sozobe wrote:interesting "elections" for "convention" typo, tho! ;-))
Oops ...
OK, just for convenience's and "closure's" sake (and because I'm anal), here's the overview:
To bounce or not to bounce?
Range of numbers depending on whether you take the 2-way or 3-way race and registered voters or likely voters:
horserace change: +3-4%,
Zogby, July 26-29, compared to three weeks before
horserace change: +2-4%,
Newsweek, July 29-30, compared to three weeks before
(horserace change: +8%,
Newsweek, July 30 compared to July 29)
horserace change: -1-5%,
CNN/USATod/Gallup, July 30-31, compared to one-and-a-half week before
horserace change: +1-2%,
CBS, July 30-August 1, compared to two-and-a-half weeks before
horserace change: -1/+1%,
ARG, July 30-August 1, compared to four weeks before
horserace change: +5-8%,
ABC/WaPo, July 30-August 1, compared to one week before
horserace change: +2%,
Rasmussen daily tracking: July 30, compared to five days before
EDITED to add:
horserace change: 0/-1%,,
Marist, July 30-Aug 2, compared to two and a half weeks before
All in all, on average a bounce of some two percent ... still negligeable.