What’s next after peeing in public, flashing in the park?
; ^ )
Laughing isn’t a good way to prove someone else is wrong. It may in fact show a lack of insight on your part.
What is your definition of ego?
This metaphor isn’t talking about a better place to get big and better bug. He is not speaking about more of the same. He is speaking of Self with a larger definition than our usual daily habits and personality. It is a change of paradigm.
Living in finitude requires an ego. You are correct. But that does not necessary mean that you must identify your self as being this little story self, called ego. Such a limiting definition may not prove satisfying for some of us.
M: Without an "ego" you are nothing but an extension of a thoughtless process.
S: Ego is a thief. It thinks that it is the essential self. It is Not.
---------- Post added 10-19-2009 at 09:44 PM ----------
K: Feeling certain is one thing, but being certain is a different thing.
S9: If you where certain, how would you know it? Wouldn’t you have to feel it? Isn't feeling certain an outcome of thinking and investigating until you are content with your findings?
Or are you telling me that you would look it up in the dictionary. Oh yah, there it is, certain means this?
Or is it more like a jury of 12 that decides?
K: People can feel certain about opposite propositions, like , God exists or God does not exist.
S9: I am under the impression that you think there is only one kind of truth. Like 1+1=2. Sometimes there are truths that are more personal, and not like one size fits all.
There are other truths that are beyond this material world, and for you to require a material proof from them would be foolishness.
K: But they can be certain only about one or the other, since both of those propositions cannot be true.
S9: They could both be true and not true in this way. I might say that there is no God, like a guy in the sky that is separate from me, but, there is an Ultimate Presence that is both me, and is you. So there is a God, but not the personified fellow many think him to be. This is an is, and an isn’t.