All these from
Survey USA, with dates and margins of error and trends where applicable:
Florida (.pdf; as are all that follow)
7/9-11. MoE 3.7%. (6/15 results)
Kerry 47 (43)
Bush 44 (50)
The 6/15 poll was conducted immediately following the week-long coverage of Reagan's death.
Kerry leads in Southeast Florida by 26 points, Bush leads by 8 points in the rest of the state. Kerry leads among women by 12 points, among moderates by 24 points, and among independents by 10 points.
7/6-8. MoE 4.3%. (4/16 results)
Bush 49 (47)
Kerry 47 (45)
Bush leds 4-3 among whites, Kerry 8-1 among blacks. Bush leads by 38 points among those earning more than $80K/year. Kerry leads by 16 points among those earning less than $40K/year. Independents are breaking 5-4 for Bush.
7/6-8. MoE 3.6%. (No trend lines.)
Bush 48
Kerry 46
Kerry leads in union households by 24 points, Bush in non-union households by 11. Kerry is up 7 in St. Louis, tied in KC, down 15 in central Missouri, and down 19 in the Ozarks.
7/6-8. MoE 3.8%. (No trend lines.)
Bush 50
Kerry 45
Kerry leads among those under 34, and wins women by 6 points. Bush leads in all older age groups, and leads men by 15. Independent voters are split. Kerry leads moderates 4-3. He wins DC suburbs by 12 points, loses Shenandoah by 17, loses Southeast VA by 15, and loses central VA by 4.