Well, good intentions and all, but it seems technical issues prevent putting the homeless in a home of their own right now.
Anyhow, forgive me for being so rude as ignore that and return to this thread's topic ...
Rasmussen, Bush 48, Kerry 46 (rounded) is an effective 1-point Bush pickup from yesterday's 47-46 1-point spread, though looking at the fractions, there was only a .2 Bush move, from 47.4 to 47.6, while Kerry moved up .4, from 45.8 to 46.2. Really, no statistically significant change for either. Over the month so far, Bush has not been below 47.2%, while Kerry has not been above 47.0% by Rasmussen's view. For the same period, Rasmussen has reported Bush Job approval, currently shown at 52%, has not been below 51%
Over at
ABC/WaPo Tracking, the Oct 12 chart shows Bush at 50%, Kerry at 47%, a net 2-point Kerry gain from Monday's results. It'll be interesting to see if this evening's results indicate any sorta trend, or if both remain within the ranges each have established in that series.
Last night's
IEM Midnight Close, Bush .587, Kerry .456 reflects a slight tick up for Bush and a small downtick for Kerry compared to Monday's midnight figures, which were .541 Bush, .459 Kerry. Currently, Bush is trading a bit below last night's close, with Bush at .532 Last, while Kerry at .468 Last is doing a little better. Volume for both is light, understandable as traders await tonight's debate.
RealClearPolitics 3-way Average (polls through Oct. 12) has a 2.2 point Bush lead, 47.7% vs Kerry's 45.5%. The 2-way there is a 1.3 point Bush advantage, 47.5% Bush, 46.2% Kerry.
Zogby shows a second day at a 45-45 tie, which is a point up for Bush and two points down for Kerry compared with the Monday call.
It appears going into tonight's debate, things remain pretty much as they have been for a good long while now, a probable, if slight and essentially static Bush lead, no momentum to speak of one way or the other, for either contender. Will The Final Debate change things much? I seriously doubt it. Both candidates will spar and jab and occasionally score, and pundits and spokefolks on both sides will again spin like turbine blades in a jet blast, in equal-but-opposite directions, succeeding mostly in cancelling one another.
Kerry has less than 3 weeks left in which to sieze the initiative and shift the momentum. Running right up there with the leader matters little at race end unless a pass can be made, then held to the finish line.