Intrepid wrote:
It was not my desire or intent to embarrass you. Also, I make no judgement on you. I am not really concerned about your ego. I am only concerned with understanding what we are talking about.
Not sure about your desire (sun smile), but I believe your intent was not to harm.
I am constantly concerned with my ego and a little to much with others.
Don't fret I don't always know what I'm talking about either,
or asking,
hence the question.
I am a builder,
I do not know very well how things need to be torn down.
Intrepid wrote:
Again, I am not trying to embarrass you, but your definition of lottery as being anything thought to be a matter of chance covers a wide area. Lottery, on the one hand is as I stated.
Of course, a very wide area, and your previous answer was a fine one, but only in the confines of what we select 'lottery' to mean.
Which was why I suggested other avenues,
I could have been more pleasant.
Intrepid wrote:
Given your definition, you seem to be asking more to whether God controls anything that we consider to be chance. Winning a lottery or otherwise. If you actually mean, by your original question.....Does God control everything we do, I would have to say no. Our own free will determines what we do with what He has provided us with. His guiding hand will, hopefully, help us to make proper choices.
Now this is the answer from you I am interested in exploring.
We need first define 'chance' as well.
Not necessarily everything we do,
but certainly something to do with the outcome.
Are we the winning ticket?
What is it we are winning?
Are our winnings owed to something else?
Are we in credit due to the interference of a God?
Possible a deletion of choice at its core?
Have a great day or night, I am off to bed.