Well science has a long ways to go before it gives us a materialist or mechanistic explanation of human mind and human experience.
There is more than one rational way to construct a coherent and logical worldview which is also adequate and applicable to the realm of human concerns and human experience.
Is all religious or spiritual sentiment irrational or in conflict with reason or science? No
Do we all in constructing our worldviews go beyond science? Yes
Is there any scientific proof that there is not rational intelligence (logos) behind the universe?
Is there really any rational reason to prefer
Blind, pitiless indifference
Experiential, perceptive and striving?
Are not they both assumptions beyond science and beyond proof and beyond reason?
You see I do not mind, atheism, agnosticism, or materialism what I mind is the notion and the arrogance that those positions are rational and scientific and all forms of theism are not. When if fact those positions are metaphysical assumptions and philosophical speculations as well. In fact there is an element of "faith" in any comprehensive worldview.
Mind you, I am not defending special creationism, supernatural intervention, miracles, revealed religon, six day creation stories or any of the multitude of "religious" assertions which do offend science and reason. I am only defending the rather ancient and persistent notion (even among many scientists) that there is something more at work in the universe than accident, chance and purposeless indifference. I am also defending the notion that the assumption of accident, chance and purposeless indifference is no more rational and no more scientific than the rejection of that notion.
Is not agnosticism or indifference or just "I do not know" more rational and more truthful?