Tue 18 Nov, 2003 10:02 am
David Letterman has been running a series, "Know Your Governor," made up of clips of videotape of a very young Arnold Schwarzenegger, fooling around with scantily clad women and smoking dope.
It is pretty obvious that Arnold has had a nose job. The ridiculously young Arnold had a pug nose with wide nostrils, unlike the rather Clint Eastwoodesque nose sported by the Arnold in Sacramento.
Who knows? Maybe Arnold and Clint have the same plastic surgeon!
Not that there is anything wrong with rhinoplasty but . . .
I am convinced that Arnold's sexual habits are worse than Bill Clinton's. Arnold doesn't seem to have bothered to discover if the woman under his thumb actually found him interesting in the first place.
But then again, we could talk about famous nose jobs . . .
Ahnold just didn't have his noise chisled on (I hope he doesn't acquire a Michael Jackson complex). His nips and tucks are just too obvious and one can't actually blame what is perceived as a vain phoniness for a movie star who still wanted to work. His films have not been anything more than average box office with some glaring failures since "True Lies" (sic). Even "Terminator III" is depending on DVD sales to pull it out of a loss (extraordinarily shoveled under the rug even in most of the professional trade publications). The Friday date, Saturday matinee voter base of the Mobocracy has decided his next role is "The Governator" but all the dialogue sound bites are going to rapidly fade into the morass of political fighting over what will make California thrive again.
BTW, is it me or is Ahnold beginning to look like an elistist, aging Republican woman? However, with his drooling all over the Kennedys, he could change sides. I don't think the far right is that happy over his election.
Arnold has the sort of personality that is currently considered charming for a man -- a sort of boisterous, glad handing openness. Certainly, he is more charming than the appropriately named Gray Davis.
According to Tom Brockaw who appeared on the Letterman show recently, he introduced Maria to Arnold at Maria's urging. All three were at a party and Maria asked Brokaw if he knew Arnold because she wanted to meet him.
Arnold is not a conservative Republican and many of the Hollywood elite that appeared at his inaugural are known liberals. the man seems to have many friends.