I'm starting to think I was a child killer in a previous life.
Okay, this wasn't recent, but it relates to Wilso's tale. Once back in Uni, I fell for a waitress in a restaurant I went to frequently. We had talked, and she seemed interested. I had recently broken up with my girlfriend, and had two tickets to the Nutcracker Suite that I had no intention of giving to the ex. I told her straight up, "Hey, don't take this the wrong way, but if you want, I need someone to go to this ballet with. No strings, no nothing, just take a ticket, and I'll meet you there." She seemed thrilled. Never showed up. There I was, sitting like an ass next to an empty seat. That was pretty stupid. Shoulda scalped 'em, in hindsight.
I don't remember ever meeting anybody interesting when I was trying to. Only by mistake...
You sound like JD Salinger's Seymour there, Osso. You can't hit anything if you aim too much.
Sorry about the no-show though, Wilso.
aww. . . sorry, Wilso. . . that just 100% totally sucks. . . if it makes you feel any better, I know there are lots of us here who would gladly go to dinner with you :-) up-cheer!, as hihp says. . . (actually, he used to say up-cheery. . . dunno exactly what that was about, but at least we got rid of the y :-))
the young man in this pic is probably asking himself this morning what he was thinking. it was his 18th birthday yesterday, so his mother brought him to our company christmas party. that's maddy in his lap, and i'm standing between christopher and his mom. my stupid thing was not checking to see how far i could lean over in that top - or maybe i should have left the kimono on?
if it weren't for almost being able to see my belly-button in this pic, this coulda been a what makes you smile post. <sigh>
Oh, that's a lovely shirt, Beth. . . especially from that angle. . . ;-)
eric (the man in command of my camera at that moment) is going to have some explaining to do tomorrow. at which point i'm going to suggest he post here about the stupidest thing he's done recently. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
if news comes in of his untimely demise, we won't point authorities your way. . .
to explain i'm going to iraq (and yes I'm still going saddam or not wars not over) I was in the Army and taught advanced marksmanship, sometimes airborne but then I honorably discharged and became a civilian "specialist" this means I still taught the odd class and gave advice to high ranking govt officials. I recently reenlisted so I could go into combat because otherwise I wouldn't be cleared to do so. I will get to send the odd bit of info back and might even get satellite net access.
everyones storys make me chuckle keep em commin.
Good luck.
Newest dumb thing (well, I felt dumb anyway)... I have this little rear view mirror in the car that goes under the real one so I can see sozlet in her carseat at a glance. She can see me in it, too, we were making kissy faces at each other. So I was looking at the mirror and mwah-mwah-mwah-ing when I sensed something, looked beyond the rear-view, through the windshield, and saw a young guy in a car just ahead of us in the next lane casting glances over his shoulder and looking VERY uncomfortable.
heeheeheeheehee (lotsa giggles, soz!)
Reminds me of the time I was ogling this motorcycle cop's muscular thighs in his tight pants, and not only did he notice me staring, but he pulled me over and wrote me a ticket for an expired inspection sticker. Oh God, was that embarrassing!
I allowed myself to be hopeful about something the other day.....
I left the email updates option on. I just pulled my email down and had about 100 A2K updates waiting for me.
That's easy, just read the latest of each topic... and blip the rest.
Easy for me to say, it is fairly easy to delete with my outlook express, in contrast to some other places to get email.
Or look it over to remind you of topics, then delete all of the ones you'd look at anyway.
I've been using the "Your Posts" option to track conversation practically since I signed on. The stupid part was not turning off the notifications. Luckily, I too use outlook express so it wasn't too bad to get rid of.
I look at New Posts and email updates... no good reason, really, I just like to.
ebeth it's not an office party until someone get's flashed....you had to do it.....taking one for the team and all...good form...(no pun intended)