answer 1
3) Did you find what you sought?
I didn't have to find Him, for He was always there.
4) Are you still looking?
Why look when everythiong I need and more is always with me.
5) Are you convinced that there is a God?
I know there is a God. He is in Heaven, watching over us.
6) Do you follow your faith to the LETTER?
7) Do you sin?
Of course, I sin. With Satan tempting us and in this world, its impossible not to sin. The only 2 people who were pure was Jesus and Mary.
8) Do you believe in an afterlife?
What would be the point of death if not a life after? This life is just a test to see how worthy we are of God's grace. Though the cold truth is none of us are worthy to stand in front of Him, but He is so merciful that for an eternity, He will let us bow to His divine mercy.
9) Have you ever had an epiphany)
Not that I can say. I'm 14. Frankly, I'm not ever sure what an epiphany is...
!0) Did a traumatic experience flower your search?
Well, there was a period of time in my life where I questioned my beliefs. Then, my mother told me a story of a time a demon almost possessed her. Her mother saved her by praying the Hail Mary and throwing Holy Water. I believe that that demon tried to take my mother because it knew of her great faith. I also believe God made me her daughter so she could teach me to have just as much faith. Now, I know I will never let Satan push me away from him because though I am a sinner, I am also a girl of great faith who knows that whatever sin can get me in this life, God can get me so much more in the next.
Hope you enjoyed these answers!!! May God Bless You Smile
-God's little servant
Fri 2 Nov, 2012 11:42 am
@mark noble,
1) Have you ever sought God?

always yes, why not, actually everyday i know better god depend on my self , if u don't believe in god u wrong u believe, but u don't know, everyone have god.

2) Why?

because of my life and my way to live.

3) Did you find what you sought?
4) Are you still looking?

My drunkennes of today is not like yesterday's drunkenness; do you not believe me?! take a glass and drink! -drunkennes is about god and loving god-

5) Are you convinced that there is a God?


6) Do you follow your faith to the LETTER?

sure not. inertia and Authority , problem it is, i can explain that for u, if u want.

7) Do you sin?

bigger sin in our life is our prey!

8) Do you believe in an afterlife?

there is role not fire.

9) Have you ever had an epiphany)

in my dream something like that... yes.

!0) Did a traumatic experience flower your search?

yes sure, if u wanna reality u most pay for.
cicerone imposter
Fri 2 Nov, 2012 01:28 pm
This post came naturally from my recent cruise to the Med and Aegean Sea, and my visit to Haifa, Israel, for the second time. Haifa is home to Bahai, a "religion" that believes that all human religions are based on one god. They believe that all family is one family, women are equal to men, all prejudice is destructive and must be overcome, that science and religion are in harmony, and world peace is the crying need of our time.

I used to believe Buddhism was one of the great religions of this world, because their belief pretty much matches those of Bahai, and they only seek to improve themselves, and not convert others to their religion.

So many religions turn into extremists who try to convert others or kill them off as infidels.

Maybe, this information will provide some introspection about one's own religious beliefs, and how they treat others in this world.
0 Replies
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 08:29 pm
@mark noble,
I like this one...

Hi All,
Why, indeed? Have you ever sought God?

I would be happy indeed, if some of you would take the time to answer any or all of the questions below.

1) Have you ever sought God?
2) Why?
3) Did you find what you sought?
4) Are you still looking?
5) Are you convinced that there is a God?
6) Do you follow your faith to the LETTER?
7) Do you sin?
8) Do you believe in an afterlife?
9) Have you ever had an epiphany)
!0) Did a traumatic experience flower your search?

All your replies will be gratefully appreciated.
Thank you, and journey well.

My answers are truthful, refrain from laughter, please..
1. No
2. I bared my ass as gesture that I care not, for god or the worry of eternity or lack of it at age 16.
3. Yes.
4. Hard not to.
5. God/s (ethicality is my choice, it spares me slight)
6. MY faith, yes, though thats not evidenced in any part in the world, nor are lies, only confusions of assorted half truths which by design split the many.(though truth is definable amidst it, so cessation is not required)
7. Yes, though sin is perspective based, many would say I do not, if I lay out my plans and my self.
8. Afterlife is subjective, eternity is guaranteed only portions of time are removed.
9. Epiphany is momentary and not worth the discussion, particularly given its conclusion orientated worth to a human.
10. Flower? Flower? FLOWER! Trauma?... TRAUMA!.. I was attacked by assorted Gods and lesser minions, in multiplistic ways over 20 years.

What do you make of that?.. Do we have one of yours or not?
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 09:01 pm

I once went into a church to cry for a moment, though I did not believe I sought God, I went to sit where man had created such a place, as it was my right as a human to weep there without shame.
0 Replies
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 09:17 pm
Discussing Satan's name is incorrect child, particularly online.
Though it is clear you will not let Satan push you away from God and such would be vulgar of such ancient magnitude to foul you with even if such were a probable contact.
0 Replies
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 09:29 pm
Answer me this..

If bigger sin in your life is your prey, why must God foul you, or must you lie to state so?.. there are not so many big sinners?
Perhaps he works in peculiar ways?.

Or perhaps your little hotzone gets noticed, by more than you know, who also see this way, do not fail to remember that. Even close by, safety is primary on the minds of all.
0 Replies
Fri 14 Dec, 2012 09:39 pm
@Smite Me,

You would be well advised to pretty up 8 given 9, or you might be smited.. God does forgive for general human failure though.
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Thu 10 Jan, 2013 06:19 pm
@mark noble,
self....or the "I am" is what we all seek. When we die there are still people
(I ams) alive, so yes there IS life after death!
0 Replies
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 11:35 pm
"Something eternal" you'll get it ~~~~~ it's called DEATH.
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Sat 12 Jan, 2013 12:06 am
@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:

I would be happy indeed, if some of you would take the time to answer any or all of the questions below.

1) Have you ever sought God?


2) Why?

Existential despair wasn't working for me.

3) Did you find what you sought?

Not precisely, which is no surprise, since if a mere mortal such as I could prove God's existence, others would have done so by now; but I've found faith.

5) Are you convinced that there is a God?

No, I claim no concrete knowledge of God.

7) Do you sin?


8) Do you believe in an afterlife?

Not in the sense of waking up somewhere else (somewhere better) when we die. But I do believe there is a God who will remember me when I'm dead and will care what I did in life. So in a sense, we live on, in God's memory.

9) Have you ever had an epiphany)

Yeah, after trying to determine at this site whether I was still an atheist, I decided I wasn't.

10) Did a traumatic experience flower your search?

Contemplating the end of the human race.
0 Replies
Sun 3 Mar, 2013 05:22 am
@mark noble,
Hi All, (Hello there)

Why, indeed? Have you ever sought God? (YES)

I would be happy indeed, if some of you would take the time to answer any or all of the questions below.

1) Have you ever sought God? (YES)
2) Why? (Midlife crisis)
3) Did you find what you sought? (found the truth)
4) Are you still looking? (No - but fine tuning)
5) Are you convinced that there is a God? (definitely)
6) Do you follow your faith to the LETTER? (as much as i can)
7) Do you sin? (yes)
8) Do you believe in an afterlife? (yes)
9) Have you ever had an epiphany (I had a dream)
!0) Did a traumatic experience flower your search? (See #2 & 9)

All your replies will be gratefully appreciated.
Thank you, and journey well.

P.S. Why do people seek solace in God?? Because God put this characteristic in us. This is what life is about. To seek out the creator and submit to Him. This side of the grave. That's why the desire for God can be traced back to the first men. It's the ticker inside. An easy test. Put a proclaimed athiest in a boat in the middle of a gigantic storm at sea with the world's biggest wave bearing down on him......'who's he gonna call on?' No one? Ha!! Not christopher hitchens. Not buddha. Not Jesus. He'll call on God.
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mark noble
Tue 16 Apr, 2013 09:15 am
@Smite Me,
Nice one 'Smite', but your conclusions are somewhat wrong.
Correct on the 'deity' factor' but fcked on the 'metaphys-quotient'......Smile
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mark noble
Tue 16 Apr, 2013 09:21 am
Doing what 'YOU are told/taught to do' is NOT doing what you choose to do, or yearn to do.
And, is likely, the safe/soft, conformist option.

But rarely enough to give a toss.
0 Replies
Fri 23 May, 2014 07:54 pm
@mark noble,
Wow! Some great questions Here's my take:

1) Have you eve sought God? I truly believe God first sought me; because I wasn't entirely interested in Him until a certain time in my life But yes, I seek him.
2) Why? Because what I believe to be his word (the bible) tells me to, and because after 30+ years of experience doing this, I'm convinced that God answers me back in providential circumstances and occasionally with miracle.
3) Did you find what you sought? I definitely found what I sought, but not what I expected. There is a very big difference. Iow, God knows our needs and meets them in ways we don't expect.
4) Are you still looking? I don't have all the answers, so I continue to seek Him.
5) Are you convinceed that there is a God? Not just convinced. It is my conviction that the existence of the universe makes reasonable sense only br the existence of God as the necessary first cause to everything that began to exist. Otherwise we must deal with a myriad of logical absurdities.
6) Do you follow your faith to the letter? I don't believe there is a "letter". I try to be consistent and to obey God.
7) Do you sin? Of course.
8) Do you believe in an afterlife? Yes.
9) Have you ever had an epiphany? Several.
10) Did a traumatic expeiee flower your search? No. My realization that I'm a sinner did.
0 Replies
Tue 10 Jun, 2014 02:58 pm
1) Have you ever sought God? Yes
2) Why? Because I need a savior to save my soul.
3) Did you find what you sought? Yes, a true savior and friend is He.
4) Are you still looking? I seek God every day but as far as what I am seeking -no- I found Him to be everything I need.
5) Are you convinced that there is a God? Yes, no doubt!
6) Do you follow your faith to the LETTER? Yes --I try
7) Do you sin? No--and if you want to go to heaven you had better quit sinning. The In filling of the Holy Ghost will allow you to overcome sin. The Bible emphatically states that no sin will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
8) Do you believe in an afterlife? Yes--there is a heaven and a hell!
9) Have you ever had an epiphany) yes--when I received the Holy Ghost in my heart!
!0) Did a traumatic experience flower your search? No

Keep in mind that God is eternal and the human mind cannot understand eternal things. Here on earth we are subject to time and anyone with any sense could see that we will not live on the earth forever: Everyone will die eventually. Only a fool would say because he cannot see it- it therefore does not exist. How many stars are out there that you cannot see? How much of the iceberg do you really see? Come on don't be hoodwinked by anyone or even the enemy of your soul to think that there is no God or that there is no afterlife. Just go to the local hospital and talk to some people who have died on the operating table or in the emergency room. I am sure you will have a different perspective on the afterlife. In addition, there is overwhelming evidence of God's existence everywhere you look-literally. Take the human eye...did you know...

(Taken from Creations Moments' Website) "Computer scientists have learned that before one single image is ever sent to your brain, each cell of your retina must perform a huge number of calculations. Each second every cell of your retina performs 10 billion calculations! And you thought you couldn’t do math!

What’s more, these are not simple calculations. Dr. Joseph Calkins, professor of ophthalmology at Johns Hopkins University, estimates that the fastest computer in the world would require many hundreds of hours to do what the cells in your retina do each second! It is easy to understand why a scientist who studies eyesight cannot accept the idea that the eye simply evolved.

The eye is witness to more than the fact of the Creator. The clear vision of His involvement with humanity begins when Jesus Christ gives us clear spiritual sight in cleansing us from our sins. Just as many people must wear glasses to see clearly, because of our sin, we cannot clearly see our Creator who seeks us. Yet He is not far away, and He desires more than anything else that we come to Him in the Name of Jesus Christ. In Christ you will see miracles greater than vision!"

The list goes on. The idea that there is no God is a tactic of the enemy of your soul. If he can get you to believe that there is no God then when you die, he wins and unfortunately you lose-your soul that is for eternity. Why would anyone want to take that chance? Eternal fire in hell will be no picnic. If you could speak to the damned I am sure you would change your mind rather quickly! Seek God and He will reveal Himself to you.


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