There's a real person there! Who'd of thunk it?
Wilso: I've always wondered: are you the one in the glasses or the one in the hat?
Joe, you're lovely and you know it. Osso, I'd like to swap stories with you some time - I am actually still at the decision stage...
Jpoe has a kind face to go with his kind heart !! Or is it the other way arnd ??
Just did a stupid thing, managed to upset the only "dish" in my department (details are on "I have been kicked upstairs" thread)
pm me, Clary, if you'd like...
Oh my! Look at that darling Joe Nation!
Where is the crush thread when you need it.
Stupid thing? Well. O.K.
Saturday. Coming home from picking up the dogs. Staaaaaaarving.
I'd been sick for a couple of days and living on chicken soup and ginger ale and lemon tea.
Stopped at the grocery store - and among the things I bought - a box of pre-made party sandwiches. Little tiny crustless egg salad, tuna salad, and smoked salmon with cream cheese sandwiches. What was I thinking? I don't really like this sort of thing. They weren't inexpensive. They were silly. I must have needed more cough syrup, or maybe I'd had too much?
There is such a thing as too much cough syrup. I had one of those things that wouldn't go away last year, a uri, upper respiratory yadayada, and after weeks I succumbed and went to the doc, starting out by saying I thought it was an allergic thing and didn't really want antibiotics, leaving the office with a prescription for more cough medicine and a fast round of whappo antibiotics. If these don't work, come back and we will look into allergy. Yep, the $$$ antibios did no good, since it wasn't bacterial, which I knew, clear cough-ups, and the further supposed to be better cough medicine made me nutso. It seemed to physically depress me, besides tasting badly, and bad too. Ahhhh, memories of an internist who once prescribed a very light dose of prednisone, for what I remember as $4.00, which worked immediately, in a similar situation. Fie, fie, fie on them, but I now remember this is supposed to be about me being stupid.
Well, I am that all day every day, this just happened to be a little vignette about someone else.
Joe Nation, can we talk? You look just like the type of person who can talk with anyone about anything.

As for cough syrup, yes, I fell into the trap of taking too much. When I'm sick, I don't think very clearly anyway and last night I couldn't remember how much I had taken or when the last dose was, so I just chugged down a couple more tabelspoons and went back to bed and into some of the strangest dreams I've ever had. Nasty stuff! There were intermittent dreams, being wide awake, more dreams and lots of being awake--not wanting to go back to sleep because of the strange dreams. On and on. Yuck!
I guess being a patient means you are supposed to be patient. I don't fit into that category.
Groan, I feel so sorry for myself.
Aw, poor Beth and Diane, hope you're feeling better soon!
Thank you littlek. I'd give you a hug if I weren't afraid of spreading our colds to you. Here's an air kiss--SMOOCH.
Well, I'm feeling better, if not any smarter.
Tonight's life lesson: Do not put your size M tunnel-neck sweater over your size XL hoodie. You will feel uncomfortable, especially around the chest and neck - and then you won't be able to get the fergnappter outfit off!
Ahh, there was the year I had a gynecological surgery problemo and had to take lupron before a resectoscopy, which is to say, I had to shut down estrogen. In the aftermath I noticed a certain totally amazing non interest in sex. Moi? On inquiry, I was given my usual hormone pillies with an added filip of testosterone, these being called Estrotest. Ok, hey, I zipped right back into enthusiasm, thankee, but then I noticed these amazing dreams. Not often but occasionally. Waaah! Got off of that right quick.
Ah, back to what is the stupidist thing I have done. It is hard to compile. It often has to do with money. I am apparently money handling phobic, though I was savvy enough in math.
Beth! I'm glad you made it out ok!
I'm just lucky there's no one impressionable in the house with me. The cursing was MIGHTY!
<titters in the background>
I don't think I did a single stupid thing today. Not one! I even remembered to call mom on her birthday. . . and I didn't make a big deal out of the fact that she's ooooooooooooold. . . :-)
Good thing you didn't, Princess, grrrrrrrrrr.
I am a child who made the unfortunate mistake, early in life, of coming joyously home from the first or second grade, on her mother's birthday, and announcing to all her friends that "when my mommy was born, there were only 48 states". . .
our relationship has never recovered. . .