OK, here's my estimate of the current odds.
For the Democrat nomination:
Clark .................................. .083/1.00 (12.05:1)
Clinton ............................... .076/1.00 (13.16:1)
Dean .................................. .639/1.00 (01.56:1)
Gephardt ........................... .109/1.00 (09.17:1)
Kerry .................................. .059/1.00 (16.95:1)
Lieberman .......................... .018/1.00 (55.56:1)
Any Other Dem ................... .016/1.00 (63.50:1)
Bush ........................................ .875/1.00 (1.14:1)
Democrat ................................. .125/1.00 (8.00:1)
For example, a bet of $0.83 on Clark would return $10.00 should he become the nominee, while to obtain a $10 .00 return on Dean would require a bet of $6.39. Likewise, a $8.75 bet on Bush to take the Presidency would return $10.00, while a $1.25 bet on a Democrat win would yield $10.00. Its probably all hooey, but I crunched a buncha numbers through a program designed to forecast year-from now stock or commodities futures index performance relative to a current $1.00 par (which is why the numbers in the first column add up to 1.00), based on past-year performance and trend conformity or divergence (a function of the direction, magnitude and frequency of deviation of individual sample points from a straight-line trend drawn from beginning sample point to end sample point over the sample period). An index above .5 but below .75 is considered an indicator of statistical probability that unit will outperform its peers and the market in general, while indices from .76 up tend to indicate relative conformance with peer performances and less divergence from overall market trend. Dean for nominee would be a good growth bet if he were a traded security or commodity. Bush would be more akin to a solid, dependable, boring Blue Chip. The rest would be at best relatively high-risk speculative investments ... best played only with money you can afford to loose; anyone as an individual might outperform, but the odds are against it, therefore the upside risk is relatively greater. I'd have gone into detail on the rest of the Dem candidates, but it dawned on me the entertainment value did not compensate the data gathering and input effort. This took a coupla hours as it is.
The Clinton guess is based entirely on extrapolation, and very likely totally unfounded, but it was sorta fun. She is certainly within the definition of "Long Shot", but sometimes they pay.