@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Can you think of any two things that are identical to one another in every way?
This is an ongoing research question, and all your answers will be gratefully received.
Thank you.
As I have been pointing out, the question is ambiguous because the word, "identical" is ambiguous. One meaning of "identical" is: numerically identical. For X and Y to be numerically identical (or "one and the same") then X=Y. So, in this sense of "identical" (numerically identical) if X and Y are numerically identical, then X and Y are one and the same thing. And there are not two things but only one thing. The second meaning of "identical" is qualitatively identical. X and Y are qualitatively identical if and only if X and Y have exactly the same properties. That is, every property of X is a property of Y, and every property of Y is a property of X. In this sense of "identical", qualitatively identical, it is possible for two things to be identical. So, the answer, and the only answer to your question is, it depends on what is meant by "identical". If by "identical" is meant numerically identical, then the answer is, no. But if by "identical" is meant qualitatively identical, then the answer to your question is yes. The above is the only possible answer to your question, and the answer is, no, if you mean numercial identity, but yes if you mean qualitative identity. And that is the entire story.