Prothero, please explain to me how, in any way, the American form of government comes to weed out incompetents. Especially given...say...every president who has been out of office long enough to be placed in some kind of historical context since say, the 50's?
---------- Post added 02-10-2010 at 03:39 AM ----------
Prothero, please explain to me how, in any way, the American form of government comes to weed out incompetents. Especially given...say...every president who has been out of office long enough to be placed in some kind of historical context since say, the 50's?
Quote:You may not be convinced that American democracy runs well. If you want to take a pessimistic view of it, that's your prerogative.
I'm not taking a pessimistic view of it, my view is simply grounded in history and philosophy. The historical component simply backing up the philosophical one with examples of how badly the government fails at it's role.
Quote: My point was only that I'm not pessimistic about it. On the contrary. (And it would take a great deal more than the list of "missteps" you've mentioned to even begin to show that American democracy doesn't work well).
Leaders in any country where you have a democratic election aren't chosen for their ability or competency, it's simply a popularity context.That is why it cannot work well except as an accident of competent people being more popular than others. Do you really want to call a government that works well only accidentally good?
Quote:The Republic. I recommend taking a look at Alan Bloom's interpretation
I am almost 100% certain that Plato is on record innumerable times as being anti-democratic. I'll look into this Alan Bloom's interpretation though.