blatham wrote:Quote:Bush's grim poll numbers.
By William Saletan
Posted Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2004, at 3:48 PM PT
continued here
I have a bone to pick with this article. I suspect some spin. I got suspicious at just about the first point Saletan chooses to make:
Quote:If you've read or watched news reports about polls taken since the Democratic convention, you've probably heard that John Kerry didn't get much of a "bounce." These reports miss the important data. Let's look at the numbers.
1. What's changed. Three major media polls have been taken since the convention: ABC News/Washington Post, CBS News/New York Times, and CNN/USA Today. Prior to the convention, Kerry's favorable rating was nine points higher than his unfavorable rating in the ABC poll. Since the convention, this margin has grown to 19 points. Bush's positive margin on the same question is just two points.
So - after mentioning three major polls and "the important data" in them that the media reports have missed, Saletan focuses us on one indicator we should look at to find out "what's changed": favourability. He then charges ahead with what the results from
one of those three polls have on the matter. They clearly show us: the Convention greatly lifted Kerry's numbers.
Makes you immediately curious what
the other two polls he mentioned registered on the question, no?
Well, in the CBS poll, Kerry's favourable rating, before the Convention, was 3% higher than his unfavourable rating.
After the convention, it was all of 6% higher. His unfavourable numbers stayed the same; the favourable ones went up by all of 3% - just within the margin of error.
CNN? Again, post-Convention, Kerry's unfavourable stayed the same; his favourables went up by all of 3%. Within the margin of error.
"What's changed", the article asks - then proceeds to cherrypick an amazingly positive number thats also amazingly dissimilar from what other pollsters have on the same question.
Saletan proceeds to list many other numbers, many of which might well be spot-on. But when it starts out with a point like this, I can't help being a little sceptical.