xris;79204 wrote:How in heavens name can you call these minorities..in your view everyone is a minority at some time in their lives.If I was to drive the biggest car in the country you could say im being victimized by the tax system ,your logic astounds me.I wonder what type of world we would live if you had control.Could you explain how your system would work without the need to drive by certain agreed highway rules.Do you actually think before you write?
I did not say I wish to abolish all victimization of individual freedom for the sake of the greater good, I merely want to limit the collectives strain of the individual as far as possible.
Yes, I agree there have to be highway rules. Also we do not have the "freedom" to stab others, there are many "rights" that I favor taking from the individual with concern for the greater good.
My system would work limiting the restrictions by collectivism on individual freedom as far as it is realistically possible.
I said it before: I only want the government to protect individual freedom. If you could point out a flaw with idea, I invite you to point that out. (A government objective that I am in favor of that could not be counted as protecting individual freedom.) I already agreed that I favor some degree of public schooling.
For example I do not wish to be forced to charity by the government through my taxes.
That does not mean that I am against being social, charity will continue to exist, just not driven by the government.
I believe that charity is a good thing and will continue to help even better if nor done by the government in order to enhance it's power.
Edit: Looking back at history, from the Persian empire to the nazis, isn't it fair to say that more people were harmed by a powerful government than it benefited?
All the while two nations I can intuitively come up with that were founded with the intention of being a system that limits government, the Roman and American empires, were some of the most prosperous ans successful in history?