Socialism (Moved from Grapes of Wrath)

Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2009 08:30 pm
@Didymos Thomas,
Didymos Thomas;59057 wrote:
So you are not completely against socialism (socialism as you defined it earlier), and you do think that the government should tax in order to do what is best for society, like maintain a police force and higher education.

As Mr. Power noted, many believe basic property protection by the government is a requirement for capitalism and not a socialistic measure.
I would agree with that. Though admitted, it is a kind of socialism. So yes, you could say I'm not completely opposed to all socialism.
In some areas I can be quite a socialist, as I explained earlier.

Didymos Thomas;59057 wrote:
Where do you draw this generalization from?

Only personal observation. A person not wanting a strong military and supporting collectivism often go along.

Didymos Thomas;59057 wrote:
You mention the social contract: is there no room in the social contract for the government to tax citizens for the good of society?[/COLOR]

Yes, but everybody at the same rate. Or with a consumption tax.
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 02:59 am
So at what rate would you set this tax? You would obviously have to put the rate of tax up by a very large amount to compensate for the very high earners paying so much less.How would your teachers and low paid highly educated research workers think of your action?If you place it on purchases,how do you think the luxury product industry would view your massive increases?The very low paid who are on subsistence wages, how long do you think it will take before they voted in a more extreme government who saw their needs in more inviting light?
You have observed socialists military objections? was that the communists or the Nazis..Have you ever read about the Spanish civil war or the left wing rebel movements in south America.Who have you observed?
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 08:00 am
xris, in the end, you can still have the opinion that the benefits of socialism are worth the detriments. That is up to everyones opinion.
But there are a few facts, mainly those fut forward by Mr. Fight the Power throughout this thread, that are simply a reality. You can argue the scale of their negative effects, but entirely denying them is simply factually incorrect.
When you acknowledge those, it would not have to change your conclusion to support socialism. Here we go, please come with counter-arguments.

Progressive taxing is creating a disincentive for productivity. It is like telling your child it gets 10$ for every F, 6$ for every E, 4$ for every D, 2$ for every C, nothing for every B, and a slap for every A.

Unless you offer an alternative definition of socialism, the nazis and soviets were a extreme brand of socialists. So were china and north korea. Which does of course does not mean that all socialism is bad.

The term communism does either describe extreme socialism, or a theory favoring common ownership instead of state ownership that according to communists themselves has never existed.

Forcedly taking someones money is immoral. That can be justified, but the action itself is still immoral.

I strongly believe that the disasters of capitalism are caused by interruptions from collectivism, not the flaw or contradiction of capitalism.

Only looking at the fact that a product in a capitalist market economy is distributed with greed instead of moral consideration, and therefore concluding that capitalism is immoral, is leaving out that greed is the reason there is a product in the first place.


Now to answer your last post. I would appreciate if you would try to poke holes...
xris wrote:
So at what rate would you set this tax?

A flat tax rate would at first be calculated to fit demand of government income. It can even change every year. Note, that a simple tax code would completely eliminate the loop holes for the rich.

xris wrote:
You would obviously have to put the rate of tax up by a very large amount to compensate for the very high earners paying so much less.

In my ideal scenario, government would be reduced in a degree that would require so little government income that everybody would pay less taxes than they do now.
We would still be able to have a compassionate society with education, order and security.

xris wrote:
How would your teachers and low paid highly educated research workers think of your action?

Low income can be exempted from taxation until a certain income.

xris wrote:
If you place it on purchases,how do you think the luxury product industry would view your massive increases?

A consumption tax is a whole thread for itself. Google FairTax, or see here.
There is more consumption tax, but you keep your entire paycheck. And it only applies to new products, so saving the environment through reselling products instead of buying new ones would be rewarded. And it would tax the rich more than the poor, as they are the ones purchasing new products. There can be a few rates, for example one for necessities, a "normal" one and a higher one one for luxuries.
Also note, that drug dealers and criminals would pay taxes like anybody else.

xris wrote:
You have observed socialists military objections? was that the communists or the Nazis.

You are right. Socialists can be quite militaristic on a world history scale.
What I meant was within our own politics. The people being in favor of socialism are usually the ones not favoring a strong military. For example Democrats and/or liberals. Another example are european nations - they are socialistic and have little military.

And a note on your comments about me seeing George W. Bush as a ideal Republican president. My biggest disagreement with Bush was, that he was a big spending socialist. Call me a Republican (with both a small and a big 'R') or a Bush-lover. But doing so because I dislike socialism, is a bit as if you call me a dirty punk-rocker for listening to classical music.
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 08:21 am
I think the socialism you assume i support and the actual one are totally different. i don't believe in complete state ownership only essential supplies, where a monopoly would be the result otherwise.Every government taxes and if you are saying there would be cut of point where tax would not be taken?that's exactly what i have been proposing and is normal in a socialist ideology.
I have many socialist friends like me who run their own businesses, its not exclusive to capitalisms.
I could never live under repressive regime such as we have seen in the old communist USSR but then i could not live in the right wing dictatorship they have now.
I think you are misled by the extreme expressions of certain socialist than the ideology of moderate social animals like me.thanks xris
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Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 08:27 am
Alright, xris. I agree. Socialism is a matter of degree, and we both want to limit it.
If there is a socialism scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is anarchism and 10 is total state ownership; you maybe want something
around 6, while I want 2. As it is about degree, neither extreme is a good counter-argument.

xris wrote:
I think you are misled by the extreme expressions of certain socialist than the ideology of moderate social animals like me.

No. Socialism is different from being social.
One is a political ideology, the other is a personal attribute.
They are as different as islam and islamism.
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 08:48 am
NoEmperorNero wrote:
Alright, xris. I agree. Socialism is a matter of degree, and we both want to limit it.
If there is a socialism scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is anarchism and 10 is total state ownership; you maybe want something
around 6, while I want 2. As it is about degree, neither extreme is a good counter-argument.

No. Socialism is different from being social.
One is a political ideology, the other is a personal attribute.
They are as different as islam and islamism.
If you read the history of socialism in the uk it came from a necessity to be socially conscious of your fellow humans plight.For my fathers it was also necessity, when your family has suffered under a system that only ever favoured the rich.Your attitudes are finely tuned to being a social, not friendly, animal, a socialist.State ownership was the original claim of many who wore that flag but like many concepts it has moved on.It is now restricted to certain vital community needs like health, education, transport and the utilities.Even these demands have been left by certain socialist but not by me.I am no where near you on the political scale but a million miles away from communism.
I will fight for the right for you to disagree with me,so nothing like a commi or nazis.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 09:00 am
I think we a nearing some point of understanding.

Maybe state ownership is to narrow a expression, lets call it government objective. What I mean is that the government is taking over the transportation system instead of leaving it in the hands of the free market. That is socialism in that the government is "delivering" a service instead of the free market.

Note also, that my main point was that there should be no unequal taxing.
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 09:26 am
NoEmperorNero wrote:
I think we a nearing some point of understanding.

Maybe state ownership is to narrow a expression, lets call it government objective. What I mean is that the government is taking over the transportation system instead of leaving it in the hands of the free market. That is socialism in that the government is "delivering" a service instead of the free market.

Note also, that my main point was that there should be no unequal taxing.
Unequal taxing is not the reserve of socialists.If you take it to its limits! if the rich man spends his money wisely it is well spent, if he spends it on frivolity it is wasted.Its his right but so are the rights of the poor who stand and watch his stupidity.Would you stand and watch a man starve while a rich man threw a bone to his dog? Good government have that responsibility to control the inequality of man and his greed.Its not control of wealth for the power of it but the justice of it.If you could convince me your system protected the poor then i would be happy to agree with you.
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Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 09:39 am
I agree, progressive taxing is to my knowledge not a socialistic notion.
xris wrote:
If you could convince me your system protected the poor then i would be happy to agree with you.

Convince... I don't know. It takes somewhat more thinking outside of the box to grasp this complex notion than the good old greed is bad equation. No offense.
I believe as long as we offer equality of opportunity, being poor is not something that happens to you. The potential of being poor is the greatest incentive for productivity we can offer as a society. And once we start offering incentives for not being productive, we hurt society as a whole because we restrict progress.
Sure, some rich have unfair advantages. But leveling the playing field not really have much to do with taking someones money and giving it to others. Especially since that mostly applies to those, that were poor themselves, and became rich through ability and effort.
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 09:53 am
NoEmperorNero wrote:
I agree, progressive taxing is to my knowledge not a socialistic notion.

Convince... I don't know. It takes somewhat more thinking outside of the box to grasp this complex notion than the good old greed is bad equation. No offense.
I believe as long as we offer equality of opportunity, being poor is not something that happens to you. The potential of being poor is the greatest incentive for productivity we can offer as a society. And once we start offering incentives for not being productive, we hurt society as a whole because we restrict progress.
Sure, some rich have unfair advantages. But leveling the playing field not really have much to do with taking someones money and giving it to others. Especially since that mostly applies to those, that were poor themselves, and became rich through ability and effort.
In any society by nature or by nature we have those who succeed more than others and by the size of plate it means some have more than others.We are not like the cuckoo in the nest pushing out our fellow nestlings for more and more.
Ive seen the greed, it is real, it is not for some altruistic reason they gather more and more.Some are blatantly using their wealth for power and then more wealth.I dont deny their ability but only that government be empowered to take from the rich to help the poor.
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 10:11 am
But how does straightening out corrupion connect to taking from the rich and giving to the poor?
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 12:10 pm
NoEmperorNero wrote:
But how does straightening out corrupion connect to taking from the rich and giving to the poor?
What is corruption? i see power influencing government decisions by manipulating the system.Its the old foot in the door,chemical giants are constantly obtaining money for research then abusing their power , "you cant get anywhere else so your going to pay through the nose"...
Do you honestly think that companies like Nestles play by the rules, a company or companies that have bigger budgets than many countries, wield enormous power and it is never with moral standards.They either strangle their third world suppliers or use their hold on the market to obtain unfair and excessive prices for their products.
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Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 12:15 pm
Yes, what does that have to do with taking the salary of someone and giving to someone else?
If you don't like corruption, fight corruption.
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 12:31 pm
NoEmperorNero wrote:
Yes, what does that have to do with taking the salary of someone and giving to someone else?
If you don't like corruption, fight corruption.
Dont you get it? its not classified as corruption its good business practice..Morality and business world are not compatible.Its us socialists that take the high road on morality because thats what drives us.I have a friend who refuses to get private health treatment even when he can afford it,thats sacrifice, i dont think i have that moral fortitude.
The rich dont need your protection, they never have and they never will...They weather the storms, the depressions..
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Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 12:36 pm
I'm not concerned about the rich.
The whole tax the rich banner is only an excuse for taxing the middle class.
Because there is nothing to get from the rich, there are so few of them.

Ok, let's not call it corruption then. What does socialism have to do with making business practice more moral?

And why is it the moral high road to spend somebody else's money?

Edit: I just came up with a good phrasing of my problem with socialism: The government not appropriately allocating taxpayer money.
0 Replies
Mr Fight the Power
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 01:29 pm
xris wrote:
You would obviously have to put the rate of tax up by a very large amount to compensate for the very high earners paying so much less.

Not really looking for a debate here, but here you speak as if the wealthy use a far less percentage of their income for consumption than those who aren't wealthy.

If they are consuming a lesser percentage of their wealth, what makes you determine them to be horribly greedy and what do you suppose they do with the excess wealth?

Also, please note that many of the proponents of the consumption tax propose a higher tax rate on certain luxury items.
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 01:34 pm
@Mr Fight the Power,
Mr. Fight the Power;59450 wrote:

Also, please note that many of the proponents of the consumption tax propose a higher tax rate on certain luxury items.

Do you like the idea?

Is my assumption correct that a flat tax could get rid of "the loop holes for the rich"?
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 01:43 pm
@Mr Fight the Power,
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:
Not really looking for a debate here, but here you speak as if the wealthy use a far less percentage of their income for consumption than those who aren't wealthy.

If they are consuming a lesser percentage of their wealth, what makes you determine them to be horribly greedy and what do you suppose they do with the excess wealth?

Also, please note that many of the proponents of the consumption tax propose a higher tax rate on certain luxury items.
Well hello..greed is not in the requirement of what it can buy but in the consuming desire for more.I see it as almost a sickness, why should i admire those who seek excessive wealth for its own sake.They dont do it for ulterior motives, to create employment! why then do all these successful move their place of production to the next cheapest labour source? I wont ask why because your not interested in debate, especially with such a terrible debater.

---------- Post added at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 PM ----------

NoEmperorNero wrote:
I'm not concerned about the rich.
The whole tax the rich banner is only an excuse for taxing the middle class.
Because there is nothing to get from the rich, there are so few of them.

Ok, let's not call it corruption then. What does socialism have to do with making business practice more moral?

And why is it the moral high road to spend somebody else's money?

Edit: I just came up with a good phrasing of my problem with socialism: The government not appropriately allocating taxpayer money.
Im sorry but your questions are not constant.Is it the rich, the poor or the middle classes that you are concerned for? You have admitted the tax system should have minimum rate for commencing and your not worried about the rich, so where do we differ?
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 02:16 pm
xris;59454 wrote:
Im sorry but your questions are not constant.Is it the rich, the poor or the middle classes that you are concerned for? You have admitted the tax system should have minimum rate for commencing and your not worried about the rich, so where do we differ?

I'm not concerned about any class. At the moment I see the middle class being exploited. I am advocating a proportionate tax rate (that means everybody is equal).
We agree there should be an amount of exemption, that does not really influence the rest of the all this.

Where do we differ?

1. Some super rich acting immoral somehow justifies taxing them at a higher rate.

2. And that is also an argument for taxing the middle class at a higher rate.

3. You say socialists have the moral high road. If that were the case, why don't they participate to charity instead of forcing others to do so through the state?
If all 66 million Obama voters got together, they could build a universal health care system. They don't want that, they want to force others to pay for it. What's moral is being social. Socialism is immoral.

4. You think socialism can work. But it will hurt the economy. the more socialism, the worse.
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 02:53 pm
NoEmperorNero wrote:
I'm not concerned about any class. At the moment I see the middle class being exploited. I am advocating a proportionate tax rate (that means everybody is equal).
We agree there should be an amount of exemption, that does not really influence the rest of the all this.

Where do we differ?

1. Some super rich acting immoral somehow justifies taxing them at a higher rate.

2. And that is also an argument for taxing the middle class at a higher rate.

3. You say socialists have the moral high road. If that were the case, why don't they participate to charity instead of forcing others to do so through the state?
If all 66 million Obama voters got together, they could build a universal health care system. They don't want that, they want to force others to pay for it. What's moral is being social. Socialism is immoral.

4. You think socialism can work. But it will hurt the economy. the more socialism, the worse.
Any government acts in the public interest and with luck the majority or the majority will evict them.Now if the majority say that a health system for all is paid for by everyone who is capable,whats your problem? Lets be specific here..who are you saying wont contribute? or is it they cant? now you describe those individuals, not the exception the majority who say they wont or they cant???
Charity is an excuse, a feel good factor , its not an adequate answer to poverty and deprivation.Would these rich give in proportion to their ability? dont be silly.
Victorian gentlemen gave to orphans then went and had sex with destitute children of the slums.Do you really believe all the poor are in their predicament because of their laziness? My uncle as a child , his teeth dropped out through malnutrition, charity did not help him.My mother suffered terribly in a charitable orphanage, whipped for no reason and starved half to death.
Morally i think society has got the right to tax citizens on their ability to pay.As i said this method is not the reserve of socialism, its an anarchists reaction not a republican democratic view.
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