Lash wrote:How do homeless people live in Netherlands and Germany?
Here it's getting worse and worse, is my impression. Ever greater numbers of homeless people, for one. Partly economic troubles lead ever more people to get in over their head with debts, and when this coincides with psychological problems, divorce and/or drink/drug abuse people end up losing their home. On the other hand (though related), a major problem is the reform of psychological care, a combination of severe government subsidies cuts and a shift in paradigm which has had heartbreaking consequences. But I wrote about that a couple of times already -
here, for example (please read ... it makes me so sad/angry).
In Utrecht, there are shelters and low-cost places to sleep (the sleep-inn costs 7 euros a night), but as the capacity is insufficient they usually apply limitations - for example, you can only sleep there two nights a week. Another problem for many homeless people is that while some shelters are very religious (obligatory prayers and so on), others too are very strict - and many of those who've been living on the street for long don't have the kind of skills anymore to always behave accordingly, so they're kicked out.
Meanwhile, the city offers daytime shelters or at least (since two years ago or something) "users rooms" for the drug addicts (the idea being that if they can't be made to give it up, it's better to have them use clean needles in a place where there is emergency help and where they can get advice - plus, it serves to take them out from among the commuters and shoppers in the shopping centre). It also subsidizes a so-called "tussenbus" (literally a bus, stripped of most interior) that has coffee and a place inside in the "in between hours" of early morning and late evening. Subsidy was almost struck down last year but a last-minute action saved it.
One thing that long kept people on the street once that's where they ended up was the catch 22 of asking for unemployment/disability/etc benefits. Here, you can in principle always get some kind of benefits, they don't run out - it's just that after the relatively generous WW benefits in the first half year or year of your unemployment, you fall back into "bijstand" (social security), which is much less. The problem is that in order to ask for "bijstand" or anything, you need to have an address. But how do you get to afford an address (a place of residence), if you don't have any money coming in? This has bedevilled homeless people for years.
This has now been worked on I believe, and in principle I think it's possible for homeless people to ask for welfare through a collective address of a city institution of sorts - don't know exactly how it works. They get less because money for rent etc (which they are considered not to need) is detracted. The system doesnt quite work though, it seems - many people fall through. And though its true that they dont need to pay rent, the Sleep-Inn is expensive too, not to mention all the stuff involved in living on the street - you dont have a kitchen to cut yourself a slice of bread in or anything, you can hardly keep stuff - so its an expensive, unhealthy fast food life so to say. Hard to save up money too - where do you keep it, it'll be stolen, etc. Can all keep you trapped.
One bright side is the Street News - the homeless people's monthly newspaper. Number of homeless people earn a fair bit with it, and because it's a stable sort of income (they are provided with a max number of newspapers per day to sell, which they usually manage to sell out), some of them actually succeed in using it to move a step up. The Street News association has now expanded into setting up transitional housing projects too, where homeless people learn to have a place of their own again - a much-needed thing, seeing how quickly many ex-homeless people, having lost all their normal-life skills, fall back again even if they make it out of the life.
Problem with Street News is that they have that max number of papers per day for a reason. Since the goal is to have it be a kind of real job for the sellers, a stable income, they don't want to flood the market. Consequence is that there's a waiting list - the StreetNews pass is a coveted possession. And anyone who misbehaves loses his right to sell it any longer, so those who have truly lost their grip on themselves are still reduced to begging.