Wed 19 Nov, 2003 07:24 am
please guys help us we are really struggling at moment pretty please with cherry on top wuv ya all creep creep x x x
What the heck are you talking about?
jackturton- I feel your pain, but what the devil are you talking about? If you are referring to another thread, your post should be on that thread, not a new thread!
This seems to be a night for meaningless threads. What's going on? Is there a full moon or something?
jackturton seems to be posting everything in the "Ageing and Elder care" forum. She's got one on buddhism here as well.
so sorry
as i have stated i am new to this site and use on my pc i thought this was a freindly place just unsure about what forums to post in i stand corrected ops
Wish I could help, but this isn't my area of expertise.
This is a very friendly place and you can post wherever you like.
Re: so sorry
jackturton wrote:as i have stated i am new to this site and use on my pc i thought this was a freindly place just unsure about what forums to post in i stand corrected ops

Maybe Phoenix could assist with a move????
In this case though, we don't really understand the question.
Tis all good Wilso, I caught Jack's question in another post, and sorted it out.
thank you so much

so much for all those who helped me on my question most grateful for all your help i will get used to it thanx guys x x x